LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 67 Kim Jong Soo Coach Kim's Appreciation

Chapter 67 Kim Jong Soo Coach Kim's Appreciation

With the formation of JDG changed, the team battle began.

Ning's Qinggang Shadow Camille gave a hex ultimatum, sat down, and framed the captain of Zoom.

At the same time, all the other four people in the JDG group were shaken away.

And Mundo, who is already level 12, with W skills and a second-level ultimate move, wearing two meat suits of Sun Yan and Green Armor, rushes into the crowd of JDG like a shit stick.

And rookie and JKL, the IG double cs, are the crazy output without pressure in the back, and the captain trapped by Hex's ultimatum is instantly melted.

And with the death of the captain, JDG's team battle was no longer possible, it was just a one-sided massacre,

Although LokeN's vampire tried his best to save the sky, he was not well-developed and only had one and a half pieces of equipment in hand.After being hit by JKL's Kai'Sa for a round of plasma, she was also killed again.

As for the remaining two Nakano brothers, Tetsuo doesn't eat money and is equal to a support. Although Dragon Girl's equipment is good, she always faces the siege of the crowd and dies in battle.

It can be seen that the green-haired Pike is trying his best to operate, and the big move cut off the blue steel shadow Camille, who has opened a group to resist damage and has crippled blood.

Immediately, he fell into a diving state again and pulled away.

But the remaining four IGs have healthy blood volumes, and they are not capable of being executed by Parker's ultimate move.

Seeing that nothing could be done, Pike could only retreat temporarily because the situation was not right!

But for IG, which has already won a big victory, the death of a Qinggang shadow Camille is insignificant.

The remaining four didn't care about Pike next to them. The four directly joined together and pushed two defensive towers.

Then when the four of JDG were about to be resurrected, they retreated safely.

In less than 10 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides has widened to 6000.

And the most critical thing, in 10 minutes, Dalong will be born.

JDG's five-person summoner skills have already been handed over in the last wave of small dragon team battles, but IG's double-C summoner skill flashes are still there.

21 minutes.

All IG members went out with two real eyes.

JKL's Kai'Sa equipment is even more luxurious. In the last wave of team battles, he scored three kills, plus the economy after pushing two defensive towers in a row.

Kai'Sa already has the Sheep Knife, Nash's Fang in hand, and two useless clubs hanging from her body.

At this time, Kai'Sa is still popular in ap builds or ad, ap double repair.

After the five members of IG lit up the Dragon Pit and the upper half of the wild area, they immediately opened the dragon.

The five members of JDG still wanted to come up to take a look, but Tetsuo, who was not high-level equipment, was pulled by a flying star from Rookie's Zoe, and then JKL Kai'Sa's precise void tracking.

Kai'Sa, who has evolved her W skill, with the huge AP bonus, Tetsuo is instantly defeated.

And then Clid's dragon girl did not flash, it was not easy to grab the dragon, and the remaining four of JDG had to retreat.

After winning the big dragon, IG did not return to the city to replenish its status, and directly pushed the five people together.

At this time, the economic difference between the two sides is no longer enough to deal with team battles.

Although JDG still wanted to hold on, Ning's Qinggangying Camille kicked in directly.

Then JKL's Kai'Sa couldn't wait to fly into the crowd and reap the harvest.

The remaining four of JDG have no power to parry at all.

Triple kill! !
JKL's Kai'Sa scored a triple kill again.

Immediately, IG flatly pushed JDG's crystal base.

IGvsJDG, win the first game! !
After winning the first game in the opening game of the summer split, several players were still a little happy. After shaking hands with the JDG players, the five returned to the IG exclusive lounge talking and laughing.

And the MVP of the first game was well-deserved to Kai'Sa of JKL.

With a perfect record of 8-0, he dealt nearly 10 damage in just over 2 minutes.

After the two commentators saw that the MVP was given to JKL, they also made a final comment.

Guan Zeyuan: "Although JDG lost the first game in the opening game, I still have to admire them. Dare to choose this lineup, which is a victory in itself!"

Wang remembers: "However, the five players on IG played well. From laning to team battles, JDG was not given a single chance!"

"The game ended in 23 minutes, still the familiar IG, the IG that never works overtime!!"

Guan Zeyuan: "But when it comes to IG's status, although Kai'Sa was awarded the MVP in this round, Ning's several waves of arrests and team-starting are also very good, but..."

Guan Zeyuan found another way to give Chen Mu a point of praise.

"The player who gave me the biggest surprise was TheGod!!"

"Although he didn't play many games before, we thought at the beginning that he likes to play some carry heroes, but this round shows that he can also play a tank like Mundo and take on more possibilities for team battles. "

Wang remembers: "Yes!! It can be salty or sweet! It can be attacked or accepted!! The future can be expected!!"

Wang remembered that he also blew a few words along Guan Zeyuan's train of thought.

Following the awkward chat between the two commentators, after entering an advertisement, the second game of IGvsJDG officially started soon.

And in the second game, JDG didn't work anymore.

The revitalized lineup that was pulled out in the first game may have been used by JDG in the training game, and the effect was not bad.

But facing IG, he was directly and thoroughly educated.

The second game is honest, after all, the summer split is not a training game.

And JDG is not a happy team like LGD.

Now JDG ranks in the middle and upper reaches of the 14 teams in the summer split. If they make a dash for the playoffs and bubbling matches, it is still possible to get a place in the world championship.

At the beginning of the second round of BP, JDG grabbed the signature hero Zoe of toothpaste, and then took Xialuo for the bottom lane combination.

Ueno also chose the enhanced heroes of this version, Olaf and Mundo.

On the other hand, IG is adapting to all changes with the same. Since the last round was won, the BP of this round does not need to be changed significantly.

Ning and Baolan still chose Qinggangying and Morgana, who played well in the previous game.

JKL got a more flexible EZ.

It's just that Zoe and Mondo have been robbed by the opposite JDG.

However, there is no need to worry about Rookie's hero pool. Even if the vampire is pulled out, the bp rate of the current version of this hero is still very high.

Afterwards, Coach Jin Jingzhu looked at Chen Mu and asked tentatively:

"Why don't you take the sword demon, and face Mondo, the sword demon will not have any pressure to fight Mondo."

"Chen Mu, do you want to try?!"

In fact, Coach Jin Jingzhu is still very optimistic about and appreciates Chen Mu.

With the day and night with Chen Mu and other IG players in the past two days.

He found that Chen Mu was really good compared to the arrogant fighters of other IG players.

He has an optimistic personality, serious when he should be serious, and jokes when he should be joking.

In speech and demeanor, he is like a spring breeze, rarely the quintessence of the country!

In terms of professional attitude, be conscientious and cautious, and obey the management!
The daily routine and diet are also very subject to the arrangements of the coach and team leader.

In fact, for this group of children who have just entered the society and have only grown up for a few years, the daily routine and diet are the most headaches for the coaches and team leaders.

And professional players like Chen Mu are too rare!

(End of this chapter)

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