LOL: People are on Weibo, they become gods by fishing

Chapter 39 Matchup Instant Kill, But Support vs. Jungle

Chapter 39 Matchup Instant Kill, But Support vs. Jungle
Although what happened in just a few seconds, the audience was emotionally ups and downs and exclaimed again and again.

Ever since the third level of Wei appeared in the lower river, and the river didn't have any vision to detect, Wbg fans couldn't help but feel nervous.

When seeing the titan's hook blocked by the small cannon, everyone felt slightly relaxed.

But in the next second, seeing Wei Q's skill to keep Draven, and Titan and Shan stick together, most of the fans immediately felt a chill.

Then, just when everyone thought Draven was going to die, the big head grenade stunned Wei, combined with the concentrated fire damage ignited by the fort, it took away Wei's head instead.

The whole process really highlights twists and turns, twists and turns.

In an instant, the audience couldn't help but let out enthusiastic cheers when they heard the First Blood broadcast that suddenly resounded throughout the audience.

However, this wave of fighting in the bottom lane is still not over.

In the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's voice was still full of excitement.

"Wei sent out blood, and the head was directly taken by the big head!"

"At the same time, the Titan's position was also very awkward. He was directly chased and beaten by Draven and the big head. After the end, there were too many minions stuck in the position, and he was stuck and slowed down by the big head's red buff. It felt like the Titan couldn't get away! "

"Delevingne accelerated to catch up with another axe, directly taking away the Titan's head!"

"One wave of two against three! The Wbg duo won a big victory!"

It was originally a gank initiated by the three of RA Shimono, but in the end it was played a 0 for 2 instead.

Kai'Sa was left alone unable to pursue, and could only retreat to the tower by herself.

Looking at this scene, the two commentators in the commentary booth were full of excitement.

Guan Zeyuan: "When Wei came over and was not noticed by the vision, I thought Draven was dead, but I didn't expect such an ending to happen in the end."

Remember: "My God, the damage done by that big head just now was really outrageous, a wave of concentrated fire and ignition directly knocked out at least half of Wei's blood in an instant, it's terrifying!"

Guan Zeyuan: "The damage of the classic support is higher than that of AD, and it is also very important that the Titan failed in the Q just now. Now it seems that Lawliet's big head support has completely defeated the Titan. Let the small fort go there , Hook never wants to touch anyone for the rest of his life!"

Remember: "At first, the third-level catch was good, just to help my own bot lane gain advantage against Wbg bot lane, but now I sent out double buffs and [-] blood. It's getting worse."


As the commentary said, after the end of this wave of bot lane laning, wait until Draven and Datou complete the status return line, and the RA duo will directly enter the classic prison link.

The line of soldiers has been pushed wildly, and the blood volume has been consumed. Kai'Sa and Tai Tan can only tremble under the wretched tower.

Seeing that the AD gap between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, the tape on the bottom tower is getting thinner and thinner.

Iboy, who is RA's bot lane ADC, looked at Kai'Sa who was once again drained of blood, and felt aggrieved in his heart, which made him feel so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Convinced, I have been beaten from the beginning to the end, and I can't pay back a single hand. This time I played against the lane and made me feel like I was in jail."

And the assistant Yuyanjia next to him was in a bad mood at the moment, even worse than him.

"I really want to vomit brother, this big head is really disgusting, one thing to say, I have never seen such a disgusting hero in my life."

As for the tragic experience of his duo in the bottom lane, RA's jungler listened to his ears, but at this moment, he had no choice but to speak a few words of comfort.

"Brothers, don't worry, Draven didn't flash, hold tight and don't die, hold on for a while and wait for me to level six, then cooperate with Galio to go down the road, and they will definitely take it down!"

He said the only way to relieve the pressure in the bottom lane under the current situation.

However, the tactic of capturing at the sixth level has not yet been implemented, and the two brothers in the bottom lane have already been the first to suffer.

Before waiting for my own jungler to help, I waited for Wbg's jungler to patronize.

Game time is 6 minutes and 10 seconds.

While Leyan's Wei was still busy clearing the jungle and leveling up, Sofm's team had already arrived in the bottom lane.

Le Yan's Wei's early gank was counter-killed and turned in a flash, and his development rhythm was poor, so he couldn't take the rhythm for a while, but Sofm's people didn't have these concerns. Given the opportunity to take the lead, he scrambled and quickly got off the road.

Then, facing the residual blood Titan under the tower who was too consumed to take care of himself, Sofm directly controlled the troops to start sprinting, and cooperated with Draven and the big head to focus fire, and easily kicked the residual blood Titan under the tower to death.

【Wbg and Sofm killed RA and Yuyanjia】

At the moment of Titan's death, RA's mid laner Strive immediately handed over his TP, and Galio teleported to the next tower, which saved Kai'Sa's fate of continuing to jump over the tower.

It's a pity that Galio's TP also has a CD after all. If you can save him once, you can't save him a second time.

As time goes by, Draven and Big Head's equipment lead is getting bigger and bigger, the damage is getting higher and higher, and Kai'Sa Titan's is getting more and more difficult.

Facing Datou's consumption of W skills with a super high hit rate one after another, after a while, the RA duo was exhausted and huddled under the tower again.

Then, the first person to reach the sixth level appeared, easily initiated the tower jump, and simply left with two heads satisfied.

After that, the RA bot lane duo officially announced a complete collapse.

Even if the Kai'Sa Titans are under the wretched tower, it is completely unavoidable. They have become the fate of the cash machines for the four Nakashinosuke on Wbg.

Even the jungler Wei, who wanted to help relieve the pressure on the bottom lane, soon suffered along with him.

The game is eight and a half minutes long.

Wei, who was still at level six, walked from home to the bottom lane, preparing to cooperate with Galio's ultimate move and force a wave of rhythm in the bottom lane.

However, he hadn't made it to the end yet. When he reached the edge of the blue buff grass in his house, a crackling storm grenade suddenly flew out of the grass, knocking him out on the spot.

Then the next second, before he could react, he saw electricity and fire on the screen suddenly, and his full-blooded hero suddenly became empty-blooded.

Then, the screen turned directly into black and white.

And after he died, he saw a big head of level [-] slowly walking out of the grass next to him.

"Damn it! I was instantly kicked by a big head?"

For a moment, Le Yan was extremely shocked.

And it's not just him, the audience who are watching the live broadcast also have disbelief on their faces.

Because, unlike Leyan, whose vision is limited and unable to see the whole process, audiences with God's perspective really watched the whole process of this wave of Weibo.

And the process is actually very simple, that is, after pushing the lane in the bottom lane, the assistant swayed his head and walked directly into the wild area, placed three small forts in the grass of the RA blue buff, and then squatted inside without moving.

At first, the commentator and the audience were a little puzzled by the behavior of the big head.

"Here, is Lawliet going to squat here, but Galio is in the mid lane RA duo under the tower, and the only jungler Wei that can squat down is Wei, but is it really enough damage to rely on the big head alone?"

Guan Zeyuan was deeply puzzled when he saw the big head squatting in the grass to ambush.

Soon, the scene in front of him completely resolved his doubts on the spot.

In the picture, facing Wei who was approaching full of blood, Datou simply stunned with the E skill grenade, then hung it up and ignited it, and released his RW enhanced missile close to his face.

Just like that, a set of skills was shot, and Wei's blood bar evaporated on the spot.

[Wbg, Lawliet killed RA, Leyan]

Solo kill!

Moreover, it is also a full blood spike from the support position to the jungle position!

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant, and question marks filled the screen on the spot.

"???What's the meaning?"


"What the hell did I see?"

"Damn it! Auxiliary second jungler?"

"What the hell kind of damage is this?"

"It's really full of blood in seconds, right?"

"I'm drowning!!! Crazy slaughter!!!"

"It's a bit too exaggerated to say one thing."


(End of this chapter)

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