Chapter 161
After Chu Yunxiao was settled, Tang Yue went to ask the young contestants: "Chu Yunxiao has just arrived, and he is still young, so it's not suitable for him to live alone. Which of you would like to bring a child?"

It turned out that the four children in the training camp lived in a dormitory. Chu Yunxiao had just arrived, and even though there was a room available, he couldn't let him live alone.

Baozi immediately raised his hand: "Master, let me bring it."

Tang Yue didn't speak, Qiao Yifan raised his hand first, Luo Ji and An Wenyi also raised their hands, and then Xiangtian, Hu Yu and Sun Yaoyang raised their hands.

Tang Yue rejected Baozi's warm invitation, and said to An Wenyi: "An Wenyi, I will trouble you, the main thing is to work and rest, and if you have a headache, someone will take care of you."

An Wenyi smiled and said: "Leave it to me, I will take him to bed early and get up early."

Tang Yue said to Chu Yunxiao's parents: "Uncle and aunt, An Wenyi is a college student in City B, who studies network big data, and his thoughts are very delicate. Don't worry."

Chu Yunxiao's parents said again and again: "Don't worry, definitely don't worry."

Compared to Heming Xingxin, Samsara Club's training camps are all children's accommodation, and the conditions are worse than professional players. Unlike Xingxin, they usually train with professional players, and even arrange to have a night with college students. room.

There are also the sports equipment and the restaurant for the team below, and the conditions are much better than those of Samsara.

In addition, Chu Yunxiao joined the second team as soon as he came, and what he got was the salary of the second team, not the subsidy of the training camp, which showed that the Heming Xingxin team really attached great importance to their children.

A few people helped move a bed from the next door, leaving his parents and him to make the bed in the room, while Tang Yue and Chu Yunxiu went to the leisure room on the first floor to chat.

After Yan Cunxin poured a pot of tea for the two of them, he went up.

Tang Yue asked Chu Yunxiu: "Did my sister talk about investing in TV dramas?"

Chu Yunxiu said: "She gave me 400 million share, and I gave Li Hua another 200 million. When the time comes, Li Hua and I will make a cameo, how about it?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Of course. This TV series not only introduces the Heming Xingxin team, but also introduces the Glory game. The more masters who guest star, the more players will be attracted."

Chu Yunxiu said: "Okay, we're done talking about the TV series, let me tell you about my request."

Tang Yue asked, "What request?"

Chu Yunxiu said: "Transformable silver weapon, I'm also afraid of being approached. How about I also have five times the material?"

Tang Yue said: "Sister Yunxiu's request must be met, of course, but you have to wait, the level 75 will be updated soon, after the update, I will get you a level 75 silver weapon."

Chu Yunxiu opened her eyes wide and asked, "Level 75 update? How do you know?"

Tang Yue said, "Secret, keep it secret."

Chu Yunxiu said, "Really?"

Tang Yue said: "It's absolutely true, so you should save some materials recently."

Chu Yunxiu said: "I know the number, I will keep it secret, no one will tell, if others waste materials, it is we who make a profit, right?"

Tang Yue laughed: "It's all about competition, your way of thinking is reasonable."

Chu Yunxiu also smiled and said: "I don't take the opportunity to sell equipment, I'm already kind, and it's not my turn to be the Holy Mother."

Tang Yue said: "I'll give you another reminder. When updating and upgrading, if you can't clear the task, don't clear it."

Chu Yunxiu immediately smiled and said, "Are you willing to help me improve my skill points?"

Tang Yue nodded and said, "Let's talk about it after the update."

Chu Yunxiu smiled and said, "Understood, thank you."

The three stayed for lunch, and Chu Yunxiao's parents left very satisfied, because Heming's food was really good.

They were going to the school in Big S City to handle the transfer procedures for Chu Yunxiao, and they had to go to Samsara to pay 20 training fees.

Tang Yue wanted to give this money, but Chu Yunxiu refused, and Tang Yue didn't insist.

Because Chu Yunxiao's parents paid and Tang Yue paid, they were of two natures.

During the period of waiting for the game, not only Yan Cunxin was making appointments with experts, but Heming Xingxin's second team also often went to the Internet cafe to play games. It was useless for Qiu Fei and others to take action, so the fake Xingxin team established in the Xingxin Internet cafe was killed. Convinced, even the several teams from Hongtai Internet Cafe who heard the news were all killed.

The competition between Internet cafes is like this. An Internet cafe with masters sitting in the town is very attractive to players. Xingxin Internet cafe is so popular that Ma Hongtai can't sit still. It was discovered that the president had become Li Mingyuan.

The original president, Chen Yihui, had already resigned and left. He only took some money and nothing else.

Li Mingyuan was also from the Excellent Era training camp, and he also trained as a battle mage. When Chen Yihui was the president, he was the branch president of the old fifth district. When Excellent Era purged Liu Hao's group, he had no contact with him. Has been good, was promoted by Tao Xuan as the head of the guild.

As people in the industry, Ma Hongtai and Li Mingyuan are also familiar with each other. When he told Li Mingyuan about the request, Li Mingyuan only agreed to help the guild masters: "The few masters in the training camp have already joined the team and cannot help. Not as good as a guild master."

Ma Hongtai was satisfied with the Excellent Dynasty's guild's expert help.

After all, he was challenging the second team, not Heming Xingxin.

Ma Hongtai personally led the team to Xingxin for an appointment. The two sides agreed on home and away games, and played offline games according to the game format.

Chen Guo proposed that the bet is the full-level account card of the nine districts of 24 occupations, and required a full-body purple outfit with a purple weapon.

Glory PK, the account card is the most common bet, generally a full-level card, skill points around 4200, plus a full body purple outfit, about 5000 yuan, 24 professions add up to around [-] yuan, can afford to lose, but it's also meaty pain.

If it is the account card of the domain of gods, the price will definitely double, because the characters of the domain of gods are generally stronger, and the purple equipment is of course more expensive.

When the two sides sat down in the game area of ​​Xingxin Internet Cafe, Li Mingyuan whispered to Ma Hongtai, "Why is Qiu Fei also on the second team? There are also two members from the Blue Rain training camp. They cheated."

Ma Hongtai thought he had grasped the clue, and said to Chen Guo with a smile: "Old Chen, we have known each other for more than ten years, so we can be regarded as acquaintances even if we are not friends. Is that how you treat Brother Ma?"

Chen Guo asked, "What do you mean? Do you still want to fight?"

Ma Hongtai pointed to Qiu Fei and said, "I'm challenging Heming Xingxin's second team, not Heming Xingxin's team. What's the matter with you bringing Qiu Fei?"

Chen Guo said: "Oh, you said this, Qiu Fei is now a member of our second team, you can check our official website."

Li Mingyuan immediately opened Heming Xingxin's official website. He had read it when it first went online and got to know the members of the Heming Xingxin team. When he looked again, Qiu Fei, Xiang Tian and Sun Yaoyang were actually transferred to the second team.

He opened the registration form for the challenge again, and searched out the second team of Heming Xingxin. The members were actually the same as those on the official website.

He was also dumbfounded. Qiu Fei is a member of Excellent Era, and his strength is much higher than him. There are also Xiang Tian and Sun Yaoyang, both of whom played in the friendly match. Just these three people teaming up, the people he brought can't beat him , how can this compare?
(End of this chapter)

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