LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 98 The Unsolvable Green Steel Shadow

Chapter 98 The Unsolvable Green Steel Shadow
With IG's Ueno combination, it seems to be fearful in the first half of the field.

The game lasts 11 minutes.

Sure enough, the wild boar girl from Afs looked at the refreshed upper half of the jungle, ready to move. Although she knew that IG's upper wilderness had disappeared from sight, she couldn't resist the temptation of the newly refreshed red buff and entered her own upper half of the jungle.

But he didn't realize that there was a fake eye quietly placed in the pit of his red buff, and his every move was watched by everyone in IG.

And what he didn't know was that there were two wine barrels and Qinggang shadows squatting in the grass above the red buff, who were already gearing up and impatient.

Look at the ID on the pig girl's head.

Spirit!Little Sprite!

Chen Mu sneered in his heart.

Little Sprite, right? !Like X fans, right?You like abortions, don't you? !Like revenge LPL, right? !
Now let me catch you! !

That's right, this little Sprite is one of the "notorious" Korean players in the LPL.

As the tenth son of Samsung, Spirit was recruited by WE team to LPL, but unexpectedly found a "tumor", the positive effect is not at all, but the lace news is one after another.

And he also left the WE team because of this incident. Before leaving, he even said that he would take revenge on the LPL division.

Now the opportunity has come, but I don’t know if it’s your little Sprite, Spirit, who will take revenge on the LPL, or Chen Mu directly blowing up your little Sprite!
The next moment, before Ning could react.

Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow E skill, the hook lock has been hung on the wall, and then a light speed two-stage E crossed the wall and kicked at Zhumei.

Immediately afterwards, the big move, Hex's ultimatum, fell from the sky!

A series of actions startled the pig girl who was still getting red buffs.

And Ning also exclaimed when he saw Chen Mu's Qinggang shadow kicking up directly.

"Fuck, brother Mu, slow down!"

Although he said so, Ning's hands were not slow.

Barrel, happy hour, a sip of old wine.Then the E skill moved into the red buff, and an exploding wine barrel was thrown at the pig girl, blowing the pig girl back.

And Rookie's Galio in the middle has long been focusing on the Ueno duo.

The moment Qinggang Ying kicked the wine barrel, Galio reached a safe take-off position.

The next moment, Galio activated his ultimate move, and the hero appeared!

I saw Galio spread his arms, aiming at Qinggang Shadow, covering a large circular area.

After two seconds.

Galio fell to the ground, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the mountains and rocks collapsed!
The pig girl of Spirit Little Sprite hadn't recovered from the control, and was thrown into the air again by the shock.

But is this the end?
After Galio landed, there was another series of controls.

E skill justice punch!
Facing the little Sprite is a messy hammer.

Then the W skill Du Lang shielded, and taunted Little Sprite again.

In such a series of control and damage, another pig girl can't stand it!

In the end, Qinggangying's second kick was really hurt, and she kicked sister Zhu to death!
At this time, although the support from AFS is also very fast.

Immediately, Mondo on the top lane and Bingniao on the middle lane also came to support the first half of the field.

But these two people have no hard control, they are too soft.Even if they rushed to the battlefield, it was useless at all!

The three Nakano and Nakano on IG, who had wiped the pig girl clean, began to retreat in groups.

Looking at the three people retreating, Mondo and Bingniao didn't have any thoughts at all, they could only watch the IG three retreating from a distance.

Because although in order to kill Zhumei, IG's upper and middle field each made their big moves, but the flash in the hands of the three was useless.

If the next set of skills of the three of them improves, all of a sudden, they will kill one back to the carbine.

As for Mondo and Bingniao, they don't have any countermeasures at all!
So I can only watch the three of them leave like this.

After killing Zhumei, the three on IG came to the dragon pit and took the Canyon Pioneer into their pockets.

After killing the vanguard, Ning also understood it very well, so he went directly to the top road and summoned the canyon vanguard.

Cooperating with Qing Gangying's attack, he knocked down a tower on the road.

At this point, after the first tower on the road was broken, Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow was completely released!
Going back to the city to finish up the equipment, Qinggangying gained a lot of money, with one head and one tower of economy.

Qinggangying directly took out the dazzling light and the small wooden hammer to clean the erosion.

It is true that Chen Mu made Tiamat first, but he didn't intend to form the Greedy Hydra first, but planned to make three first.

Chen Mu first played Tiamat just to increase the ability to clear the line and snowball faster.

Qinggangying is different from Jian Ji, Jian Ji has no shortage of damage, and if she makes a flaw, it will be the real damage as a percentage of her maximum health.

But now in this version, the damage ability of Qinggang Shadow Camille in the early stage has been greatly weakened.Before the level and equipment are up, the three-phase is better than participating in the greedy hydra.

Greedy Hydra just has a better lifesteal recovery effect, and can better clear and delay the line.However, the various attributes of the three phases are very suitable for Qinggangying, and can cause more damage.

After the eclipse of Yaoguang and the small wooden hammer, when he meets Mundo again, the damage of Qinggang Shadow Camille will not be the same.

When Chen Mu saw Mundo, without a word, he hooked the wall with the E skill, and kicked Mundo with the second-stage E at the speed of light. At the same time, the W skill tactical sweep in the air had already shot.

Taking advantage of Mundo's dizziness, Qing Gangying played an AQ, then used the speed to start pulling, waited until the second stage of Q, and stepped forward to play an AQ again.

But with this second-stage Q, Qing Gangying with certain equipment is no longer the damage it was before.

After this whole set of silky combos, Mundo lost almost half of his HP in an instant.

However, the damage that Mondo hit on Qinggangying was all offset by Qinggangying's passive shield.

On the top lane, Chen Mu's Qinggang Ying once again established a huge advantage in the single belt.

13 minutes.

The two sides began to make a fuss about the bottom fire dragon.

The lineup on the IG lineup is more proactive, so the middle field AD and the auxiliary four first occupied the field of view and position.

On the road, Chen Mu's Qinggang Ying continued to bring pressure.

And the AFS African team didn't want this fire dragon, so they began to use Verus' bpoke and Bingniao's hand length to consume the blood of the four IG players.

But the AFS African team didn't notice that Baolan had a fake eye inserted in the three wolves and blue buffs in the AFS wild area before, and this vision was very deep!
However, AFS did not completely clean up the vision of its own wild area, which gave Chen Muqing Gangying a huge space to play.

Under Chen Mu's cutting screen at the speed of light, he quickly discovered the fake eye.

next second!
Chen Muqinggangying's TP lit up, and a purple beam of light fell from the sky and landed in the wild area of ​​AFS.

At the same time, Chen Mu sent a signal to his teammates who were still struggling at Xiaolongkeng.

At the same time, a voice that seemed to never change in emotion sounded:
"I TP!"

After the AFS top laner saw Qinggangying TP, he quickly reminded his teammates.

"TP, TP, Qinggangying TP!"

At the same time, he aimed at a fake eye in the center of the battlefield, and hurriedly TPed down.

The IG four saw Chen Mu's TP light up.

Fuck, this kind of opportunity to go around the back and fight team battles is really rare!
As for Mundo in the center of the TP battlefield, no one cares!

The next moment, the four of IG immediately formed a group.

Ning's wine barrel raised his hand, and an exploding wine barrel was thrown at the opposite crowd, blowing everyone apart.

And Baolan's Luo proficiency is also very high, at the moment when the wine barrel kicked off.

First, the E skill danced in pairs to narrow the distance, and then RW flashed straight to the opposite ADC Verus.

And the African team's support is also very understanding, his Tahm Summoner skills bring flash and purification.Tam can only protect others if he survives first.

I saw that after Tam Purification released the control, he swallowed Verus next to him in one gulp, and retreated back with a flash.

But where did he expect that, within two steps, he would meet Qinggang Ying Camille who came from his wild area.

When Chen Mu saw the ADC Verus walking towards him, he was also very happy to accept this head.

The speed of light EWE combo kicked Verus, and then started AQ to attack Verus.

And Verus still wanted to struggle and hand over his flash.

However, what followed closely was Qing Gangying's big move, Hex's ultimatum, which fell from the sky.

Cover Verus, so that there is no way for him to retreat, there is no way to go to the sky, and there is no way to enter the earth! !
Then there was another two-paragraph Q, which directly mentioned the main artery of Verus!
Verus fell to the ground and died in an instant!

Afterwards, Chen Mu continued to attack Tam who could not get away.

And that's not the scariest thing!

With the forced opening of the IG system, the AFS lineup has been completely dispersed, and all five players were on various battlefields and were defeated by IG.

Although Mundo landed in the center of the team battle,

But Mundo is just meat. It's okay to be a shit-stirring stick, but in an overwhelming team battle, he still has no ability to restore the situation.

In the end, AFS's wave of small dragon team battles was played one for five.

Only Baolan's Luo Kaituan rushed to the front, his own level was not high, and he couldn't hold on after being under fire.

After the small dragon team battle, everyone in IG comfortably took the fire dragon into their pockets, and then took advantage of the situation to pull out AFS's next tower.

15 minutes.

The economic gap between the two sides has reached four thousand.

And the biggest difference in counterpoint economics is on the road. Qinggang Ying, who just took the heads of Verus and Tam in a wave of team battles.

The economic difference against Mundo has reached 1500.

After returning to the city, Chen Mu directly took out three items, plus a mercury shoe.

So far in this round, Mundo, who is clearly on the road, has done nothing wrong.

But still can't change the ending.

After the five members of IG returned to the city to make up their status, they re-divided.

Drop the bottom lane duo to the middle lane, rookie's Galio went to the top lane, and Chen Mu's Qing Gangying went to the bottom lane single belt.

And Ning's wine barrel naturally follows closely, his "true big brother"!
I used to follow Shy, but now I'm Mu!
And the first thing Qinggangying and Wine Barrel came to the second half of the wild area was to reverse the blue buff of Little Sprite spirit.

This is not aimed at the little Sprite spirit, but AFS's mid laner Icebird.

The hero Bingniao is a big brush in the early and mid-term.

And the premise of this big brush is based on blue consumption.

The ice bird without the blue buff instantly lost fire.

Although the pawn line was cleared, with one R, a wave of pawn lines was collected in a short while, watching this scene is really pleasing to the eye.

But the mana consumption is also dropping rapidly, and within two waves of soldiers, Bingniao's mana consumption has bottomed out.

And without the blue ice bird, let alone a super soldier, he is not even as good as a long-range soldier.

 It's on the shelves today, thank you readers for your great support!

  I also know that the previous update was a bit "short"!
  In the past few days, we will guarantee about [-] words of updates every day!
  Thanks again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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