LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 86 Coach, I Want to Play Sword Fairy

Chapter 86 Coach, I Want to Play Sword Fairy
LPL commentary desk.

On the second day of the game, the LPL commentator was still Wawa, Miller and Guan Zeyuan, this classic trio.

The three of them are analyzing the current situation of the LPL competition area and the various subsequent occurrence probabilities, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each team in each competition area.

But suddenly the headsets of several people moved, and then wawa said to the audience in the live broadcast room with a strange smile on his face.

"I just got the latest news from the backstage. The next game, which is the last game of the group stage, IG will play against SKT. IG's top laner will replace TheShy with Chen Mu!"

Subsequently, Miller began to give IG this kind of "honey juice" operation from various angles, looking for reasons:

"I think the reason why IG replaced TheShy may be that brother shy's hand injury has not completely healed. After all, it will take 100 days to hurt his muscles and bones. What's more, the handsome guy has had so many operations on his hand, and the recovery period will be sure. Make it longer."

For Guan Zeyuan, although the Samsung team SSG he has been thinking about is no longer in this intercontinental competition, but the opposite team is also the SKT team.So Guan Zeyuan made a serious analysis with a decent appearance, and began to sing bad news for the IG team.

"I think it's not a good choice for the IG team to change players right now. Everyone has seen the performance of TheShy Sword Demon before. At this time, it is not a good choice to replace TheShy and replace Chen Mu."

"So I think in this game, IG played against SKT, and IG is not the opponent of SKT!"

And the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't understand for a while, the decision of the IG coaching staff, it was obvious that TheShy's sword demon was a one-to-five existence.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sword Demon is the answer to this version!

"I'm laughing to death! Let's put shy brother, I don't want a sword demon who hits five, but I want to choose a Mundo stone man to come up."

"Operation of IG fans!!"

"IG will not learn in reverse, pay tribute to RNG, come to a lineup with four guarantees and one!"

The turmoil outside the venue has no longer affected the parties involved.

Because at this moment, Chen Mu is already sitting on the competition stage, testing his peripherals.

And when the system sound like the sounds of nature sounded in his mind just now, Chen Mu knew that his guess was right.

In the intercontinental competition, the god system of his own world competition can still be awakened!

Chen Mu could clearly feel the changes in his body,
The kind of emotion that doesn’t fluctuate even if the world is falling apart; the reaction is as fast as milliseconds; the dynamic vision that can see the slightest; as long as it appears in front of me, it will never be forgotten in the memory; the common sense and understanding of the game are engraved in my DNA. , All kinds of god-level buffs reappeared in Chen Mu's body.

At the same time, the attack distance, health, mana, attack speed, movement speed, skill damage, skill range, and skill CD of more than 100 heroes seem to have been engraved in Chen Mu's genes and become a part of Chen Mu.
Chen Mu looked at the opposite side, the SKT team who was also testing and sorting out the peripherals, and the central one, although it looked ordinary, but exuded the central light, Faker, Teacher Dafei.

Chen Mu thought silently in his heart.

"Teacher Dafei, I'm your fan, here I come!"

At the same time, Faker, who was sitting on the opposite bench, couldn't help feeling an inexplicable shock. He felt something strange coming from nowhere, as if it was staring at him.

So he looked around, but didn't find anything unusual about Faker. He lowered his head to test his peripherals, and communicated with his teammates about the next bp and tactics from time to time.

Soon bp started. IG is on the red side and SKT is on the blue side.

Coach Jin came over and patted Chen Mu on the shoulder and said:

"Chen Mu, don't put too much pressure on playing SKT this time around, just play normally."


But the answer to him was only a faint word "um".

And Coach Jin suddenly became astonished. Normally, when Chen Mu communicated with others, he always smiled and laughed.

But at this moment, Chen Mu was a little different, he just replied indifferently, yes.

Is it too much pressure? !The pressure on him against SKT and Faker was too much!

There is indeed this possibility, after all, it is the Triple Crown.

The other four teammates also have this feeling. Chen Mu is older and has a higher EQ, and he usually gives people the feeling of a big brother.

But now Chen Mu is a little indifferent. When communicating with his teammates, his tone doesn't seem to fluctuate at all, and his emotions are always so flat.

Ever since, Coach Jin patted Chen Mu on the shoulder:

"Relax, relax! I will help you get the counter hero on the road later, don't be too nervous!"

"En." The answer to him was still a simple um.

Coach Jin continued to comfort:

"It's fine, it's fine, it doesn't matter if you lose this one, at most, it's going to abuse those teams in the LMS division tomorrow!"

"Maybe if we play one more round tomorrow, the hand feeling will be better than those teams in the LCK division!"

This is also a truth. The current level of the LMS division is increasingly low. No matter the number of players in the division or the intensity of confrontation, it can't keep up with the LPL division and SKT division.

Judging from the two days before the intercontinental competition, except for Flash Wolves FW who has a strong team temperament, the three teams in the other LMS divisions are just charging treasures and sandbags in the LCK and LPL divisions.

Purely as a sparring partner, there is no possibility of winning the game at all!

When he heard Chen Mu answering him, he still hummed lightly, and Coach Jin couldn't say anything more, because the bp had officially started.

The BP of the two sides proceeded very quickly, and neither BP heroes were aimed at the hero pools of the opponents of both sides, but some versions of strong heroes were banned.

Then the coaches of both sides chose some versions of strong heroes or the players' special heroes for their respective players.

On IG's side, Coach Jin left the counter on the fifth floor to Chen Mu.

But looking at the opposite SKT, at the last moment, they actually chose Nuoshou, a pure abuse hero, for their top laner.

Coach Jin also felt a little uncomfortable.

This version of Nuo Shou also ushered in a great enhancement.

Coach Jin looked at the small notebook in his hand, touched his chin, and discussed with Chen Mu.

"Nuoshou?! It's not easy to do! This version of Nuoshou has indeed been strengthened a lot!"

"Chen Mu, maybe it's Mondo, Mondo is still outside, don't take the stone man."

Coach Jin knows that since IG finished playing RNG, Chen Mu has been fascinated by the hero Golem.

But the record is terrible, either in the pit, or on the way to send.

Many times, the top-ranked Stoneman meets the top-ranked four sisters, and heroes with extremely high ceilings such as Sword Ji Ruiwen and Daomei Qinggangying cannot be played.

But the next moment, a calm and indifferent voice sounded.

"Sword Princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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