Chapter 80
Seeing the five members of RNG taking their positions above the Dragon Pit, they looked like a tiger eyeing a tiger, and they seemed to come down and allin with the IG team.

IG first stopped the dragon's attack and kept the blood volume of the dragon at around 2000.

After all, there are too many examples of Dalong ruining his life!
At this time, Chen Mu really stood up and said, "You guys just rush, I'll go up and harass you, sell me, you guys fight!"

As he said that, the stone man slammed into the top of the dragon pit with a bang, knocking up four people in an instant, and bumped into the troll, sword demon, Galio and Tam who were about to go down the dragon pit. Ice survived.

And Ning saw the stone man stand up and interfere with the RNG people above the Dragon Pit. Afterwards, Nightmare directly turned off the lights, causing the RNG people to lose their vision.

Seeing that the troll had been brought under control, the remaining IG four directly focused on the big dragon with all their strength. When the troll just came down from the sky, Ning's punishment had already firmly taken down the big dragon.

There was no chance for Mala Xiangguo Mlxg to flash into the dragon pit to grab the dragon.

And the moment after winning the big dragon, JKL's Lucian went directly to the dragon pit and started to output.

Braum also followed closely, targeting Lucian, jumped onto the dragon pit, raised his shield, and blocked the damage for the Golem and Lucian.

Nightmare's dark effect hadn't ended at this time, so he aimed at the target, regardless of other people, and flew straight to the ice of Uzi.

However, Uzi's reaction was also very fast, flashing the fear effect of pulling away the nightmare.

After that, Han Bing, who came to a safe position, wanted to output.

But Chen Mu's stone man followed Han Bing closely, and saw that the stone man didn't do anything, but just threw a Q skill, and then followed Han Bing all the way.

Uzi's ice also pulled the walking a to the extreme, while walking backwards, while flattening the stone man.

biu! biu! biu!

A blue ice arrow shot at the stone man.

At first glance, it seems that walking A is very smooth. With the ice reducing the movement speed, the stone man can't touch the ice at all.

But if you look closely, there are only dozens of damage numbers constantly beating on the stone man.

Scraping!Gua Sha can only be described in two words!

The ice fought for a long time, and finally suppressed the stone man's blood volume a little.

but!The stone man's anti-armor damage also reduced Han Bing's blood volume.

And what about Uzi's teammates at this time?
They had already been killed by the explosive output of Lucian and Syndra.

There is only one sword demon with the resurrection passive, and all the IG players guarding the corpse are next to him.

Seeing this scene, Uzi was also a little desperate.

Afterwards, the ice was also unable to be scratched, and was slowed down by the stone man's yo-yo, and the rushed IG people took their heads.

In the explosive team battle of zero for five, RNG has no way to stop IG's advance.

After winning the big dragon and killing the group, IG also flattened RNG's crystal base.

This e-sports Spring Festival Gala, the much-anticipated battle of Tianwang Mountain has finally come to an end.

IG2:1 beat RNG! !
In the LPL live broadcast room, the commentators knew that the game was over when they saw Chen Mu's stone man smashing into the four of RNG in a sky-shattering manner.

But instead of bringing the rhythm to the two teams, they started to cool down the fans of the two teams.

Miller: "It's over! It's over! Let's congratulate the IG team!!"

wawa: "Both teams were winning streaks at the beginning of the summer split, but in the end it was IG that ended RNG's winning streak!"

Miller: "Yes, this is also after IG regretted losing to RNG in the spring playoffs, in this game, IG found the field back!"

wawa: "However, this is also a wonderful game, which marks a perfect end to the LPL Summer Split in June."

"The next week will be the intercontinental match that we are all looking forward to. At that time, the IG team and the RNG team will become teammates instead, representing our LPL division, and going to this intercontinental match."

"Audience friends, we will see you then!!"

However, the audience and fans in the LPL live broadcast room did not buy it.

"Hehe, I'm dying of laughter! Uzi is awesome, RNG is awesome, RNG champion!!"

"I don't understand, people call you TheRang, why do you open the top lane at five-fifths, you really think you are the number one top laner in the world, can you touch a hero like Sword Demon?! Play Ornn? Okay?!"

"Close the account, let's do something useful! Cancel the account! Sure enough, let people down, Xiaohu has never let you down!!"

"Five sons can't do it, and they won't have a crown in their life!!"

"xswl, do you have a champion in IG, the void champion?! Eighteen consecutive victories and the overall runner-up?!!"

In the end, the mvp of this round was given to Chen Mu's stone man.

It's not that other people's data is bad.

It's a Golem with a record of 2-0-8. As a tank top laner, it can be described as a perfect record.

[-]% team participation rate, from the most critical wave of team battles in the bottom lane to the end of the game, participating in the whole process.

After seeing that the mvp was awarded to Chen Mu, the two commentators still gave a very positive evaluation.

"In this game, TheGod, that is, player Chen Mu, really gave us a surprise. Facing the sword demon, he took out a stone man."

"Don't mention it, the stone man is quite effective against the sword demon. The stone man hit the floor and slowed down the attack speed, and the sword demon's sword can't be lifted."

"This also gives an inspiration to the teams that will compete in the summer split. Is the stone man an option in the face of Sword Demon?"

"Now IG obviously has two combat systems. When TheShy is on the field, he focuses on the mid-upfield system, and when Chen Mu is on the field, he can switch to a traditional platoon protection system."

And the barrage in the live broadcast room also began to complain about Chen Mu.

"I don't understand. Are RNG's management and coaching staff not smart enough?! It's also playing meat, why should Chen Mu watch the water dispenser for a year?!"

"To put it bluntly, [-]-[-], all beings are equal, doesn't it mean that no one can beat it?! Do you want to brag about it?!"

"No wonder Chen Mu is leaving. If I were to substitute for a bastard, I would have run away!"

"I don't understand those rogues who say traitors on the bullet screen. After watching the water dispenser for a year, you still have to be loyal to RNG?!"

After seeing that he won the MVP, Chen Mu was still a little excited.

This was obtained purely by my own efforts, without any moisture.

During this period of time, Chen Mu worked hard at the IG base.

Against those professional players, it may not be very good to play some carry fighters such as Qinggangying Camille and Sword Demon.

But playing some brainless and simple heroes like Golem, Ornn or Mundo can barely keep up with the rhythm of the team, so as not to hinder teammates.

And in this game, to be honest, he still felt a little stressed, but on the surface he behaved normally, without showing any signs of expression.

Especially, when teleporting team battles and dragon pits in the bottom lane.

This is different from ordinary ranks. In this critical moment of the game, being brave to start a team is also a kind of growth.

Just like Xiaohu on the opposite side, at critical moments, he always can't stand up. If that wave of him, Galio W, flashes forward and catches up with the troll, then the result is still unknown!
(End of this chapter)

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