Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 101 Excellent Era Agreed

Chapter 101 Excellent Era Agreed

Tao Xuan knew that Ye Xiu would definitely not do such a thing. If he wanted Qiu Fei, he could just take him away from the training camp. According to the training camp contract, Excellent Era would be compensated with a maximum training fee of 50 yuan, and he would not recommend Qiu Fei at all.

Of course, although Tang Yue is domineering, she still has her duty. At least follow the formal procedures and spend 100 million to buy Qiu Fei.

As a rookie who hasn't played yet, this price seems reasonable. After all, Qiu Fei joined halfway. He has won and lost. What a brilliant performance.

Which rookie will not win a few games when he comes out?Those who can pass the test of the rookie wall are considered rookies, and only then are they really valuable.

Ye Qiu and Xiao Shiqin valued Qiu Fei very much, which meant that Qiu Fei had great potential. If it wasn't for Tang Yue, who dared to offer 100 million yuan, Tao Xuan could slap him.

Seeing Tao Xuan walking back with a cold face, Cui Li sneered and suggested to Tao Xuan: "If we play for another six months, based on his rising performance, we can sell him during the winter break, such as reincarnation, at least 300 yuan." Ten thousand. We have a contract with him, so we can’t do without him.”

Tao Xuan said: "Qiu Feitie is determined to go to Xingxin. Samsara knows he can't keep him. Will he spend 300 million to buy him for half a year?"

Cui Li said: "Samsara was originally a small team. Because of Zhou Zekai's rise, a large amount of capital was injected into it. However, the foundation of Samsara is insufficient. Du Ming and Yu Nian's personal combat power is still lacking compared to others. He can play an important role in the frontal attack in the team competition or in the individual competition, and for next season's championship, I think they will definitely agree."

Tao Xuan suddenly turned his head, squinted his eyes to look at Cui Li, and said softly, "Are you confused? I worked so hard to get Xiao Shiqin here, just to let him help us win the championship next season."

Seeing Tao Xuan's expression, Cui Li knew that this was the prelude to the boss's outburst, so he slapped himself on the head abruptly, and said with a smile, "Oh, I really lost my mind and wanted to join the enemy."

Only then did Tao Xuan slow down his tone and said, "Don't get dizzy just thinking about Ye Qiu. To be honest, I already regretted forcing Ye Qiu away. Although it was your suggestion, it was ultimately my decision. I don't blame you, but I hope that you will think more about Jiashi's interests before making a suggestion next time, otherwise I will agree after thinking about it for a while, and if I regret it, I will blame you, which means that you are not qualified as a manager , I will open another Internet cafe for you to manage."

Cui Libei smiled and said: "Don't dare, I only think of Ye Qiu, and I will be messed up. Since he left, it's someone else who caused the disaster, and I won't hold on to it."

In the conflict between Cui Li and Ye Qiu, not talking about speculation is one aspect, and Jiashi's interests are the important reason.

Ye Qiu's poisonous tongue was not only aimed at the team members, he even dared to insult Tao Xuan, so what was Cui Li?
Tao Xuan's interests are the most important thing, and he can laugh off the trash talking.

Cui Li comes from a social background, he cares about face, but he won't spoil Ye Qiu.

After all, when Tao Xuan opened the Internet cafe, he was the network manager, and Ye Qiu had always been his subordinate in Excellent Era.

Ye Qiu is a master in the game, but he doesn't show up. Not only does he not participate in outside parties, he doesn't even participate in internal meetings. He also has no scruples about the company's rules and regulations. It's Cui Li, the manager.

Tao Xuan said seriously: "Now it's not Ye Qiu's problem, it's Tang Yue on the other side, we can disagree with selling Qiu Fei, but we can't sell Qiu Fei to someone else, this is going to be tough with Prince Heming, and sell it to Samsara To show it is to slap him in the face, for a rookie, is it worth it? Think about it, if you offend Tang Yue in City H, as long as Heming Group gets wind of it, at least half of the sponsors will leave Excellent Era."

For the sake of sponsorship, Tao Xuan could give up Ye Xiu, but also for the sake of sponsorship, how could he force Qiu Fei to stay?
Cui Li asked: "Is this matter worthy of Heming Group's intervention?"

Tao Xuan said: "We climbed up from the bottom step by step, and we don't understand the thoughts of these rich second generations, but I know one thing, if I cut Tang Yue's face for 100 million, he might spend 1000 million to get back at us, As long as the news about him dealing with me gets out, without his parents coming forward, those who want to curry favor with the Heming Group will definitely take the initiative to deal with us, just to please Tang Yue. How many of the merchants sponsoring us are wealthy? How dare you touch these people, the heavyweights are different, well, if they give a hint, they can cut off our sponsorship, and we have to smile."

The Heming Building stands opposite Excellent Era, and you can see it when you go up to the second floor. Thinking that the opponent is the Heming Group, Cui Li knew that he couldn't afford to offend him, so he asked, "This is really rich and willful. What should I do?"

Tao Xuan said: "Since Tang Yue wants it, Qiu Fei is also determined to leave, so don't make any further twists and turns, just agree directly, I'll give Tang Yue this face, and it's best not to cause trouble again."

Cui Li comforted: "Fortunately, Li Rui is not bad, just go up there."

Tao Xuan thought for a while, and said to him: "Let's sign all the training camp Qiu Fei, and don't need a novice contract. The salary is [-], and the contract is signed for three years. The subsidies for other children in the training camp are also increased. The training fee on the Internet is also doubled. We can’t fall twice in the same ditch.”

Cui Li thought, yes, this group of young people have been training for three years, and they are all good in strength. They will join the team together and let Xiao Shiqin train them. The future can be expected.He and Ye Qiu didn't fight each other, but he recognized Ye Qiu's glory strength. Excellent Era training camp was taught by Ye Qiu himself. Since Qiu Fei was already able to meet the needs of the team, the others would certainly not be too far behind. Gold-plated, no matter whether he stays in the team or sold, he is worth at least 300 million, and Sun Xiang is only 700 million.

Cui Li nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, Mr. Tao is wise, I'll do it now."

An hour after the transfer application was delivered, Excellent Era announced that it had accepted Xingxin's offer and transferred Qiu Fei to Xingxin for 100 million yuan.

Chen Guo, Yan Cunxin and Li Yue went upstairs with the printed copy of Excellent Era's receipt.

Chen Guo said, "Xiaoyue, Excellent Era agreed."

Tang Yue nodded: "Then hurry up and hand it over, stop the plan of poaching other young players in the training camp, Tao Xuan endured it, give me this face, we can't push our noses, and stop other plans that are not good for Excellent Era. , my sister is still in Excellent Era."

Yan Cunxin just stepped on Sun Xiang on Weibo.

Winning back Ye Qiu's title of Fighting God was only the first step. Applying for a transfer to Qiu Fei was the second step. Afterwards, she would poach other young players from the training camp, regardless of size or number.After she finishes poaching the children, she will announce the salaries of Team Excellent Era's players to attract more people to poach them. Even if Tao Xuan keeps the team, he will bleed heavily.

Liyue has already experienced the baptism of society, so she will not be so radical in her actions. Yan Cunxin just left school, and it is the time when she is in high spirits.In Yan Cunxin's view, Chen Guo is her direct leader, and Tang Yue is her benefactor. Whatever Tang Yue wants to do, she will spare no effort to achieve it.

Tang Yue said that Yan Cunxin would keep it in mind if she wanted to teach Tao Xuan a lesson, and she had already helped Tang Yue formulate a set of combination plans. If Tao Xuan saw the content, he would definitely jump up and scold her.

Tao Xuan endured it once, and he escaped a catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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