Chapter 65
Actually, this lineup.

It is also the most commonly used lineup for the IG team in the training game, when TheShy is not on the field and Chen Mu is on the field.

The middle and lower double Cs have big cores, a rhythmic hero in the jungle, and a top laner tank hero.

The top position is resistant to pressure and developed, the jungler mainly plays the middle and bottom lanes, and the middle and bottom double cs are perfectly developed.

In the team battle, rookie and JKL made double C efforts.

A mediocre lineup.

Most of the LPL teams have this lineup system.

There is a front row, output, ad, ap, control, protection, and a very high fault tolerance rate.

But it is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Although it is quite satisfactory, impartial, and has a high fault tolerance rate, it is always a bit tasteless.

Not as powerful as the trident lineup.

When TheShy was on the field, IG used another trident lineup, double C to triple C, no team battles, just like a bulldozer when laning, pushing the three lanes together.

However, the fault tolerance rate is still too low. If you encounter a strong team that is evenly matched, if you are overwhelmed by someone in the early stage, maybe the team battle will overturn.

However, IG chose a regular lineup, but JDG on the opposite side began to take the lead in reorganizing.

I saw that the top laner Zoom took a captain, which is quite normal.

But next, let the commentary and barrage in the LPL live broadcast room be excited.

Dragon Girl, Iron Man, Vampire, Pike and other heroes were selected one after another.

"Oh?! Come, come!!"

"Tie Nan, the next lane, Fahe, and the new hero Pike, are here!"

The two commentators shouted excitedly, originally thinking that this was just a simple opening match of the summer split.

But I didn't expect the JDG team to be so bold that they took out all the most popular things in the current version at once.

The barrage is also lively.

"Iron man?! Iron made by fire?!"

"LGD and Wei Shen said they have something to say!"

"What lineup is this?!"

"You can still understand the spring game, but you can't understand the summer game at all!!"

"Still working?! Making trouble?!"

"Look down on my [-]th consecutive victory total runner-up?!"

"The vampire is going down the road, why not Yasuo as the ADC?!"

But what this barrage did not expect is that with the beginning of this version, it is not impossible for Yasuo Fengnan to be an ADC.

That's right, these are the various gameplays that have emerged in Hanbok after the version change.

And Hanbok can be said to be the vane of the League of Legends game. Once there are any novel inventions and the effect is good, it will soon be reflected in the game.

First of all, I don’t know when the rise of Hanbok, the bot lane is not popular ADC goes bot lane, but Fahe goes bot lane, even Yasuo goes bot lane.

And JDG directly copied it here, and directly recruited a vampire as an ADC.

The auxiliary green hair also took the most popular Pike.

What's even weirder is Nakano!
At this time, the iron man in the middle road is not the metal master after the revision of the later generations, but the iron man who smelted iron in S5 fire.

After the S5 World Championship, Tetsuo slashed, and directly chopped off Tetsuo who had three hammers and one IMP.

But now in the S8 season, under the "wonderful thinking" of the fist designer.

The iron man who killed IMP with three hammers is back.

And JDG's jungler clid chose a dragon girl who hadn't played in the game for many years.

If it weren't for this match being the opening match of the summer split, everyone would have thought that the esports Oscars would be back.

But as the game begins.

To the astonishment of everyone in the IG team, the Tetsuo of toothpaste chose the shield of the sacred object for his outing outfit.

It seems that although JDG selected the Tetsuo system, Tetsuo is not the main C.

Because after Tetsuo released the shield of the holy object, when there is no loot effect, there is no way to eat the economy.

But think about it.

As a player, Clid can not gank, counter-squat, or control dragons, but he can't avoid wild farming.

He is a real wild core player.

And JDG is a system with the jungler Clid as the wild core.

So, how could they reverse the version and create a dragon girl.

It seems that JDG chose the iron man system entirely to support Clid's jungler Dragon Girl, so that Dragon Girl can come to the middle lane to earn money, relying on Iron Man's passive, both the middle and the wild can gain experience in solo lane.

And the existence of Iron Man can help Dragon Girl control the little dragon, and after getting the little dragon's soul, she can forcibly push down the tower.

This is completely the way of raising junglers.

However, the iron man who has no economy also has a disadvantage, that is, there is no harm.

Seeing this, JKL secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was also afraid that during the team battle, he just wanted to flash up to operate, but was killed by Tetsuo with a hammer.

The lessons learned from Brother IMP are still vivid in my memory!

And sure enough, it was just as everyone on IG predicted.

As the lines of soldiers converged, the little soldiers began to attack each other, but Rookie still didn't see Tetsuo at all.

But within a few seconds, a second-level dragon girl with a red buff and a first-level iron man emerged from the wild area and came to the middle.

The dragon girl and the iron man are together, three times, five divisions, two, you A, I A, plus the trophy effect of the iron man's sacred shield.

In a few seconds, a wave of pawn lines ended.

And the experience of the two of them and one pawn was not lost.

At this time, the second wave of pawns just came online.

But what was even more excessive was that Dragon Girl and Tetsuo began to forcefully withstand the damage of the soldiers and Zoe, and began to push the line.

Although rookie has predicted the way toothpaste and Clid will be played, there is nothing they can do about it.

With the guardian talent brought by Tie Nan, his first wave of skills hit the dragon girl without losing blood at all.

And Dragon Girl and Tetsuo's ability to push the line is too strong.

Dragon Girl turns on the W skill, and a ball of dragon fire appears all over her body, and Tetsuo also has AOE push line skills.

In a few seconds, the second wave of soldiers had been cleared.

The duo who forcibly pushed the line turned around and walked away without even looking at Zoe.Re-drilled into the wild area and brushed F6.

Within a few seconds, Dragon Girl and Tetsuo, who finished F6, reappeared online, repeating the old trick.

Push down the line of soldiers who have just come online with artillery soldiers.Even Clid's dragon girl punished the cannon cart.

After clearing the line again, the Dragon Girl disappeared into the wild again.And Tetsuo followed closely behind like an auxiliary little follower.

3 minutes 40 seconds.

After pushing the pawn line again, Dragon Girl and Tetsuo both reached level four.

And Dragon Girl's make-up knife is the best in the audience, 28 knives!

And Chen Mu, who happened to see this scene when he cut the screen, could only pray for rookie in his heart!

Die poor Daoist Daoist friends!
Although your rookie is uncomfortable online.

But I developed Mundo on the road very comfortably.

Mondo beats the captain, the pressure is not that great.

Although the captain can consume Mundo, he has no ability to kill Mundo at all.

Even Chen Mu went out directly as Mung Bean Man.

Three mung beans will increase the recovery ability by 150%, plus Mundo's passive, which will restore a percentage of maximum health per second, plus a special talent.

Even if it was blown up by the captain's second barrel.

But within a few seconds, Mundo's blood had recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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