Chapter 149 Teasing?
The righteous sword trio were all confused, and Qianye Liruo could only throw out the ability to purify. As a result, Wei Chen's Death Gate also came out, and he threw it directly in front of Qianye Liruo.Righteousness Zhan's three melee fighters were just separated from her, and the black smoke spread, and the five of them had no choice but to disperse and escape, and in the end only Loulan Zhan was held back.

On Wei Chen's team channel: "The buns are handed over to you."

Baozi suddenly rushed out of a hole, jumped forward, put his hands on the wall, and jumped onto the wall from the ruins. He thought it was parkour just by looking at his movements.

Baozi typed on the public channel and sent a text bubble: "Although you are a woman, you are an enemy, so I beat you as a man."

Then he flew towards Qianye Liruo.

This sentence not only made the audience burst into laughter, but Huang Shaotian also said with a smile: "This rotten bun, you're quite careful, huh?"

Just as Qianye Liruo ran out of the area surrounded by black smoke, she saw Baozi suddenly appearing on the fence in front of her. She knew it was not good, so she turned around and ran away.

Baozi jumped down from the wall, of course he couldn't reach Qianye Liruo, but the brick he threw just hit the crook of Qianye Liruo's leg, directly smashing Qianye Liruo to his knees, Baozi jumped to the ground quickly He jumped up and turned into a strong knee attack, chasing after him, just bumped into Qianye Liruo who had just got up, and after hitting Qianye Liruo flying, Baozi grabbed it with his throat locking skill Flicking down with one foot, Qianye Liruo was slapped hard on the ground by him.

Such a delicate white-clothed pastor, being played by Baozi, the gangster, made the audience feel distressed, and finally understood why Baozi wanted to post texts, it was too rough.

On the scene, Hu Yu and Huigui Laixi fought together, and Jun Moji also came out to help Hu Yu. Yingfeng deployed an array to attack Loulan who was entangled with the death gate. Jun Mowu threw the grenade to Ye Xi, but the rifle in his hand kept shooting There was a sea ahead, and Baozi Invasion was holding down Qianye Liruo and punching her hard. If it was on the street, many people would call the police and even act bravely.

Loulan Slash struggled for eight seconds, and was finally dragged into the door of death. Demonic energy erupted. Before Loulan Slash recovered from the explosion, the hexagram shone under his feet, and the six-star light prison rose. Blood.

Going back to Laixi and Jun Mokuang are on the same level, but Jun Mokuang has a priest to help out, and he plays especially unrestrainedly. Going back to come can't stop him, and he is forced to get farther and farther away from the battle circle.

Jun Mowu beat two of them with one person. He was already outstanding in strength, and he still had an assault rifle in his hand. The bullets forced the elemental mage to dare not approach, but the grenade prevented Judo from rushing to the side of Baozi.

The first person killed by Heavenly Sword was Qianye Liruo. If she was hit by another profession, she could still resist the damage and increase her own blood. When she met Baozi, she didn't even have a chance to increase her own blood. She would faint all the time Dizzy, either paralyzed, poisoned, or bleeding, she is always in a strange state, unable to use any skills at all,
"Boom!" There was another gunshot.


Qianye Liruo, who was pinched by Baozi's throat and hammered on the ground, was shot in the head. The priest, who was already bleeding, went straight into red blood. Baozi threw the gasoline bottle and hit the priest on the head. , jumped back and hugged Ye Xi who was rushing over, Ye Xi held his arm and was about to fall, but got a brick in the back of his head and fainted.

It turned out that at the same time that Baozi hugged him, a brick appeared in his right hand, and he slapped upwards, hitting the back of his head.

Seeing this, Huang Shaotian cried out: "This bun has become cunning too, it must have been taught by Lao Ye."

Ye Xiu pointed to Wei Chen on the screen and said, "After he taught you badly, he came to teach Baozi badly."

Huang Shaotian immediately said, "What's wrong with me?"

Ye Xiu said, "Numuo likes to sneak attack, so what's the difference from Baozi's move?"

At this time, Qianye Liruo was killed in battle. After she was hit by a gasoline bottle, she was on fire, and she was still in a state of bleeding and poisoning. The blood volume slowly cleared to zero.

Zhong Yeli was very aggrieved today. Ever since she was approached by Baozi, only Baozi's armor patterns appeared on her computer. Sometimes it was on her arms, sometimes on her chest, and sometimes on her legs. She couldn't see anything else clearly. , only the falling blood bars told her that she was being attacked, but she couldn't get rid of the bun's embrace no matter whether she received body, rolled over, or waved the staff.

If she looked at God's perspective, she would feel even more ashamed, because the bun basically entangled her and attacked.

Qianye Liruo was killed in battle, Wei Chen issued an order: "Set fire to kill Loulan."

Hu Yu turned around and left. The target was Loulan Slash, who was still under Wei Chen's control. Zhang Jiale also turned around and threw out thunderbolts, scattered evenly around Loulan Slash. Hu Yu's sharpest strike, the Berserker's level 70 big move Blood Devouring Dragon Slash, chopped him down to bloody skin, and Jun Mowu took his head away with a bullet.

After returning home, Laixi and Qianqian fled across the sea. They learned their lesson and went to join the running sharpshooter. Wei Chen issued another order: "Focus on Judo."

Baozi is entangled with Judo, fighting in melee with Zhengzong, Baozi is struggling, and the situation is almost reversed, but as soon as the reinforcements arrive, Baozi is active again. Mo Wu stood on the side and shot down, and Jun Mokuang also slashed at Judo's lower body. The three of them seemed to want to dismember Judo.

Jun Mo came up in a hurry, first replenished Baozi's status, and then added blood to Jun Mo Kuang, Heming Xingxin also injured the two of them, and the five of them, led by Wei Chen, ran towards their refresh point.

Before Jun Moji left the field, he brushed another skill for the two of them, and then switched positions with Jun Mofei.

Huang Shaotian explained below: "The old ghost has no lower limit. The five repaired teams need to be replaced, so they go after two residual blood and one substitute."

Ye Xiu said: "What do you know? We are sparring partners. We will kill the bosses in Doctrine, and how to encircle and suppress the enemy when we are in the lead. Since priests are useless, of course we must replace them with the fastest-moving magicians."

The three of Heavenly Swords were hiding in the ruins, waiting for Xingxin's people to chase after them, but after Wei Chen repaired, he brought a mad sword and buns and started to touch from the border. Jun Mowu climbed up a dilapidated tall building, condescending Looking for the enemy with a sniper scope, Jun Mofei looked forward along the middle road.

Ye Xiu said: "Yi Zhan chose this map to dodge cats and cats. Demonic scholars are fast and responsible for finding and luring. Jun Mowu is responsible for high-point detection. As long as the three show up, Jun Mofei is responsible for entanglement. Chen's trio rushed to the decisive battle, and Jun Mowu was responsible for checking for leaks and catching fish that slipped through the net. Up to this point, it's already a mentoring match, and we must not think that Wei Chen is trying to tease the opponent."

When Ye Xiu was in the circle, Huang Shaotian exposed it mercilessly: "I think according to the character of the old ghost, the degree of teasing is a little bit bigger."

(End of this chapter)

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