Gluttonous Warlock

Chapter 242 Trial List

Chapter 242 Trial List
The ominous spirit detached from Jack and floated in the air.

Like gray storm clouds!
There are also two groups of pale flames, which are the soul fires that condense resentment!
Under the cover of darkness, the fierce spirit rushed towards the nearby bald man, trying to possess his body.

Owen is also unambiguous.

Raise the battle ax high, let out a roar, and strike at the fierce spirit with all your might!
"Praise the Holy Light!"

At the same time, Sunny held up the holy emblem and activated the 3-ring "Daylight Art"!
The sun-like radiance erupted from her body, dispelling the darkness in an instant, and illuminating the entire stone room like daylight!

The priestess was under the shroud of strong light, which added a bit of awe-inspiring and inviolable sacred power.

Undead creatures are mostly afraid of sunlight.

Ghost is no exception.

Under the illumination of the "Daylight Art", there is nothing to hide from, and the incorporeal characteristics have also been lost.

Owen's battle ax split the ominous spirit from head to toe.

The feel is slightly sluggish, like an ax smashing in the mud.

Owen was not sure whether the ax had hurt the evil spirit.

Holding the ax and raising his head, he found that the body of the fierce spirit that had been split in two was shaking violently, as if it was in pain.

The body of the fierce spirit has no flesh and blood substance.

The incorporeal body that was split in two is getting closer together and is slowly healing.

"Oh ho! It seems to work!"

Big bald man, don't worry now.

Raise the battle ax again, and sweep across with all your strength!
I plan to split this fierce spirit into four parts!
Owen was only focused on chopping the fierce spirit, not paying attention to the position of his feet.

The burly body inadvertently blocked the radiance from Sunny, casting a long and narrow shadow on the wall.

Owen's second ax fell to nothing.

The ominous spirit on the opposite side was actually flat against the wall, hiding in Owen's shadow!

Only by avoiding the light can the evil spirit display its true power.

A pitch-black ghost came out directly through the wall.

Just like that, he disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Tanya frowned, and stepped forward quickly!

Pressing his hands against the stone wall, he chanted the incantation symbolizing "rock".


The "Stone Shaping Technique" was launched in response!
The thick stone wall in front of the Tauren Princess opened an arched door by itself.

Opposite the arch is a dark and silent stone room.

It can be seen vaguely that the ominous spirit with eyes twinkling with will-o'-the-wisps is floating in the midair of the stone chamber!

"Evil spirit! Don't try to escape!!"

The brave Owen rushed into the arch with his battle ax high.

On the opposite side, in mid-air, the fierce spirit raised his fuzzy palm and pushed him lightly.

Owen seemed to have been hit by a siege hammer, and he flew back upside down, rolling and hitting the wall.

Amidst the roar, a large piece of the stone wall was directly knocked down.

Owen fell into the pile of rubble, blood was sprayed from his mouth, his face was full of pain, and he couldn't get up again!

"Everyone be careful! This fierce spirit is good at telekinesis!"

Allen only focused on reminding his companions, but he became the next target of the fierce spirit.

A powerful telekinetic power was projected through the arch, lifting the petite female sorceress from the ground.

If Alan's body is here, with his tyrannical physique, it is not difficult to get rid of telekinesis.

However, his parasitic female sorceress, Yuli, has a weak physique, a petite and light figure, and she is powerless to break free from the evil spirit's mind control!


Seeing her girlfriend was remotely choked by the evil spirits and lifted abruptly into the air, Sunny exclaimed anxiously and was about to rush over to save her.

"Sister Sunny... don't come over!"

Allen crossed his hands to protect his neck, before he was completely suffocated, he tried to remind the Priestess.

"Quick... interrupt the fierce spirit's...concentration..."

Sunny was awakened by her, and immediately realized that the evil spirit must maintain a high degree of mental concentration to use "telecontrol".

As long as it interrupts its concentration, Yuli can get rid of mind control!
The Priestess bit her lower lip hard, managed to remain calm, raced against time, and cast the 3-ring divine spell "Scorching Radiance".

The magical power of the light system is gathered in her palm, ready to come out!

The fierce spirit on the other side of the arch was very afraid of the restless light in the priestess' palm.

With a sudden wave of his hand, he remotely controlled Allen and smashed at Sunny!

It was clear that the sorceress was used as a human cannonball to interrupt Sunny's spellcasting process.

Hound pace!

A black shadow flashed, and Tanya rushed over!

He leaped in the air, hugged Allen with both hands, successfully intercepted him, rolled on the spot, and slammed into the opposite stone wall.

The Tall Princess' tall body actually blended into the smooth stone wall without making the slightest sound of collision.

The 3rd ring spell in the field of the earth-melt into the stone!

Tan Ya hugged Alan, fit into the stone wall, removed the impact of the collision, then left the stone wall and returned to the underground palace.

Thanks to Tanya's timely rescue, Sunny was not disturbed and successfully released "burning light".

A straight beam of light blasted out from her palm, passed through the arch, and hit the ominous spirit!
The evil spirit's chest was directly pierced by the light beam!

The illusory body suddenly boiled.

The fierce spirit let out a painful roar, turned its head and rushed towards the stone wall.

Sunny walked quickly through the arch and gave chase!
Hold high the radiant holy symbol to ensure that the evil spirits are under the illumination of "Daylight" and cannot escape through the wall.

Alan and Tanya also came to assist Sunny in besieging the evil spirit.

The three joined hands, and within a minute, the evil spirits were scattered.

This is not over yet.

Just destroying the physical entity of the evil spirit does not completely wipe it out.

As long as the resentment persists, the evil spirit will be reborn.

Fortunately, there is a priest in the team, a professional exorcism priest.

Sunny poured holy water on the place where the evil spirits dispersed, channeled divine power, and performed a "soul-suppressing ritual".

After this ceremony, the remaining Yin Qi in the air was completely dispelled.

The evil spirit was completely saved, and could no longer come back to harm others.

"Finally done."

Sunny took the handkerchief from Allen and wiped the sweat from her forehead, feeling relieved.

Go back to the stone room next door and cast spells to heal Owen and Jack.

Jack woke up and learned that he had been possessed by an evil spirit, his face was dazed, and he had no relevant memory at all.

Tanya didn't forget the business.

After a short rest, he urged Sunny to follow him deep into the underground palace, inspect the servants' corpses, cast spells, and obtain confessions.

"Tauren, don't bother with this matter!"

Sunny pointed toward the grave.

"Have you noticed? After the evil spirit was purified by me, the group of bound spirits wandering in the tomb passage also disappeared."

"Well... that's true, what's the problem?"

Tanya asked.

"Hey! You're still a princess, why are you so stupid?"

Sunny gave her a blank look.

"The collective disappearance of the binding spirits doesn't mean that they were all killed by the evil spirits?"

"Once the evil spirit is finished, the bound spirits are also freed from slavery, and the resentment is resolved, you can rest in peace!"

"So you don't need to look at the corpses of the dead. I also know that the people living in this underground palace were killed by evil spirits and have nothing to do with you."

"Since you are innocent, it must be the regent princess Ariadne who is lying!

"Ariadne, lied to us to hunt down the minotaur, but actually used us as a knife to murder her own sister!"

Sunny became more and more angry.

"After leaving the underground palace, I will truthfully report this matter to the Holy See of the Holy Light and publicly expose Ariadne's conspiracy!"

"Ms. Sunny, thank you for helping me clean up my grievances and restore my reputation!" Tanya was very moved.

"Don't thank me, thank my Yuli if you want to thank me!"

Sunny put her arms around Allen, her face full of sweetness.

"If Yuli hadn't advised me not to be impulsive and to use my brain more, I wouldn't have had the patience to deal with a monster like you who doesn't look like a good person at first sight!"

The corner of Tanya's mouth twitched, and finally couldn't help it.

"Please! Can you two stop showing affection in front of me? Your teeth are going to be sour!"


The four members of the adventure team bid farewell to the Tauren Princess and returned the same way.

When he was about to leave the underground palace, Allen turned into a cloud of germ steam and quietly left Yuli's body, leaving behind a last spiritual message.

"Son, I've helped you fulfill your wish, and it's time to retire."

"You are still young and have an infinite future. Don't miss me. I am just a dead soul. Bloodline Galaxy is my destination."

The sorceress stopped and turned around, looking at the dark underground palace, with tears of gratitude in her eyes.

"Lord Zu Ling... I will always remember your kindness!"


Silver Moon Secret Realm.

In the quiet room, Alan and Tanya finished their meditation at the same time.

"Senior Sister, have you broken through?"

"Of course!"

Tanya's pretty face lit up with excitement.

"Junior brother, thanks to your help, I have finally been promoted to the fifth level, and I have awakened three 5th-level spells - stone walking, turning stone into mud, and turning mud into stone!"

Allen can understand the excitement of the senior sister.

Tan Ya's promotion to the fifth rank not only greatly increased her strength, but more importantly, her identity changed.

The two archipelago federations in the north and the south, as well as warlock sects such as the Silver Moon Monastery, the Beast Worship Cult, and the Human Demon Cult, only the fifth-level warlocks are eligible to enter the high-level and become a member of the ruling group.

Allen and Tanya now also have this qualification.

"Senior sister, according to the agreement reached between our Silver Moon Monastery and the South Island Federation, as long as you are promoted to the fifth level, you can return to the academy to replace Karna Ganesha and become the new vice president of the South Island Warlock Academy."

"The mentor's cultivation base has also been promoted to the late fourth stage, which can be regarded as the first echelon under the dean and the deputy dean."

"After you father and daughter return to the academy, you will start a sect. The Pan Sen family has a bright future!"

Tanya held his hand with gentle eyes.

"Little brother, thank you for helping me and my father so much."

"I really like the blueprint you just described, but what you said is not all right! A small mistake, I have to point it out!"

"Senior sister, what did I say wrong?" Allen was surprised.

"You said that the 'Panson family' has a bright future, that's not right!"

Tanya corrected solemnly.

"In fact, there is no such thing as the Pantheon family. The Panthers family has a bright future."

"Father and I are just vassals of the Panthers family. If you don't like the word vassal, I can change it to collateral."

"Senior Sister, what you said is not entirely true." Allen said seriously, "You and the mentor are not my vassals, nor are they collaterals. You are all my family members, direct members of the family."

"Senior sister, if you have to use external forms to strengthen the bond of family affection between us, then I hope you will marry me."

" this a formal proposal?" Tanya asked with a blushing face, "What did the elders say? Could it be a little hasty?"

"Let's make a private decision for life first, and the formal wedding date will be discussed by the two elders. Sister, do you think this is okay?"

Tanya was embarrassed to speak, and nodded shyly.

Seeing her shy look, Allen felt sorry for her, and leaned over to kiss her face.

Tanya didn't resist, she was as docile as a lamb.

Allen thought about it for a while, and he had already guessed eight or nine points.

Knowing that the senior sister was shy, she didn't tell her face to face.

Withdrew his hand calmly and continued to talk about business.

"Senior sister, you have been retreating in the secret realm for more than half a year, and I'm afraid you don't know much about the evolution of the war between the North and the South."

"Junior brother, actually I just want to ask you about it."

Tanya tidied up the messy underwear, her eyes cleared up again.

"Some time ago, my father came to visit me and brought good news. He said that the Northern and Southern Federation was about to cease fighting. Is it true?"

"That's right, the North and the South have already started negotiations for an armistice."

"Both sides have invested huge amounts of resources and sacrificed so many people, and there is a great tendency to be at odds with each other. As a result, they have only fought for less than three years, and they can't hold it anymore!" Tanya said with emotion.

"After the Silver Moon Monastery joined the war, the situation of the battle reversed, and the South Island Federation regained a lot of lost ground. If the war ceases here, the loss is actually not too great."

Allen sighed.

"It's a pity that my hometown, Kunt Island, is one of the areas that suffered the most from the war, and it was not able to recover in the end."

"If nothing else happens, Gwent Island should be ceded to Beast Worship."

"From this point of view, it was a wise move for you to lead the villagers to seek refuge at sea." Tan Ya comforted the junior brother softly.

As a traveler, Allen didn't have deep feelings for the so-called hometown of Kunt Island.

What really deserves his concern are his relatives and friends in his hometown, who have already moved to Yinyue Island with him.

After the signing of the armistice agreement, which side will Kunt Island be allocated to, and will the folks have a good life in the future?
Panthers is a good person, just a polite concern.

From Gwent Island, Tanya thought of another nearby island.

"Junior Brother! I remember that Griffin Island is not far from your hometown. Flynn and Julie from the Griffon family are both your good friends. Is their family okay?"

"After the Beast Cult annexed Gwent Island, in order to obtain the Griffin Airship, they really planned to attack Griffin Island."

Allen smiled and took the conversation.

"Worshiping Beast Cult has my informants, and they sent information in time."

"I took Flynn and Julie and teleported directly to Griffin Island and killed all the thirteen plague warlocks who made trouble on the island."

"After this incident, Father Flynn proposed that the entire Griffin family be merged into the Panthers family as a collateral branch."

"In this way, Griffin Island has become an industry under my name, and the mouse that worships the animal religion no longer dares to covet it."

"Junior brother, you are mature, and you handled this matter very well!"

Tanya's eyes were full of relief.

"Senior Sister, let's get back to the topic, and then talk about the truce negotiations."

"Actually, the two sides are willing to negotiate. In addition to the fact that the war consumes too much resources and population, both the North and the South are somewhat unable to sustain it. The main reason is that someone came forward to mediate."

"Mediate the war?" Tan Ya was surprised, "Who has such a big face, can persuade the leaders of the Northern and Southern Federation, Beast Worship, Silver Moon Monastery, and Human Demon Cult to gather at the negotiating table!"

"City of Origin, Saint Demon Royal Family." Allen replied softly.

Tanya was terrified!

"City of Origin... No wonder!"

The "Holy Devil Royal Family" in the city of origin is said to be the oldest surviving warlock family in the world, with a complete ancestor inheritance!

All forces in the warlock world respect the city of origin as the leader.

The holy demon royal family in the city of origin can be called the real first family in the warlock world, the "Dragon People" with pure blood.

However, the ancient, powerful and mysterious holy demon royal family seems to have no interest in ruling the world.

Neither plunder territory and resources, nor send people to occupy high positions of major forces, and interfere in the politics and military affairs of various countries.

In peaceful years, the city of origin has no sense of existence.

So much so that most people forget how powerful they are.

The city of origin, only occasionally reveals itself in two situations.

The first situation concerns the fate of the "peerless genius".

For example, a warlock who broke through the sixth level at a young age may attract the attention of Origin City!

Jin Jian sent a letter to invite this inexhaustible genius to visit the city of origin.

In the city of origin, geniuses can obtain meditation techniques, martial arts and magic inheritances above the sixth level.

But outside the city of origin, anywhere in the world, it is difficult to obtain these precious inheritances.

It is conceivable that most of the geniuses will accept the invitation and happily go to the city of origin for further studies.

Such legends have rarely been heard in recent years.

Mainly because... In recent years, the world of warlocks has really not produced any decent geniuses.

How much genius do you have to be in order to get the invitation letter from the city of origin?

Allen asked Teacher Shiva about this question.

"I don't know the specific invitation criteria!"

Master Shiva said so.

"But I can tell you that my level is not enough!"

"At least you have to be a genius stronger than me to be able to enter the eyes of the holy demon royal family!"

"Alan, work harder, boy, there is still hope!"

"Besides you, the younger generation, I'm afraid there is no one else."

Teacher Shiva's words made Allen ashamed.

He knew in his heart that his so-called "genius" mainly relied on the system to open and hack.

Don't play tricks, really fight for talent, far worse than Teacher Shiva!
Teacher Shiva is not qualified, who else has this qualification?
For some reason, Allen immediately thought of Angel.

Angel is definitely the super genius he has ever seen in his life, even more genius than Teacher Shiva!
This kid disappeared mysteriously, no one was alive or dead.

The only Pamela who knew his whereabouts was also tight-lipped and secretive.

Could it be that Angel has already entered the city of origin?
This conjecture lingered in Allen's mind.

If you want to enter the City of Origin for further studies, besides accepting a special invitation, there is another way with a lower threshold.

The warlock world has never been a peaceful paradise.

The forces of all parties, the major families, have many grievances and grievances with each other.

When contradictions accumulate to a certain extent, they will inevitably erupt violently in the form of war.

Therefore, every few decades, there will always be a war that spreads all over the world!

The full-scale war between the North and South Federations this time is nothing but a repeat of history.

Whenever a war breaks out, the city of origin also moves upon hearing the news.

At first, the holy demon royal family would not directly intervene in the war.

It is just to send special envoys to various parts of the world, lurking among the various forces participating in the war, and secretly observing.

The key objects of observation are those talents who stand out in the war and make illustrious military exploits.

When the war gradually got out of control and the disasters caused to the civilian class became unbearable, the city of origin would intervene to quell the war and allow the suffering people to recuperate.

At the same time, the city of origin will also issue a list.

List all young heroes who performed well in the war, and specially invite them to go to the city of origin to accept the trial.

Those who pass the trial can obtain the qualification to study in the city of origin.

This is the second way for Origin City to intervene in the real world!
In fact, Allen had been reminded by Master Shiva a long time ago.

The various forces that are killing people on the surface are just puppets on the stage.

Winning or losing is not important, camp is not important.

The important thing is to express yourself through this war, and strive to get tickets to the city of origin to participate in the trial!

Not long ago, Master Shiva received an official letter from the city of origin in his capacity as the dean of the Silver Moon Monastery.

The letter mainly mentions two things.

First, to urge the Silver Moon Monastery, as a warring party, to actively participate in the armistice negotiations.

Second, the letter gave a list of candidates who are qualified to go to the city of origin to participate in the trial.

Selected candidates have strict requirements on age and cultivation.

In the late stage of the fourth stage, the age should not exceed 30 years old.

In the early stage of the fifth stage, the age should not exceed 35 years old.

Late fifth stage: Age no more than 40 years old.

Pre-sixth stage: Age no more than 45 years old.

Late sixth stage: Age no more than 50 years old.

As for the warlocks above the sixth level, almost all of them are in the city of origin.

Even if there are one or two leftover beads from the outside world, there is no need to participate in the trial, and you can get a special invitation to directly enter the city of origin to practice.

Allen copied a list from Master Shiva, took it out of the storage bag, and read it with his senior sister.

Silver Moon Monastery, there are a total of eight candidates.

Adam and Baker of "The Bear Yard."

George and Hogg in The Pig Yard.

The four members of the "Cat Yard", in addition to Alan and Master Shiva, also have "Sister Lion" Maria and Junior Sister Angel.

On the Beast Cult side, many of the candidates were old acquaintances of Allen.

Akbar and Bei Ting brothers and sisters of the wolf family.

Caroline, the "Spider Queen" of the worm department, as well as Spanna and sister-in-law Spanza, the mother and daughter were all selected.

Both Alan and Tanya didn't recognize the rat candidate.

Most of the bats are unfamiliar faces, with only one name, which aroused Tan Ya's vigilance.

"Nora Ganesha? How could there be her!"

"Senior sister, do you recognize her?" Allen asked casually.

Tanya nodded slightly, with a strange expression on her face.

"Nora... is the youngest daughter of the former vice president of South Island College, Karna Ganesha."

After being reminded by the senior sister, Allen also remembered.

"No wonder I think this name looks familiar. Isn't this Nora Marvin's younger sister?"

"Because of her unexpected pregnancy, Ma Wen was unable to participate in the investigation team of Magic Stone Island in order to take care of her, and asked me to fill in the vacancy."

"After I came back, I gave Ma Wen the quota to enter the secret realm to practice, so that he can take care of his sister..."

"Senior sister, did Nora give birth to a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know. I heard that the child was born prematurely and failed to survive."

Tanya's tone was low.

"Actually, this is normal. After all, Nora was young at the time and her body was not fully developed. It was too early to be a mother."

"The Ganesha family secretly colluded with the Beast Cult."

"After the incident was revealed, Marvin was killed by you and Pamela together, and Kana was also killed by Master Shiva."

"In the direct line of the Ganesha family, there is only one Nora left."

"Now it seems that she has also joined the Beast Cult, fused with the blood of the Batman, and became a death warlock."

"What I didn't expect was that... she is actually qualified to represent the bat family and be selected for the trial list of the city of origin!"


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(End of this chapter)

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