Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 107 I Have Confidence in You

Chapter 107 I Have Confidence in You
After making the phone call, I went back to the hall and saw figures coming out of the two doors of the cubicle.

Because only the ground lights were turned on in the hall, the light was very dim, and when he got closer, Xiao Shiqin could see clearly that it was Wei Chen who came out following Ye Qiu, and on the other side were Zhang Jiale and the tall boy, who should be drunk. .

Sure enough, Drunken God first went to greet Su Mucheng: "Sister, it's a holiday."

Su Mucheng nodded: "It's a holiday, so I'm going on vacation here. By the way, this is Xiao Shiqin, Excellent Era's new vice-captain."

Tang Yue nodded to Xiao Shiqin: "Hi, Tang Yue."

Xiao Shiqin stretched out his hand to shake him: "Xiao Shiqin, I have long admired the name of Drunk God."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "I'm a little famous in online games, and I can't afford to be praised as the number one mechanic in the league."

Xiao Shiqin said: "You have helped Lan Yu a lot, otherwise Lan Yu would not have won the championship so easily."

Tang Yue: "It's not about helping, everyone gets what they need, mutual benefit."

Xiao Shiqin: "We, Excellent Era, can also cooperate."

Tang Yue shook her head: "I don't have time right now, let's talk when I have time."

Xiao Shiqin stood up and said to Su Mucheng, "You are here for vacation? I guess I will leave in three days."

"Yeah, I won't give it away when the time comes."

Xiao Shiqin greeted everyone again, and was about to turn around and leave.

Zhang Jiale said: "Hey, Xiao Xiao, why did you leave right after you came here? Sit down and help us grab two more bosses."

Wei Chen also said: "Just now, Zhang Xinjie felt very uncomfortable when he crossed from the right. Also, you were going to cut him as soon as he rushed forward. He tried you. As soon as you moved, he guessed you right. You should not Move, does he really dare to attack you?"

Wei Chen took the interaction between Xiao Shiqin and Zhang Xinjie completely in his eyes, and said it to make a sense of his presence.

As soon as Xiao Shiqin heard the voice, he immediately remembered which one it was, and what Wei Chen said was right, he really shouldn't have moved, because there was reincarnation behind Tyranny, and Lan Yu was on the side, and Zhang Xinjie made the feint only to test him. .

Xiao Shiqin smiled convincingly and said: "Jiang is still old and spicy, the broken tail of the previous reincarnation is too beautiful."

Wei Chen laughed, and said, "That's right, come and play more when you have time, you are still welcome here."

It means, don't say it out, you are still friends.

Xiao Shiqin nodded: "I just arrived today, so I'll go to bed early, and I'll come to play with you when I'm free."

"Let's go down together, let's exercise and go to bed."

Because the shower room is on the first floor, now everyone will exercise and sweat before taking a bath, so that they can sleep more comfortably.

Ye Xiu called everyone to go down to exercise, and said to Xiao Shiqin by the way: "Excellence can also learn from exercise. I didn't pay attention to this before. Now after exercising for a while, I feel much better."

Xiao Shiqin was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "Let me take a look first, and I will give my opinion in due course."

A group of people crowded out of the elevator, and Xiao Shiqin followed into the gym. Seeing so many luxurious equipment, it would be a lie to say that he wasn't envious.

Thunder couldn't afford it. Excellent Era was an old wealthy family, so it only had a few top characters, and the self-built base was more valuable.Xingxin did not have these supporting conditions.

Thinking about the role of Excellent Era, it seemed that it was even more incomparable with Xingxin, and he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

After walking around inside and studying the combination equipment, Xiao Shiqin took his leave and left, but when he reached the hall, he was stopped by Yan Cunxin.

"Xiao Shiqin, can you sign for me and take a photo with me?"

Yan Cunxin is now a staff member of Xingxin, and he is still a player. Although Xiao Shiqin is not his idol, he can meet Xiao Shiqin, get autographs and group photos, and post them on Weibo and Moments. .

She had been eyeing Xiao Shiqin for a long time, and finally waited for the right opportunity.

Xiao Shiqin didn't know Yan Cunxin. He only knew that she was the girl who competed with the boss and made him drool when she was running. Because she was wearing Xingxin's uniform, she thought she was a team member, so she signed for Yan Cunxin and took a photo with her.

Then he asked kindly, "What is your occupation?"

Yan Cunxin said, "I'm not a Heming Xingxin player, I'm a staff member."

Seeing that Yan Cunxin didn't declare his family background, Xiao Shiqin didn't ask anymore. No celebrity would ask fans for autographs. Especially pretty female fans, they should keep their distance. No matter how much he talks, it will appear that he has ulterior motives .

After Yan Cunxin sent Xiao Shiqin out of the gate of Heming Garden, he waved goodbye.

After Xiao Shiqin returned to Excellent Era, he was still curious after thinking about it, so he made a special call to Tao Xuan.

"Captain Xiao, did you go to Xingxin today?"

"Yes, let's find out."

"how is everything?"

"Very strong, our Excellent Era may not be as strong as them."

"Yeah, we played a friendly against them, 10-0, we lost."

Xiao Shiqin rolled his eyes, Mr. Tao, don't pant when you speak, I thought you Excellent Era had won.

But Xingxin had zero letters from Excellent Era, he still didn't believe it.

"Is it that strong?"

"I'm not missing you."

"Aren't their skill points high?"

"Skill points? That's right, Mu Yuchengfeng's skill points have already increased, and Sun Xiang guessed it was full, but she didn't show us the account number."

"It's full, don't show it, isn't her team account?"

"It was Su Mucheng who brought it to the team account. I promised her that when she leaves, she can take the account with her. The silver weapons and silver equipment on her used to be brought with the account. We upgraded later, and her skill points It was originally 4765, but after getting the new silver weapon, it became higher in a short time, the skill points should be added by Tang Yue for her, and she wants to take them away, so we can't set up obstacles because of emotion and reason."

"Her brother made all the silver equipment for her account?"

"Yeah, her account was used by her brother who was planning to participate in the league competition, but died before signing up, and did not enter our Excellent Era. Later, Su Mucheng brought it over when she grew up. It's just that the level is 60, and the team helped her to upgrade to Excellent Era. Level 65, and then gradually increased to level 70."

"That Tang Yue not only masters the technology of Yinwu transformation, but also masters the technology of skill points, right?"

"It should be, he came back from country Y, maybe the team of country Y has research on this."

"I just wanted to cooperate with him, but he politely refused."

"There are many teams who want to cooperate with him, so Lan Yu got two silver weapons. We got an extra transforming silver weapon because of Su Mucheng, but she didn't show it to the technical department. Guan Rongfei from our technical department I jumped to Xingxin directly, just to learn transforming weapons, I feel bitter, but I can't say anything."

"With the emergence of Xingxin, the alliance's tactics have to be adjusted again."

"Yes, I have confidence in you."

"You rest, I'll look for the video of the last friendly match, let's get to know it first."

"you should also rest earlier."

Xiao Shiqin is hardworking. To be able to lead the underdog Thunder to become a regular player in the playoffs, the effort Xiao Shiqin put in must exceed most players.

Back in Excellent Era's tactical room, Xiao Shiqin found the friendly match folder from the team profile, and the first video was not a game video but a post-match summary.

 It will be on the shelves at noon on February 2th, and a chapter will be sent in advance, and readers will be informed by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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