Chapter 89 A Flash!
With the end of the first wave of confrontation between Chen Mujianji and Nuoshou, the two sides began to return to the line of troops again and began to make up swords.

Seeing Nuo Shou whose blood volume was about to drop to half, Emperor U had no choice but to knock down the only bottle of red medicine on his body.

But Emperor U frowned even deeper.

This Jian Ji has such a high level of proficiency!

There is no extra movement, AQAA, two flaws, four attacks, perfect use of Jian Ji's Q skill displacement, and the acceleration effect of Jian Ji after breaking the flaw to pull,
Emperor U knows that since the S5 World Championship, Jian Ji has been a must-have hero for top laners.

But professional players are not unique skills, it is impossible to watch a hero and play tens of thousands of games.

Even if U Huang asks himself, even if it is Khan, the top LCK top laner like semb.All of a sudden, taking out an out-of-version OP hero like Jian Ji on the field of competition would not be able to perform to the level of Chen Mu.

Even if Emperor U is not a master of swordsmen, he can still feel the details.

So in the voice of the team, Emperor U has already started to find reasons for himself and find a way out after ten seconds in line.

"The sword girl proficiency of the person opposite is very high, this person plays so smoothly, you should be careful in this round!"

Upon hearing this, the other teammates rolled their eyes.

"We need to be careful, as long as you go on the road and don't raise your father, a single-band hero like Jian Ji won't affect them."

Bang rolled his eyes, and faced the LPL rookie JKL in the bot lane. He still felt a certain amount of pressure when he used the magic core.

"Xiba, you just have to play your own hands well, don't always think about how strong your opponent is!"

"Untara, you have to be steady on the road, otherwise Jian Ji won't be able to handle it with a single belt in the later stage"

Faker, as the big brother internally, still maintains the habit of quickly cutting the screen, Faker took a moment to glance up the road, and said seriously.

And seeing that no teammate comforted himself, they were all threatening himself.U Huang, who was the lowest in the team, was also chilled for a while, and no longer dared to speak out.

After the original spring split, U Huang's performance was no longer able to start.

But fortunately, another top laner in the team's rotation, Thal, is also steadily stretching.They are nicknamed SKT's "Jade Emperor"!
And coach komma can't find a suitable top laner for a while, so he will let himself continue to start. If he doesn't play well, the intercontinental competition is over, and he may really lose his job when he returns to the LCK.

But tens of seconds later, when the "good news" came from the road!
The other teammates of SKT who didn't think so at first don't think so.

As for Emperor U himself, his scalp was even more numb.

The sword girl on the opposite side, his proficiency is not limited to the two or three pulls just now.

In the following period, before the second wave of pawns came online, the weak nature of Emperor U's promise hands seemed to be accurately penetrated by Jian Ji.

As Jian Ji said:

"Sharp sword! Sharp eye!"

I saw Chen Mu's sword girl, as long as the Q skill CD improved, she would frequently come up to Nuo Shou to take the initiative to exchange blood.

In the same way, the Q skill pierced through the air and slashed his hands to make a flaw, and then used the acceleration effect to start pulling Nuo's hand.

And Nuo Shou passively fought back, and when the passive five layers of blood anger always stacked to two or three layers, Jian Ji pulled the distance away.

However, Emperor U didn't take a quick walk, and his movement speed was not fast enough. Facing the pull of Jian Ji, he always looked forward and backward, and dared not pursue deeply.

And with the launch of the second wave of troops.

Chen Mu glanced at Nuoshou's blood volume, and a dangerous light appeared in Chen Mu's eyes.

And all of this, Emperor U didn't know about it.

As soon as the second wave of small soldiers came online, Chen Mu began to speed up the speed of A soldiers.

And looking at Jian Ji who accelerated the speed of A soldier, the alarm bells in Emperor U's heart rang out, this is to kill himself alone!
So he was very decisive, without any entanglement, and retreated directly.


But it was too late.

After Jian Ji killed a soldier in a quick A, she was promoted to level two in seconds.

Then there is the Q skill to cut through the air and start.

Hit the flaw in the upper left of Nuo's hand, causing the blood of Nuo's hand to fall again,
At the same time, due to the movement speed bonus of the passive effect, the sword girl has also become a peerless sword girl with extraordinary agility.

And seeing that he couldn't get away, Emperor U was also quick to make up his mind. The route was so long, but he was chased and beaten by Jian Ji like this, and he would lose a layer of skin if he didn't die.

Suddenly, Nuoshou turned his head, with a Q skill, and the ax killed two minions. Nuoshou also rose to two levels, not only increased his blood volume by one section, but also added an extra skill.

And Emperor U didn't hesitate, directly AW, wanted to attack and slow down Jian Ji, and hit Chen Mu by surprise.

But this kind of hand movement was indeed very clear in Chen Mu's eyes.

Next, a blue sword aura soared into the sky.

Not only blocked Nuoshou's attack, but also caused Nuoshou to fall into a huge speed reduction.

Jian Ji moved again to the flaw that was refreshed at the bottom left of Nuo's hand.

"—You need to stab fast! Stab hard!!"

Jian Ji let out a soft drink, and slashed down with the sword in her hand again.

Flaws, break through again!
Emperor U frowned tightly, and a bad feeling faintly rose in his heart.

Murderous!This sword girl is really going to kill herself alone!
And Jian Ji's Q skill Piercing Slash can return 60% of the cooldown after attacking a hero. At this time, Chen Mu's Sword Ji's Piercing Slash has a better CD.

Looking at the weak point brushed out on his upper right and the position of Jian Ji, Emperor U secretly thought something was wrong, he was about to dodge, if this flaw was broken again, it would be too late to dodge again.

The next moment, Emperor U flashed directly and retreated towards the tower.

Chen Mu's Sword Girl's Q skill Breaking the Air followed closely behind, but because Nuo's hand had already flashed, Jian Ji didn't attack the weak point on the lower right of Nuo's hand.

At this time, Emperor U saw his Nuo Shou escape to the tower with a trace of blood, and at the same time he was close to the wall on his left, so that his weak point was close to the wall.

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's safe to be under the tower. A second-level sword girl will never jump over the tower! And my weakness is still stuck on the wall, so you can't hit it either!"

But the next moment, what he didn't expect was.

Jian Ji still followed Nuo Shou into the tower, wanting A to strike.

The moment Jian Ji entered the defense tower, she had already attracted the attention of the defense tower.

And Emperor U was also puzzled:
"Is this person out of his mind?! Although my blood volume is already very bad, it is not something that can be taken away by a normal attack!"

"Even if your sword girl hits me twice, you will still be hit twice by the tower, so you will be replaced!"

"At that time, I turned from a big loss to a good loss. Although you sword girl took the first blood, the pawn line is indeed coming towards me. When I return to the line with TP, it will be too comfortable to grow under the tower. Already!"

But he didn't expect that Emperor U watched Jian Ji slap A himself.

But the next moment, suddenly
The golden light flashed! !
sulfuric acid! !

The weakness that Nuo Shou was stuck on was instantly broken! !
Nuo Shou, who was already bleeding, couldn't stop the real damage of being broken, and ended his two and a half years of basketball practice!He fell under his own defense tower!
(End of this chapter)

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