Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 126 The Temporary Added Jun Mofei

Chapter 126 The Temporary Added Jun Mofei
The people of Heavenly Swords only know that Lord Grim is chasing and killing Deception, but they don't know that they have incorporated Deception.

Zhan Loulan was attacked by Destroyer before, Zou Yunhai only thought it was a sneak attack, he never thought it would be so powerful, so he could only continue to find reasons: "His silver weapon has a very high attack power."

Loulan Slash said with a smile: "No one blames you, Jun Moren's ninja knife is a transformation weapon, you can draw out the dagger and put it in a trap."

Only then did Zou Yunhai know: "Transforming silver weapons, I thought it was changing martial arts."

Loulan Slash said: "You are also afraid of getting close, do you want to ask Drunk God to help you make a transforming silver weapon?"

Zou Yunhai immediately reacted: "Okay, I can pay for it myself."

"Xiao Yunjie, you're playing the third game." Loulan Zhan greeted the players for the match, and said with a smile, "If you have a team, don't pay for it yourself. Let's go to the next door and talk about how much it will cost?"

Zou Yunhai asked: "Do you know how much blue rain comes out?"

Loulan Slash shook his head: "I only know that it was exchanged for rare materials, they made a list, and Lan Yu gave five times the materials."

Zou Yunhai immediately said: "We don't have enough materials, so we should pay for it."

Loulan Slash shook his head: "That's the hard part. Let me ask you a question. I'll exchange your company's stock for an equivalent value. Do you agree?"

Zou Yunhai immediately said: "Of course I agree, your company's development prospects are better than ours."

Loulan Zhan asked again: "Then how about I buy your company shares directly with money?"

Zou Yunhai shook his head: "Of course not."

Loulan Slash asked, "Why not?"

Zou Yunhai said, "I'm not short of money."

Loulan Slash said, "The Drunken God is not short of money."

Zou Yunhai said, "Have you asked?"

Loulan Slash shook his head: "If you're not sure about this kind of thing, don't ask blindly, otherwise the friendship will fade."

Zou Yunhai felt dizzy and asked, "Then what should I do?"

Loulan Slash shook his head: "I don't know."

Zou Yunhai looked at the other three, who also shook their heads.

They did some calculations just now, and Lord Moren's damage data is ridiculously high. If it was all brought by silver armor and silver weapons, then the basic attack power of silver weapons must be at least 2000+, which is obviously impossible.

Seeing the seriousness of the three of them, Zou Yunhai asked, "Apart from this, what else do you have to do?"

Zhong Yeli said: "If it's not that Jun Moren has additional equipment bonuses, or that the attack power of the ninja knife is extremely high, we guess it can't be that high, it should be because of the high skill points."

Zou Yunhai can understand and understand what it means, but he doesn't understand: "Why do you say that, our skill points are all between 4600-4700, which can be regarded as the middle level of professional roles, how high can he be?"

Zhong Yeli said: "Based on your attribute data and blood volume drop, and according to our own silver equipment and silver weapon grades, Lord Moren's skill points are probably between 5200-5300."

Zou Yunhai exclaimed, "How is it possible? The highest point is only 5000 points."

After speaking, he reacted.

Jun Moren not only has higher equipment grades than them, but also has higher skill points than them, not just a little bit higher, but crossing the realm.

Loulan Slash waved his hand: "As long as we know, let's watch the game first."

The third match has already started, and the righteous five-member group listened to Wei Chen's explanation: "The sharpshooter Jie Aobuxiu of the righteous sword is covered in orange clothes from the domain of God, and Jun Mofei of Heming Xingxin is covered in oranges from the old district." Equipment, equipment, Heavenly Sword has the upper hand."

Liyue asked Wei Chen to guess the result again: "Director Wei, the competition will start soon, can you guess the result of the competition?"

Wei Chen didn't evade it either: "I just look at the positions of the two, and I know that Jun Mofei will win."

Wen Kebei asked Loulan Zhan: "Is Director Wei so amazing?"

Loulan Slash shook his head: "I haven't dealt with each other before, but the first two games were not bad at all."

Wen Kebei shook his head: "I don't believe it. Xiao Yunjie and Yan Yong were already the most outstanding ordinary players in the last challenge. It's impossible for Xingxin to find all the masters."

Xiao Yunjie's Jie Ao Bu Dian and Yan Yong's unstoppable bravery emerged in last season's Challenger League. They dragged the team into the offline competition with their own strength, and eventually lost to the veteran professional team, and they both stopped in the quarterfinals.

Both of them have experience in training camps, but they are too old to join the team, so they set up their own studios to make a living. This year, they brought the people from the studios to the Challenger League, hoping that through their outstanding performance, they could be favored by others.

When Heavenly Sword submitted the application, there were only six people in the team. The five bosses of Heavenly Sword and the qigong master were as immovable as Shan Ningyuan. Because they wanted to play individual competitions, they must add people. The boss joined Heavenly Sword only as a substitute.

The strength of these two duels is still there, basically at the same level as the boss of Heavenly Swordsman. As a result, before the battle, Wei Chen judged that Jun Mofei could win by moving his position.

To be honest, the bosses of Heavenly Sword are not too convinced.

Wen Kebei said: "Jun Mofei should be the Flying Ancestor who just arrived from Xingxin's assault team. I don't think he is strong."

Loulan Slash said: "Whether he is strong or not, let's check his equipment data now, and exchange blood through the game to reverse Jun Mofei's skill points."

Zhong Yeli nodded immediately: "Xiao Hai will help you check Jun Mofei's orange equipment data in the old district, and I will count."

Ning Yuan, who had been watching the game, said, "Director Wei said just now that Jun Mofei is Qiu Fei."

Wen Kebei was surprised and said, "Qiu Fei? Excellent Era's battle mage battle style."

Ning Yuan nodded: "Yes, 100 million will be transferred to Heming Xingxin."

Wen Kebei said: "Heming Xingxin is really powerful. They have so many masters, and they still want to buy Qiu Fei to change their profession. Is this to let him take over Lord Grim?"

Zou Yunhai asked, "Why do you say that?"

Wen Kebei said: "Qiu Fei is the successor trained by God Ye. His battle mage is no worse than Sun Xiang. Since he changed his profession, he is of course preparing to take over Lord Grim."

Righteousness Zhan and the others deeply agreed, and nodded their heads one after another.

The map Qiu Fei chose was the ruins of the city. This kind of high and low ruins is very conducive to the take-off of the mages. Some passages are blocked, and it is also convenient for the mages to block people. It can be regarded as the favorite map of the mages.

It's just that the opponent is a sharpshooter, not only long-range, but also able to fly, so the advantage of the map is reduced by half.

The magic way is fast, and it is impossible for the sharpshooter to kite. In the end, the two didn't play much tricks, and they flew around the ruins and entangled each other.

Zhong Yeli was counting, and suddenly shouted: "No, absolutely not, Jun Mofei's skill points are not even four thousand, how is this possible?"

Loulan Slash thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "I see, Jun Mofei is a new account, and I'm still familiar with it, and I haven't finished counting the skill points."

Zhong Yeli suddenly realized that as a college student majoring in accounting, he would definitely not be wrong in calculating the attributes of a character.

As the competition progressed, Zhong Yeli said again: "During Jun Mofei's competition, the power of his moves is different. Is it because he has improved his skill level?"

After modifying a few numbers and substituting them in, Zhong Yeli said, "I'll calculate again, and it should be around 4200 now."

Zhong Yeli's guess was right. Jun Mofei's original skill level was level one. After starting the fight, he felt that he couldn't use up the sharpshooter. Qiu Fei took the initiative to increase the level of some skills, and then pressed the red blood line. He could beat Jie Aobu drunk.

After watching the game, Loulan Zhan smiled wryly and said, "The Great God is right, at our level, it's not bad if we can keep from relegation."

(End of this chapter)

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