Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 158 Of course Heavenly Sword is indispensable

Chapter 158 Of course Heavenly Sword is indispensable

They only cared about Tang Yue's studies. They all laughed when they heard that Tang Yue said that after graduating with a Ph.D., he would join the army.

It's not a joke about Tang Yue, it's just that the seventh uncle has not changed his original intention and let Tang Yue inherit his father's career.

As for Tang Heming's name change, which caused the father and son to turn against each other, these taboo words, of course, will not be mentioned.

In the evening, a large group of people went to a nearby clubhouse. Tang Shusen took Tang Heming to drink tea and chat with several family friends. Tang Rou's mother took Tang Rou and introduced them to her girlfriends and children. As for Tang Yue, of course she followed Tang Yu and her brothers. , Let the children of Shijiao get to know him, Tang Jiu.

After a while, Tang Rou came with a girl.

The girl was very generous. When she saw Tang Yue, she said, "Tang Yue, guess who I am?"

Just in time, someone called her: "Ye Li, where's Xiaobei?"

Tang Yue understood immediately, and asked, "Qianye Liruo?"

Zhong Yeli glared at the man, and then said to Tang Yue: "We played two friendly matches with us, but you didn't play. I didn't expect to meet you here."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

Tang Rou said from the side: "Sister Zhong's mother and my mother are best friends, just now I heard her name is Zhong Yeli, remembering that she is from Heavenly Swords, so I told her that I am Soft Mist, she asked if God Ye came , I said Ye Shen didn’t come, but Drunk God came, and she wanted to see you, so I’ll bring her to you.”

A young man said: "Ye Li, Master Tang Jiu is only 17 years old. If you want to find a boyfriend, you can consider me."

Zhong Yeli said: "Get out of here, Drunk God is my idol."

Tang Yue immediately said: "Don't dare, you are a senior."

Another young man beside him suddenly asked, "Drunk God? Tang Jiu, are you the drunk god of Heming Xingxin?"

Tang Yue nodded: "My name is Tang Yue, which team do you belong to?"

The young man shook his head again and again: "No, no, I'm not in the team, I just play Glory occasionally, I'm an ordinary player in Zhongcaotang, I watched the friendly match between Heming Xingxin and Weicao a few days ago, many players swiped their screens to get drunk When I came out, I saw your official website, and then I realized that the drunken god is called drunk and lie on the battlefield, and you are much younger than the photos."

Zhong Yeli saw that Tang Yue seemed more willing to chat with other people, so he smiled and said, "Drunk God, I just talked to Loulan Zhan, and they will come over right away, and we will have supper together at night."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "I'm not going out to play, just chat here."

Turning around again, he said to the young man, "What's your ID name, add a friend, let's brush books together some other day."

The young man said: "Okay, my name is Fu Xiaobing, I speak Mandarin, my ID is Qihe Zhenren, and I am a magician."

Tang Yue nodded: "I've made a note, I'll add you when I go back. You can draw Chinese paintings, amazing."

Fu Xiaobing said: "It's not painting, it's the National Theater, performing stage plays."

Tang Yue immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm ignorant."

Tang Yu smiled and said, "Don't mind me, little soldier. Ninth Brother has been studying in Country Y since he was a child. He has only returned to China for half a year. He is still studying in City H, so he doesn't understand these abbreviations."

Fu Xiaobing said, "Why do you mind? We made an appointment to brush the books."

Tang Yue suddenly asked: "A stage play? Do you want to act in a TV series?"

Fu Xiaobing said: "Acting, I have acted in TV and movies, but they are all supporting roles."

Tang Yue asked: "I invested in a TV series about Glory, with our team as the background, would you like to play a role?"

Fu Xiaobing said: "I can't play Glory, can I?"

Tang Yue said: "You play the daily interaction, the content of the game is of course professional players, you just have to act like it."

Fu Xiaobing said, "Okay, who do you want me to play?"

Tang Yue said: "I'm only in charge of recommending, the director has the final say on who will play. Maybe you can play Ye Shen, maybe Wang Jiexi, it depends on what director Wang arranges, are you willing?"

Fu Xiaobing said: "Yes, just a few days ago, Wang Jiexi and I had dinner together. Lin Jie often came to our Mandarin to hone his acting skills, and he has a good relationship with me. He took Wang Jiexi to watch the drama, and then we went to the theater together. Had dinner."

Tang Yue asked, "I'm sorry, Lin Jie, I don't know who it is."

Fu Xiaobing said: "Before Wang Buliuxing was Lin Jie's account, after Lin Jie retired, he went to the Film Academy."

Tang Yue nodded: "Oh, then you can ask Lin Jie if he is willing to act in a TV series. Find a group of people who don't play games to act, why don't you find retired players to act? He is also from the Film Academy, which is very suitable. But the script is still It hasn't come out yet, the director is Director Wang of ZJ Satellite TV, and the filming is going to be finished within a year."

Tang Yu asked, "Ninth Brother, are you planning to invest in the entertainment industry?"

Tang Yue shook her head: "I don't want to, this time is just the right time, I just met Director Wang, he talked about wanting to make a game drama, and said that I can be the protagonist of his TV drama, I definitely won't act, but just thinking about it, making a TV drama to promote it Our team seems to be pretty good, so we will negotiate with him and vote in a TV series for fun."

Tang Yu said, "How about it? How about I also invest some money."

Tang Yue said: "There is only a small cost of 5000 million, so don't join in the fun. The sixth sister wants to vote 2000 million, but I suppressed it to 1000 million, and I only take 1000 million. The other professional gods who come to guest star can't be busy. Well, let them each share some investment."

Tang Yu said: "Oh, Xiaorou has already voted? Then I won't participate, but after the filming is finished, I will help you ask friends from the TV station in City B to see if you can get a star."

Zhong Yeli said from the side: "Drunk God, Heming Xingxin's background TV series, of course we need our Heavenly Swordsman to be a guest star."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "That's for sure, Heavenly Sword is indispensable, but it's a small cost, and I can only share 500 million with you?" '

Zhong Yeli nodded: "Okay, it's all for fun, there will be our home game in it."

Tang Yue nodded: "Okay, I'll talk to the screenwriter."

Zhong Yeli said: "Drunk God, let's discuss something, can you help us get some silver equipment?"

Tang Yue looked at her, and said with a smile: "You, finally said it, take it easy, and get a set for each of you then. But forget about the Transformation Silver Weapon, your hands are not fast enough, you can't play it .”

Zhong Yeli said: "Okay, as long as you have silver equipment."

Tang Rou suddenly said: "From now on, I don't have to worry about you being a drunken god anymore. Who told me to be your sixth sister? Ninth brother, why don't I have any silver weapons and silver equipment now?"

Tang Yue is very casual in making silver clothes and silver weapons. Among the shareholders, Xiao Tang and Luo Ji have nothing. Luo Ji dare not ask, Tang Rou doesn't want to ask, arrogant girls don't care about these things, but it is impossible to say that they don't want to .

Tang Yue said: "I have already conceived your silver weapon, but it is important for you to improve your strength now. The equipment is too good, plus your high hand speed, the winning rate is too high during training, which will cover up your shortcomings. After entering the alliance, Of course you are in full silver outfit, look at me, I don’t have a silver weapon yet, I returned my own to Jia Le and Mucheng, and then helped them get it first, I haven’t conceived a silver weapon yet.”

Only then did Tang Rou let him go: "You have a reason."

Suddenly someone chimed in and said, "Xiaoyue is quite reasonable. If Xiaoyue hadn't joined us, I don't know what the hell the team would be like."

(End of this chapter)

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