Chapter 10
Tang Yue practiced the new account of the national uniform in the new area. She wanted to use Zuiwo on the battlefield to fight with Jun Moxiao and climb to the peak of glory with him. Of course, she needed this superb weapon.

When Ye Qiu retires, Tang Yue will also reach the age to join the army, and will retire with Ye Qiu. As for how to deal with this weapon, we can only talk about it at that time.

After receiving the Blue River materials, Tang Yue parked the Zuiwo Battlefield in the arena. After thinking about it, she took out three wild boss materials and cut them, and fused them with other hidden boss materials to obtain nine kinds of materials. The special synthetic material was polished into nine quadrangular pyramid shapes, and 34 copies of its own materials were taken out, which were fused with six hidden materials to synthesize hundreds of synthetic materials, and finally each was polished into parts of different shapes.

Tang Yue took some of these parts out, cut out the grooves at specific positions, and then assembled the grooves into a sword shape, then began to weld the seams, and finally dug holes on the spine of the sword, which is a standard quadrangular pyramid inverted shape. Pit, then inlaid nine square pyramids into the spine of the sword, and the surface was tightly seamed. After the seams were welded again, it began to be polished until the seams were not visible, and finally the runes were drawn on the entire body of the sword.

Rune is also the drawing technique that Tang Yue learned from Chengwu.

The runes can not only stimulate all the attributes of the sword body, but also cover the splicing lines. If you want to disassemble violently, you will destroy the runes, and the sword will be useless, unless you refer to the drawings to cut and disassemble, and replace the cut pieces. Parts synthesized with other materials, assembled, welded and polished, then draw runes again to complete the upgrade.

Tang Yue also left six inlay holes on both sides of the hilt. If Blue River has gem materials, they can be polished and inlaid in to provide special gem effects.

The mosaic hole technology is the mainstream technology, which was researched by the original wasteland pioneers. It has been published on the forum, and players can learn it. Of course, all major teams have mastered it.

The Silver Weapons of many advanced players in online games are actually fake Silver Weapons made by punching holes in the Orange Equipment and inserting special materials to increase attributes.This is not something everyone can play, because the location of the hole is not chosen well, which may destroy the inherent properties of the orange equipment. Whether the special properties of the inlaid materials can be used depends on whether the runes can be restored. If it is wrong, it cannot be used by the orange equipment. To stimulate the attributes of gemstones, it is not easy to play with high-level players.

Tang Yue only asked Lan He for six high-level materials. In fact, this design still needs dozens of materials, but they are all dungeon materials. Received from the market, in order not to expose the fusion technology, Tang Yue provided it for free.

If Lan He wanted to upgrade the sword, Tang Yue had to be responsible for it himself. Others didn't have blueprints, so dismantling it would only destroy the sword.

Of course, Tang Yue can't guarantee that the upgrade will be successful. If the new synthetic material is used, and the properties of the material conflict, the sword will explode and be completely scrapped.Or the proportion of synthetic materials is wrong, the attributes are not fully stimulated, and in the end it is not even as good as the orange weapon.

If Lanxi Pavilion wanted to upgrade this level 50 weapon, Lanxi Pavilion had to provide the materials Tang Yue wanted several times, and had to put on a smiling face to satisfy Tang Yue.

Free lunch is not delicious, Tang Yue knows this truth well.

He was confident, and in the end it was the Juggernaut who begged him to upgrade this silver weapon.

Two hours later, a lightsaber with a cold light came out.

The name has been changed to Chuichen Yingxue, indicating that it is another recipe,
Chuichen Yingxue, level 55, attack speed 10, strength +20, stamina +20, physical attack 680, magic attack 580, strength +30, spirit +30, ice attribute resistance +20%, spell crit rate +5 , Freezing Chance +10%, Attack Speed ​​+1, Sword Sets the World +2.

"Damn, so awesome."

After reading the attributes, even Tang Yue was stunned. This far exceeded expectations, especially the addition of the freezing attribute +10%. This is a remarkable attribute, and Team Blue Rain will definitely use it for research.

Tang Yue can synthesize freezing properties, but not with this formula, it is unexpected that these materials can also be stimulated.

Tang Yue thought for a while, and then calculated carefully for a while, before she realized that it should be the additional properties produced by the synthetic materials of the four pyramids excited by each other.

Sure enough, after Lan He got Chuchen Yingxue, he was amazed at first, and then sat on the chair morosely.

The sword is level 55, and he is only level 51 now. It will take at least a few days to equip this silver weapon. If it is shown to the team, the technical department will probably stay for research, and his dream of silver weapon will be shattered.

How to do it?Do you want to pay now?

This silver weapon is only at level 55, and its basic attributes are close to the top purple weapon at level 65. It is equivalent to a level [-] orange weapon. .

There are also additional attributes that are very awesome. It is a silver weapon that can be used up to level 60 without changing. Of course, it means that the player, the team wants to upgrade to at least level 70, and the attribute exceeds level 70. , the attribute may be comparable to an 80-level orange weapon, and of course it may be higher.

After thinking for a long time, Lanhe decided to turn in his professionalism. After taking a screenshot of Yinwu, he reluctantly watched it for another 10 minutes. Finally, he gritted his teeth and traded Chuchen Yingxue to a level 25 trumpet. account card, and walked slowly to Mr. Chunyi's office.

Elder Chun Yi was leading a team to read the Hundred People's Book, when he saw Lan He approaching the door in person, he turned his head and asked Lan He, "Will waiting another 10 minutes delay things?"

Lan He shook his head, then found a place to sit down, took out his trumpet and swiped his card to log in, and continued to admire Chuchen Yingxue's peerless face.

Chun Yi always overthrew the small boss before announcing to save the dungeon, let everyone rest for a while, raised his head and asked Lan He: "Lan Qiao, is it Lord Grim again?"

"No, this time it's a drunk lying on the battlefield."

"Drunk on the battlefield? Jun Moxiao on the drunken battlefield, what's the relationship between the two?"

"I haven't heard that it has anything to do with it. This Zuiwo Battlefield said he was an overseas student. He used to play in the Y server. Now he is back in China to practice a new account. He saw that the No.1 in the tenth district is called Lord Grim, so he named it Zuiwo Battlefield. , He is only level 28 now, and he is also a great master. The most important thing is that he can make silver weapons, and he has already joined the Lanxi Pavilion. I will give him the materials and ask him to make a lightsaber. I would like to show you the attributes of the lightsaber."

"He knows how to make a silver weapon? If he is really good, he can recommend it to the technical department. Let me check the attributes."

After finishing speaking, he walked to the edge of the blue river, and the first thing he looked at was the level, which was level 55. He frowned and asked, "Is there an upgrade plan?"

"No, the materials are provided by us, and they are all produced in the tenth district."

Elder Chun Yi is already gasping for breath. Level 55 has such a strong additional attribute, and it is not the material of the domain of gods. If you use the materials of the domain of gods and upgrade to level 20, the basic attributes must be higher than Huang Shaotian's ice rain , the additional attribute is even more awesome, the chance of freezing is too rare, especially the lightsaber, the speed is very fast, it is easy to cut ten swords, even if the boss has high resistance, cut [-] swords, freeze into ice bumps, and then you can A wave of death.

Nima, what kind of perverted weapon is this? Such an amazing person appeared in the tenth district.

"Can the team recruit him?"

"Probably not. After his winter vacation is over, he will go to University H to study for a Ph. To make a level [-] lightsaber, I added six more wild map materials, the basic attributes skyrocketed, and the additional attributes also increased by three."

Lan He took out Qingchen Yixiao's account in the Realm of God, turned on a computer, and displayed the Yinwu Chuichen.

The two silver weapons are very similar, but Chuanchen Yingxue emits a faint cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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