LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 53: Chapter [-]

Chapter 53 The Rhythm of the Live Studio
Uzi proposed to double row with Chen Mu, which also greatly exceeded Chen Mu's expectations.

Uzi can be said to be the biggest professional player in LPL at present, with tens of thousands of fans, even other regions have many Uzi fans.

So Xiaogou himself is not afraid of the rhythm, let alone the pressure within the RNG team. On the contrary, the RNG team needs to fully take care of Uzi's emotions.

But the puppy thinks about himself, and Chen Mu has to think about the puppy.

At this time, Chen Mu himself was already entangled in rhythm and in the vortex of the storm, so there was no need to drag the puppy into the water at this time.

If Chen Mu really doubles up with Uzi today, there will be a message that Uzi betrayed RNG and joined IG tomorrow.

Sometimes it's good to avoid suspicion!
When the wind has passed a little bit, there will be more opportunities in the future!
Naturally, Chen Mu's live broadcast couldn't just be chatting with the water friends in the live broadcast room, staring blankly. As the anchor of the LOL section, he naturally still wants to play games.

Chen Mu did not choose Hanbok, but chose the top of the canyon.

Now the professional players of LPL all go to Hanbok to play rank or broadcast live.

But today is Chen Mu's first live broadcast. Chen Mu is still relatively conservative and chose the top of the canyon.

After all, he doesn't have any skills now, so if he chooses to go to Hanbok, if he is beaten up and abused, wouldn't it be that those who belittled and mocked him would have an even bigger mess.

Turning on Wang Yiyun, Chen Mu played a relatively soothing song. This time is the craziest time for barrage, Chen Mu has no masochistic tendencies, as the saying goes, what you see is what you see.

However, at this moment, a very conspicuous special effect lit up next to the live broadcast room.

A gorgeous plane flew over the live broadcast room.

have to!Only 10 minutes into the broadcast, someone has already given a gift, and it's still an airplane. This is a good start, a good sign!
A plane costs 100 yuan, and it costs 30 yuan to get it.

This is not too small, even the top big anchors, this is the share, and those big anchors also have a commission from the union.

If it's super

Chen Mu immediately thanked him and said, "Thank you Chen Mu for sending a plane with Hue Xiangtou."

Chen Mu has never eaten pork, and he has never seen a pig run. Chen Mu followed the live broadcast he watched before, and gave him a thank you gift.

"I'm not at the base right now, and the equipment is limited. I can't drive it for the time being, but I've already bought it, and I'll start it when the logistics arrives." When encountering this kind of aircraft brushing, Chen Mu can't justify it if he doesn't reply.

"Thank you Chen Mu for sending a plane to the housekeeper."

Yo, this launch requires housing management.

But now Chen Mu really needs a housing manager. There are too many black spots in Chen Mu's live broadcast room, and half of the bullet screens may be counter-strings.

So now Chen Mu also needs a room manager to manage the barrage of his live broadcast room.

After a private chat with the room manager who sent the plane to him, Chen Mu gave him a room manager position.

When Chen Mu logged into his game account and glanced at the bullet screen again, he found that the room management was still effective, and he was completely crazy!

"Chen Mu, nmsl!" "Chen Mu, you are a dog with a backstab!" "Chen Mu, you are Sima's beast!"

Those who greet relatives as soon as they enter the live broadcast room regardless of 21 [-], will be banned immediately!
"Chen Mu, those who betrayed RNG are not Chinese!"

This kind of thing, don't even think about it, it's also directly blocked.

A large number of red IDs were banned, and the reminders floated up.

However, there are still a lot of anti-chaos who are leading the rhythm, but there is only one room manager, and it can't manage it.

What Chen Mu doesn't know is that "Chen Mu is on the air" has already been promoted by water friends on post bars and forums.All kinds of melon-eating people and fans of the major teams were also moved by the news and flocked into Chen Mu's live broadcast room.

RNG has always been the top player in the LPL division due to the gimmicks of Uzi and the All-China Class, and the former Royal Family team. Before that, the number of fans was second only to Guodian EDG.After winning the MSI Mid-Season Championship this year, EDG's factory director gradually retired from the starting lineup, and the number of fans of RNG jumped to the top of the LPL division.

With the formation of the trident, the IG team won [-] consecutive victories in the previous spring split, which also harvested a large number of fans.

And Chen Mu relied on his handsome appearance and his superb performance in the MSI mid-season game, harvesting a large number of fans, and even many female fans.

Coupled with Chen Mu's name, these two days have frequently appeared in the headlines of the LPL competition area.

For many reasons, Chen Mu has been on the cusp.

Now Chen Mu's sudden broadcast is equivalent to standing alone on a rock, facing him with infinite waves.

Chen Mu inadvertently glanced at the popularity in the live broadcast room, which immediately shocked him.

The popularity of the live broadcast room... has actually exceeded 100 million.Although these 100 million people are definitely not living people, but the first broadcast, there is such popularity, which shows how popular Chen Mu is.

With the frantic output of housing management, the bullet screen gradually became more harmonious.

At the beginning, some people asked some questions about the transfer, as well as serious questions about Chen Mu himself.

"Chen Mu, why didn't you renew your contract with RNG?"

"You are obviously able to replace Xiaohu in the starting lineup in RNG, why did you go to IG to serve as a substitute for TheShy?"

Chen Mu picked some questions he wanted to answer, and answered them briefly.

"I didn't renew the contract with RNG, mainly due to disagreement with the management's philosophy. Some of their views are unacceptable to me, so after the contract expired, I didn't continue to renew the contract with RNG."

Regarding this issue, Chen Mu felt that it was necessary to explain that he was not betraying RNG, but just a normal transfer.

"As for choosing the IG team, the main thing is to be optimistic about the future development of the IG team!" Chen Mu said after thinking about it.

"I heard that giegie is so handsome, can giegie turn on the camera?! Does giegie have a girlfriend?!"

I saw a bullet screen of unknown gender floating in the live broadcast room.

Chen Mu suppressed the complaints in his heart, and directly got to work in his live broadcast room:
"E-sports doesn't need a girlfriend!"

Chen Mu took a deep breath and said in a passionate tone: "The existence of women is to accelerate your growth, exercise your speech, hone your patience, challenge your temper, break through your bottom line, break through your psychology, and spend your time. Your wallet."

"The first knife on the shore, first kill the person you want; then swing the second knife, ruthlessly cut the past; then chop the third knife, everything will be fate; Buddha block the fourth knife, no love will not give birth to immortals; if you cut off a knife, you will be sealed The heart no longer loves; a knife can be broken by a knife, and there will be no more unintentional people from now on!"

"Someone asked me in the bullet screen before, why is my knife girl combo so smooth?! Now I will tell you the secret!"

"Without a woman in your heart, draw your sword to be a god. On the first page of the sword manual, cut off the person you like first. On the last page of the sword manual, no love is a god!"

"Huo Qubing said that if the Xiongnu were not destroyed, how could they start a family?!"

"Now the anchor says, don't win the world championship, don't talk about a girlfriend!!"

Seeing Chen Mu's whole work, the barrage is also boiling!

(End of this chapter)

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