LOL: People are on Weibo, they become gods by fishing

Chapter 19 Don't betray me, run slowly!

Chapter 19 Don't betray me, run slowly!

On the road, the barbarian king successfully killed Jess with a big jump tower, and was finally replaced by the defense tower.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that on the surface it is a one-for-one exchange, but in fact Theshy's Jess is in trouble.

He was single-killed in two consecutive games. If this situation happened in other games, with Theshy's own enthusiasm, it would inevitably trigger a confrontation between the fun people and fans.

But this time, everyone didn't pay too much attention to the situation on the top lane. After casually teasing a few words of "41 up", "i-series R&D master", "Wei Yan is awesome", they quickly turned their attention back to the bottom lane.

Because, compared to the old-fashioned top lane, what is happening in the bottom lane at this moment is undoubtedly more interesting.

The director is also a fun person, fast-forwarding the replay of the top lane solo kill, and then immediately shifted the camera to the bottom lane.

In the shot, Tes's next tower has only the last layer of skin left.

Seeing that Verus and Jhin are both at level seven, Renata is still suffering at level five.

Not only did he walk a few steps back to the bottom of the tower, but if he didn't pay attention, he was consumed by Verus' Q skill twice, and then he ate a Jhin's bang bang grenade, and half of his blood was gone in an instant.

In the screen, the dizzy Lienata accidentally moved, and was pinned under the tower by Jhin's W skill Lethal Brilliance. Seeing this blood volume, Huanfeng decisively activated Jhin's big move [Perfect Curtain Call].


In an instant, with the sudden sound of the violin, the director's camera also zoomed out.

In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's voice also became agitated.

"This W! Hit! Jhin made a precise hit with a deadly brilliance, imprisoning Renata under the tower! Immediately after that, he activated his big move and made a perfect curtain call!"

"One shot! Two shots! Renata is going to die!"

"The third shot! Fortunately, Kalista handed over her ult in time and sucked Renata in, but Jhin's fourth shot was still held on, forcing Kalista to pull away to the side. !"

"But from the side! At this time, the fox and the blind monk came from the river!"

"This is the time to catch an Angel Ryze and go home, and the Ruined King is still far away. Tes Nakano directly launched a wave of four packs and two in the bottom lane!"

"Seeing the blind monk and the fox from the river's field of vision, Jhin decisively canceled his ult and pulled back. Verus even started sprinting to accelerate, but in this position, it feels like Wbg's duo won't be able to escape!"

In the picture, it can be seen that Verus and Jhin are already surrounded by blind fox monks surrounded by the river because they are too far ahead.

Even when the fox was directly on the grass in the river, he used his big move to hurry, trying to keep people first.

The first time Huanfeng saw this scene, he subconsciously blurted out.

"Brother Sheng and the others are here, let's slip away quickly."

When Lin Sheng heard this, he saw that Jhin was already running, and immediately yelled.

"Don't worry, don't sell me, I feel like I can operate this wave, run slowly, you run slowly!"

Lin Sheng shouted, while controlling Verus, and ran all the way with the acceleration effect of sprinting.

In the commentary booth, with the start of this wave of encounters, the voice of the commentary also sounded in real time.

"This is the position! The fox rushed forward with the first stage of his ultimate move, and then the second stage of his ultimate move directly rushed into Jhin's face! But the E skill charm has not been handed in yet!"

"Flashed! The fox caught off guard and flashed E! Abandoned the purified Jhin, and the target was Verus next to him!"

"But Verus... my God escaped!"

"The flash EQ of the fox's sudden shot was directly dodged by Verus by turning his head around! At the same time, a big backhand move, the chain of corruption, actually fixed the fox in front of him!"

"The situation was reversed in an instant! Not only did the fox on the left have no EQ, but he was also controlled. Facing the two ADs, his blood volume dropped very quickly, as if he was about to risk his life!"

"Blind monk finally arrived at this time, the W golden bell cover came to the fox to put a shield on it, and then flashed a kick..."

Accompanied by Guan Zeyuan's fast-paced real-time commentary, the operation of the blind monk on the screen is extremely smooth, and the flashing of W skills is extremely fast, almost in an instant.

However, just when everyone thought that the blind monk would kick Verus away with a flash.

At the moment the blind monk flashed, Verus also handed over the flash grass at the same time.

As a result, a rather funny scene appeared in the picture directly.

Verus entered the grass, and the blind monk lost his vision in an instant. Naturally, the big move he had planned had no target, and the distance he wanted to kick Jhin was not enough, which directly caused the blind monk to pause on the spot looking dazed, and then Only then hastily poked an eye into the grass.

At the same time, the fox, who was immobilized by Verus' ult, finally survived until the end of the control, and quickly surrendered his third ult with the remaining blood, and pulled back to escape.

At this time, the blind monk pierced the field of vision provided by the grass with an ornamental eye, and happened to see Verus standing in the grass, charging his bow and drawing his bow.


Under the focus of the eyes of countless audiences, Verus's WQ arrow, which was full of damage, turned into a deep purple streamer, and accurately shot the bloody fox in the distance.


[Wbg, Lawliet killed Tes, Kinght]

【Wbg and Lawliet are close to going berserk】

This sudden kill immediately excited the audience and commentators.

"Hit! Verus' extremely precise arrow directly took away the last blood of the fox!"

"At this time, Calista and Renata on the side came late. The blind monk has only half blood left. The original four packs of two have become three hits of two. Now nothing is important, we must kill Only this Verus will do!"

"Even if surrounded by three people, Verus sprinted and accelerated to go to the toilet, but he still continued to drag A away!"

"The blood volume of the blind monk drops very quickly, and he is about to be killed by Jhin A on the side! Renata couldn't bear it and flashed Q directly!"

"Verus is still trying to move, but in such a narrow space... oh my god, what did I see! He really dodged it!"

In the picture, Verus, who was standing in the toilet pit, leaned against the wall in an extremely strange way and turned around, avoiding Renata's flash Q extremely extremely.

At the same time, the Q skill Tian Yinbo of the bloody blind man on the wall shot at the same time, passing by and hitting the air.

With this small move of Verus, he dodged two Qs at once!

"Damn it! I can empty this Q too!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian, ​​who was manipulating the blind monk at this moment, almost couldn't hold back his anger and fainted.

'It's okay, it's okay, my blind monk still has a big move, Renata also has a W, go over and kick, this wave will definitely kill! '

Xiaotian's eyes were fixed on Verus in front of him, and he frantically tapped on the R button with his left finger. This two successive waves of being teased has already made him angry.

To die! ! !
With raging anger, his fingers pressed the keyboard a little harder than usual.

However, this is of no use.

Just when he was thinking of going in and kicking the ultimate move to kill Verus, Jhin's fourth shot from the side had already been fired.


Killing with one shot directly emptied all the remaining blood volume of the blind monk.

Fortunately, Mark's Renata reacted quickly and gave the W skill in time to rescue the disaster in time, so that the blind monk was not killed on the spot.

"Brother Ness! Good W! Kill Verus and I can be resurrected!"

Xiaotian's voice was full of haste.

But in the next second, Jhin's deadly shot from the side suddenly shattered all his hopes.


Seeing that he would be able to enter the range of his ultimate move by taking two more steps, the blind monk was frozen in place for a second.

Seeing that Verus was obviously blocked, as long as he went over and added some output, he could be killed directly, and then he could be resurrected, and it was not impossible to cooperate with his teammates to continue killing Jhin.

but! ! !It's these two crucial steps, he just can't walk! !
In this way, with endless aggrievedness, the blind monk finally took a step after the confinement ended and kicked out his ultimate move.

But, that's about it.

The life extension of Renata's W skill just ended, taking away the last of his blood.

[Wbg, huanfeng killed Tes, Tian]

When the blind monk fell to the ground, Verus' blood volume had already entered the dangerous line.

Seeing that Calista hits A twice more, she can easily kill with just one spear.

But at this moment, the thick green fog suddenly spread, and Sfom, who had been running all the way, finally arrived.

Immediately, there was no suspense in this wave of battles in the bottom lane.

At the first moment, W flashed into the field and stunned Kalista. In just over a second, the output of Jhin, Verus, and Ruined King was concentrated, and Kalista was instantly vaporized on the spot.

[Wbg, Huanfeng killed Tes, Jackeylove]

Then, the only remaining Renata, naturally, could only be forced to die in love.

[Wbg, Sofm killed Tes, Mark]


So far, the bottom lane originally seemed to be a four-pack two initiative initiated by es, but in the end it was 0 for 4.

Looking at the corpses all over the road after the fight, Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion in the commentary seat.

"First dodge the fox EQ, then dodge the blind monk's ultimate move with the speed of light flash, the extreme distance Q kills the fox, sprints crazily pulls the card's field of vision, and finally this corner of the corner hides Renata and the blind monk Q is even more outrageous! "

"Four chasing him and killing one, can this keep him alive?"

"No, he is an assistant to Verus, why is he so good at it?"

(End of this chapter)

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