Chapter 109 Insights
After Xiao Shiqin found the friendly match folder from the team information, the first video was not a game video but a post-match summary. It was Ye Qiu summarizing the match against Tyranny for Excellent Era players, followed by making a battle plan against Thunderclap .

After watching the video, Xiao Shiqin understood.

"Excellent Era suddenly changed its style of play, gave up shadow tactics, and used tactics and qigong masters to chase after itself. On the other side, Qiu Fei was protecting the priest. At that time, he saw that Su Mucheng was alone, so he sent an assassin to suppress Su Mucheng. As a result, the assassin Was single-handedly killed by Su Mucheng."

"This is all Ye Qiu's arrangement."

"Then Su Mucheng and Qiu Fei played screen cannon, and Sun Xiang went to intercept the priest, forcing Life Extinguisher to rescue him, and using qigong masters to capture Life Extinguisher alive. Ye Qiu made every link for them."

Xiao Shiqin muttered while watching, and then began to complain.

"This is because the game hasn't been played yet. Ye Qiu has already figured out my deployment on the spot, so the loss in that game is not unfair."

"It's not wrong at all."

"We of the golden generation were all brought up by Ye Qiu's abuse, and we also grew up studying Ye Qiu's tactics, but we don't know that Ye Qiu understands us more deeply."

"Monster Ye Shen, when will you retire?"

Leaving aside the friendly match, Xiao Shiqin found the game between Excellent Era and Thunderclap in the first half, opened the folder, and first clicked on Ye Qiu's post-match summary.As a result, the video was full of Ye Qiu's sarcasm towards Liu Hao and He Ming. The language was so vicious that Xiao Shiqin felt that Ye Qiu was going too far.

"Do you think you're so smart that I can't see it?"

"Still think that only I can see it, and no one else can? Know that I don't show up, so I can only take the blame for you?"

"You guys do this, are you worthy of the fans?"

"Are you worthy of the salary the boss gave you?"

"If I didn't know that you don't have the guts, I would definitely think that you are eating black money."


Xiao Shiqin heard Ye Qiu scolded too hard and couldn't remember what the problem was. He was sure there was no PY deal.I just opened the game video, compared it with Ye Qiu's pre-match arrangement and post-match summary, and after watching it repeatedly, I understood it in my heart.

If Liu Hao and He Ming could complete the task Ye Qiu gave them before the game, Thunderclap would definitely lose against Excellent Era at home, not win by a narrow margin.

Liu Hao and He Ming's deliberate delay prevented Excellent Era from forming a joint force.

During the match, Ye Qiu also made changes on the spot, trying to use his and Su Mucheng's efforts to bring back the situation, but Liu Hao and He Ming played tricks again and sold their priest by exchanging Thunder Assassin, completely destroying the situation. Ye Xiu's efforts.

Once Priest Excellent Era died, One Autumn Leaf could only launch a strong attack, but under his own command, Thunder moved while attacking, relying entirely on slowly grinding blood to narrowly defeat Excellent Era.

After that game ended, the winter rollover began. Ye Qiu immediately announced his retirement. The reason given by the club was that Ye Qiu was not in good condition and the team's performance had declined severely.

From Xiao Shiqin's point of view, if he still can't see the tricks in this, then he is not worthy of being a master tactician.

"Ye Qiu retired, and then Sun Xiang came to replace Ye Qiu."

"Therefore, Liu Hao is so bold that he dared to oppose Ye Qiuming's writings. Except for Tao Xuan's instruction, there is no one else."

"The purpose is to get rid of Ye Qiu and use One Autumn Leaf for Sun Xiang."

"One Autumn Leaf should be the bargaining chip to attract Sun Xiang."

When the season ended, it was Liu Hao and He Ming who exchanged transfers with him.

"Therefore, the birds are kept in good bows, and the hares are cooked with dead dogs."

"Liu Hao was killed by Tao Xuan, and he was refrigerated on sick leave for a few months before being transferred to send him away."

"By the way, add He Ming to exchange myself."

Just thinking about it and being terrified.

Xiao Shiqin murmured: "Tao Xuan is really ruthless."

After calming himself down carefully, Xiao Shiqin continued to open the folder. There were densely packed and neatly arranged video files inside. After checking, there were a full six seasons of files.

Just flip through a few, which are full of pre-match plans, game videos and post-match summaries.

From the third season to the present, all the game data of Excellent Era are here.

Xiao Shiqin's silent expression finally softened, and he started laughing.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Excellent Era to have such a big treasure."

At the end of the laugh, Xiao Shiqin burst into tears.

"I hid in He Wu's BOSS group, and Zhang Xinjie recognized me with just one movement. I was completely figured out."

"What else can a well-understood tactician do?"

"The biggest characteristic of Ye Qiu's tactics is adapting to changing circumstances. No matter how many changes you have, when the plan is revealed, you will still be injured."

"Ye Qiu has always been the scariest person in the alliance, and he is the best at playing tricks."

"You think you're standing on the fifth floor and strategizing, but Ye Qiu is actually standing on the roof watching the monkey show."

"He can always kick you down the abyss before you reach the top."

"These materials are all prepared for me!"

"Is this God's will?"

"It allows me to learn Ye Xiu's tactical thinking closely and comprehensively."

"Then use this year to recharge yourself."

"Yu Wenzhou, Zhang Xinjie, wash your neck and wait."

After thinking it over, the unhappiness caused by Tao Xuan just now was swept away.

Xiao Shiqin really wanted to shout loudly: "When Ye Qiu retires, I, Xiao Shiqin, will dominate the league."

Thinking of today's purpose, Xiao Shiqin smiled and said, "Then let's take a look at Xingxin first."

Xiao Shiqin found the video file of the friendly match and opened it.

The first individual match was Su Mucheng vs. Ninja. Xiao Shiqin remembered that Xingxin had a thin and tall young man playing ninja. He just wanted to check his level.

Within a few seconds, Xiao Shiqin opened his eyes wide, and said in disbelief, "I'll go, what kind of strange attack is this?"

"Change martial arts?"

"Spear body technique?"

"This is a spear technique that is different from Zhou Zekai's."

"High muzzle, dagger output, grenade kick, dagger output, lighter kick, dagger output, judo skill fall, no, this is a combination skill fall, it takes a lot of hand speed to imitate judo action?"

"This is a close-to-body spear technique, or a close-to-body bunt. When a gunner encounters this kind of play, he will basically be useless."

Xiao Shiqin looked at the statistics of the whole game: the peak hand speed was 523, and the average hand speed was 235.

"It means that he is very comfortable with Su Mucheng. Where did Ye Qiu find such a master?"

"There is no such style of play in the league. This kind of wild style of play can only appear in online games, and the opponent must be good. But now the opponent is Su Mucheng, the number one gunner in the league. Even Ye Qiu, a textbook , can’t achieve this effect.”

The second match was a Warlock vs. Boxer, Excellent Era Boxer Shen Jian, who was at the upper middle level in the league, but under Yingfeng Formation, he couldn't get any benefit at all, and was molested throughout the process.

(End of this chapter)

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