LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 56 Heading to IG Base

Chapter 56 Heading to IG Base
In this game, four popular anchors or professional players get together, which can be regarded as a star game.

But just when the other 8 people were already fighting hard, seeing Chen Mu and Ba Ge's two big meats were still on the road, enjoying themselves.

I saw the stone man first yo-yo with Q skill at Aoun, intending to come up to consume Aoun, and then take advantage of the acceleration of Q skill, immediately retreat.

But Aoun also immediately used his W skill to breathe fire, adding a shield to offset the damage, but the stone man had already moved away, and Aoun's W skill did not deal any damage, except for scratching two minions.

The two sides are like this, you come and go, click until you reach the end, do not let go of other skills, do not hand in the ultimate move, touch each other and immediately pull away, wait until the grip of immortality is done, go forward and touch each other again.

As for the other roads that have become a mess, the two of them turned a blind eye as if they had a good understanding.

But the situation was like this, Chen Mu's side fell into a big disadvantage in an instant under the rhythm of Nakano dying and giving away.

When the group of five started in the mid-term, although Chen Mu's Aoun made a good big move here, he bumped into the four on the opposite side.

But none of the other teammates could keep up with the output, and they all shrank back and watched.

But looking at the opposite side, Rock Sparrow raised the key C position at a tricky angle, and then Olaf started his ultimate move Ragnarok, rushing into the crowd like a mad dog.

When his teammates had already charged, the Ba Ge who shrank behind was also unstoppable with a big move, but he hit a lonely one, but it was still a cheer for his teammates.

After the team battle started, on Chen Mu's side, Wuhu God's card was cut out this time with a yellow card, but it was thrown at a big Olaf.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Gu Teyu's widow immediately retreated, the R skill opened the distance, and then handed in a flash, and opened a distance again.

But the remaining four people suffered disaster, they were directly surrounded and beaten to death, and even Ao En, who was a big meat of Chen Mu, did not run away.

Afterwards, Chen Mu looked at the impossible situation, and silently began to vote.

In the double row, Furu Teba and Wuhu Shen also had daily disputes.

Wuhu God is still stubborn: "It's okay, this will carry me, wait for me to C!"

But Furuto Yu ordered to surrender without hesitation, and the other teammates did not give Wuhu God a chance.

A second later, only Wuhu God did not click to surrender, and the other four teammates voted silently.

After watching his teammates all order to surrender, Wuhu God still said stubbornly: "Unfortunately, my teammates didn't give me a chance!"

At the same time, following the explosion of Chen Mu's base, a man with a mole on the corner of his mouth slightly raised his mouth in the live broadcast room of Brother Ba, and said triumphantly, "Easy to take it!!"


"Brother Ba is awesome (broken sound) (broken sound)!"

"How many professional players does my Ba Ge have to conquer before you will admit that my Ba Ge is number one in the world!"

And after Chen Mu picked out a piece of meat, and lost again, the barrage in the live broadcast room also started to be ridiculed.

"My evaluation is that it is not as good as Brother Ba!"

"You are a real dish!"

"I came to watch your live broadcast. Is it to watch you play stone man?! Can the anchor come with a knife girl?!"

"This is what the anchor said, to prove that he is the world's number one mid laner?!"

"BDD: There are dirty things, there are dirty things!!"

"Wang Sicong has been fooled!"

After seeing these teasing bullet screens, Chen Mu had to pretend to cough twice again.

"cough cough"

"I can't help it. The peripherals of the computer I just configured don't feel right. I'll broadcast the live broadcast to everyone when the equipment arrives later!"

"Audience friends, goodbye!"

Afterwards, Chen Mu turned off the live broadcast in seconds.

If you don't turn off the live broadcast, you may have a super-superior performance in the MSI mid-season game, and if you get a little fan, you may turn all fans into black!

After closing the live broadcast, Chen Mu didn't care about his live broadcast performance.
There are many professional players live broadcasting and defending their homes in random killings? !

In the next two days, Chen Mu did not start the live broadcast again, and the duration of his live broadcast was not very long.

The situation of each team is different, and the live broadcast contracts signed are different, but most professional players live broadcast for about 100 hours a month.

Therefore, for professional players, it is commonplace to make up time for surprise attacks at the end of each month.

Even the contracts signed by some professional players do not have the requirement for the duration of the live broadcast, as long as they meet a certain degree of activity.

However, the next day, Chen Mu received a notice from the management of the IG team, requiring Chen Mu to report to the IG club's base before June 6rd and participate in the daily training of the IG team. The official opening will be on June 3th one week in advance. Get ready for the LPL Summer Split.

And Chen Mu doesn't plan to waste time to report at the IG base, he must move to the IG base at least two days in advance to familiarize himself with the environment and teammates in advance.

On June 6st, Chen Mu started to pack his suitcases. This time, he didn't have any big bags or small bags. He just brought some necessary changes of clothes and went to the IG base.

When the vehicle entered a high-end residential area, the speed slowed down. The base of the IG team is in an entire apartment by the Huangpu River in Shanghai.

Looking at a building not far away, Chen Mu was filled with emotion. Chen Mu had signed a contract with the IG club before, and he had been to the IG base twice, but he hadn't written a word about it, so he just glanced at it hastily. But at this time, I will be an official member of the IG team and move into the IG base, so my mood is naturally different.

As Wang Sicong's team, IG has good conditions in all aspects.

However, the base of the IG team is not located in a single-family villa like RNG and other teams, nor is it located in an industrial park like the EDG team. Among all the teams in the LPL, only IG's base seems to be in a building. One floor is included in the building as a training base.

IG's base is located in Shimao Riverside Garden. The residential area leans against the east bank of the Huangpu River. It is a full-fledged high-end apartment area.In SH City, where land is at a premium, the rent required to rent a river-view apartment in the city center cannot be underestimated.
After all, compared with the villas in the suburbs, the river view houses in the center of the magic city are not underestimated in the slightest.

And IG's management knew that Chen Mu had come to the IG base to report in advance, and they also enthusiastically sent staff to greet him and help Chen Mu carry his luggage.

And Chen Mu also followed the staff. Shimao Riverside Garden is a high-end apartment area with excellent green environment.

The IG club has contracted several floors of this apartment as the base for the daily training and daily life of the IG team. In fact, not only the League of Legends branch of the IG club is in this apartment, but also the DOTA2 branch of the IG club, the StarCraft II branch, The crossfire branches are all in this apartment, and the League of Legends branch only occupies two floors.

Walking into the apartment building, the door of the IG base opened wide, as if opening a new world for Chen Mu!

(End of this chapter)

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