Chapter 74 BP Trap
In the LPL live broadcast room, Miller and Wawa were chatting.

Suddenly, the two got the latest news from the backstage that IG will ask Chen Mu to replace TheShy.

After receiving this news, the two of them didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and announced directly to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Miller: "Oh! We got the latest news here. IG has also made personnel adjustments. In the next game, Chen Mu will replace TheShy in the game.

Baby: "Here he is, he is here, he is still here!"

"Let me just say, the battle of Heavenly Kings is really coming! How can Chen Mu be missing?!"

"All the grievances and hatreds are in this game!"

At this time, Chen Mu was holding his mouse button and came to the competition stage.

RNG was also very surprised when they got the news of IG's substitution.

Although everyone was silent on their lips and didn't say anything, their hearts were already alive.

Heart is a bit complicated. Originally, he expected that Chen Mu would be the last piece of the puzzle for RNG, just like JKL is the last piece of the puzzle for IG.

But at this time, Chen Mu walked towards the opponent's seat, which made him a little dazed for a while.

The personal relationship between Uzi and Chen Mu is not bad, especially after the MSI Concentration Competition, he is still grateful to this person who helped him win his first championship in MSI.

I thought in my heart: "Chen Mu is the one who rotates shy brothers, so he won't come up with Chen Mu walking, rookie walking, and making some weird things to trick himself?!"

"No way, shouldn't it be?!"

Letme: "Looking at Chen Mu's performance in the mid-season game before, I won't be blown up online, right?"

"But as long as I get Ornn, I should be able to open [-]-[-]."

But Malaxiangguo Mlxg said directly and carelessly: "It's okay, no matter who it is, I will make arrangements for him. Xiaohu, link up with me next time."

But Xiaohu's expression at this time was a little strange.

Xiaohu's heart was already a little excited, as if there was a little devil buzzing non-stop in his ears.

"One month, already a month!"

"I've been waiting for a month since last month's MSI mid-season!"

"I swear I'll never eat beef noodles again!"

"I've been waiting for a month. I just want to wait for an opportunity. I want to fight for my breath. I don't want to prove how great I am. I just tell everyone that what I lost because of that bowl of beef noodles, I must get it back with my own hands! !"

"This round is my battle to rectify my name!"

After 10 minutes, the five players from both sides had already sat in their respective players' benches.

After seeing the players on both sides getting ready, the audience and fans in the competition venue immediately uttered loud voices, cheering for their favorite teams.

"Go on IG!"

"Go RNG!"

"Uzi is amazing!"

There are also two sentences "Come on EDG!", "LGD is awesome!"

With the start of the BP screen in the live broadcast room, the barrage also surged.

"Chen Mu, come on!"

"giegie is so handsome!!"

"The summer competition is over, Tiger Emperor of Spring, Brother Tiger of Summer!"

Relying on Chen Mu's wonderful performance in the MSI mid-season competition, as well as his handsome and tough appearance, although there were only three short games, he still gained a group of fans and fans.

Naturally, fans of RNG began to attack and mock Chen Mu.

"Stop bragging about Chen Mu, I only played three games in the MSI mid-season, and I'm really pretending!"

"If it wasn't for Xiaohu and Uzi's carry in the group stage, RNG would have been eliminated long ago!"

"Hasn't he revealed his true colors in the summer split? He can only play bastard heroes. Has he ever ceded after MSI?!"

"Fortunately, he left RNG on his own initiative, otherwise RNG would have been fooled!"

"All living beings are equal, so you can't figure it out!"

"Learn about the unequal treaty!!"

And soon bp officially started.

In the third game, IG was on the blue side and RNG was on the red side.

RNG gave the crow the first ban, and directly refused to give IG a chance to swing.

At this time, the first question for IG came, which is whether to ban Uzi's Wayne?
Uzi's Wayne played too well in the last round, and IG couldn't handle the developed Wayne at all. It was simply a team battle harvester.

But it was also because of Wei En's sudden change of lane, which caught IG by surprise, and the hasty response gave Wei En perfect development.

If Uzi still dares to take Wei En in this round, Coach Jin has already thought of [-] ways to deal with it.

In the end, IG still didn't choose to ban Vayne. A hero like Vayne will have a miraculous effect if he is used occasionally for a round.

But after the opponent is prepared, if they take Wei En's words, they will be targeted to death.

In the end, IG sent the hero Kai'Sa to the ban position.

Now Kai'Sa is really the hero of the bottom lane. Whether you are the world's number one ADC, or you are too versatile, if you are undecided, just use Kai'Sa and it's over.

And RNG immediately pulled the Rock Sparrow and Qinggangying Camille.

Rock sparrow is the op hero in the middle lane in the current version.

And Green Steel Shadow Camille is Ning's signature hero. After level 6, E flashes the big move, which is basically a mortal situation. This move is really unsolvable!

On the other hand, IG has changed its style of painting and started to target Letme's hero pool on the top lane, banning two top lane heroes, Mundo and Aoun.

Among the current T1 top lane heroes, there is only one Sword Demon left.

But RNG saw this, but it was a bit difficult!

Both Mundo and Ornn were banned, and Sword Demon was released.

Then do you take it yourself? !

RNG coach Heart also murmured in his heart.

IG went in the opposite direction, pulled the two tank heroes who were the only ones who could resist the Sword Demon, and then released the Sword Demon.

Is this certain that we won't take Sword Demon?

But the current version of the T1 hero on the road, it's really a pity not to get it.

Heart looked at Letme, and thought that Letme was not only a blue-collar hero before, and his Qinggang Shadow Camille was also a unique skill.

So after thinking for a moment, Heart began to brainwash Letme:

"Letme, take the Sword Demon! I believe in you!"

"Before the world's number one top laner Khan is not yet"

"You are the number one top order in the world!"

And after Letme heard Heart's bewitching, his head became hot, and he also cheered himself up in his heart.

"That's right, I'm the number one top order in the world!"

"It doesn't matter if he is Khan, TheShy, or TheGod, he is [-]/[-] in front of my Rangdi!"

Afterwards, Letme mustered up his courage and said, "Coach, take the sword demon!"

Afterwards, RNG's first choice was confirmed, Sword Demon, Aatrox!
Uzi frowned after seeing the sword demon who was the first choice in his team.

There are only so many resources in the team. If you use a resource-eating big C like Sword Demon, the others will eat less resources.

So who is this person who eats less resources? !It is the grass that eats, the spicy hot pot Mlxg that is milked, or the little tiger who plays a functional mid laner.

Or what about your own ADC? ! !
And looking at the opposite side, choose Sword Demon.

IG seems to have thought about it a long time ago, and has prepared and responded, choosing Nightmare and Syndra in seconds on the first and second floors.

(End of this chapter)

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