Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 165 Cui Li's Taiji Pushing Hands

Chapter 165 Cui Li's Taiji Pushing Hands

"The effect of force is mutual. There is no reason to hit people. I have no reaction at all. This is the second flaw."

"We continue to slow down for five seconds, and the camera captures the helpless expression on the face of the person who was hit, and does not move the angle of view to follow the action of the person who was hit, because the person taking the photo doesn't care who hit the person, he just needs to show the person who was hit. The generosity of bumping into someone, how humble, after being bumped, he sat on the ground spreading his hands, then quickly got up, and returned to his enthusiastic smile."

"We continue to play in slow motion for five seconds. The camera is zoomed in and slightly deflected, mainly facing the face that was hit, and Su Mucheng is included in the camera. The guy is very handsome. Please pay attention to this hit person. I am a fan In the group, they took a selfie with their mobile phone and took a picture of themselves and Su Mucheng together, looking like a fan, but after the picture was taken, they squeezed out of the crowd and disappeared."

"Let's review the above content. The bumper walked away first, then ran over in a daze, deliberately bumped into the handsome guy, and then took a selfie with Su Mucheng before leaving. This is not like a fan at all. It's the third flaw."

"Let's watch the most exciting part of the video below. Without slow motion, the person taking the camera can't hear what he is saying. This handsome guy speaks very clearly, because he has a microphone in the collar of his T-shirt. Although it is small, it comes out from under the collar. Show a head, thank the photographer for the camera, it is very clear."

"The handsome guy speaks very generously. I understand Su Mucheng's fans' star-chasing mood. I hope fans pay more attention to his new song and don't care about these trivial things. Hahahaha, don't care about small things. How did this video become popular? And named it Calling Su Mucheng's fans to bump into someone, it's obviously for traffic."

"Next time, if you want to collect traffic, please use some snacks. Don't be so unprofessional. There are loopholes everywhere. It makes those of us who like to study game tactics feel very embarrassed and feel uncomfortable after watching it."

"Okay, that's the end of the commentary. I, Wei Chen, did this live broadcast just to gain traffic. Thank you everyone."

For a total of 20 seconds of video, Wei Chen spent 4 minutes explaining it, dissecting the whole video clearly, and then was abruptly topped by Glory players.

The replies were all defending Su Mucheng and supporting Wei Chen's words.

"Director Wei is doing well."

"It can be explained in a fierce game. It's too easy for Director Wei to analyze such a trick."

"Thank you, Boss Wei, for daring to touch Porcelain Glory's number one beauty, I, the player of Lanxi Pavilion, are the first to dissatisfy."

"I'm a Mucheng fan, thank you brothers from Lanxi Pavilion for your support."

"I'm a reincarnated Gun King fan, and I don't want to see the entertainment circle rubbing off on our glory traffic."

"This time Director Wei punished you with small punishments, and next time, I will let you all see the strength of the unity of Glory players."


Tang Yue couldn't laugh or cry, and said to Su Mucheng: "At first, he just wanted to grab a wave of traffic, but after Director Wei analyzed it, the other party panicked, so he came to block you."

Su Mucheng nodded: "Yeah, they are too despicable, and they will step on my foot even if they use traffic."If you only read the title, what do fans think of me? '

Tang Yue thought of the two tough girls, so she asked Su Mucheng, "There is a singer named Qiyu, is he also from this company?"

Su Mucheng nodded: "Qitama is not a professional singer, she debuted as a trainee, and she is a variety show beauty supported by Yulong. She is by my side today, and Qiyu's manager is also Sister Wang."

Tang Yue asked: "For the battle for C position?"

Su Mucheng said: "Where is the C position so simple, the latest brand endorsement, what I wear is the main product of this exhibition, the reporter mainly takes pictures of me. The endorsement fee is 120 million. What they wear is a foil, which is the same as before. products, come to a show, only 20."

Tang Yue sneered and said, "That makes sense. It looks like Miyazaki is cheating on your traffic, but in fact, it's Sister Wang trying to step on you. No matter how you respond, you will be used. Wei Chen's video exposed their tricks. And it was quickly searched by Glory players, making it impossible for them to perform follow-up actions, because Wei Chen is an outsider, so the organizers have not been affected, otherwise you may not be able to stay on stage and be photographed."

Su Mucheng said: "This time I will definitely not embarrass me. The organizers will not allow it. They want to grab the autumn Hanfu endorsement. The sales volume of Hanfu in spring and autumn is the largest."

Tang Yue asked: "Why did you come here with only one female assistant? I came to see so many fans running towards you."

Su Mucheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, the security guards are on the outside. The fans who rushed to me to sign were all arranged by the organizer. God knows whose fans they are, they're just acting." '

Tang Yue said: "When you left just now, that sister Wang seemed to be trying to harm you, and she brought four young men with her behind."

Su Mucheng said: "Manager Cui said, I can follow the assistant and get in the car directly. No one will touch me. If they dare to mess around, the driver will call the police."

Tang Yue asked: "Is that assistant from Excellent Era, or your personal?"

Su Mucheng said: "I don't have a personal assistant, it's an employee of the club's external relations department."

Tang Yue said: "The race is about to start, so don't participate in this kind of nonsense, and bring more people when you go."

Su Mucheng said: "Got it, this endorsement contract was just negotiated, as long as it sells well, the autumn endorsement will definitely be mine, 300 million endorsement fee, I will take 100 million."

Tang Yue said: "The next time you encounter something difficult, call me. Tao Xuan may not be able to protect you, but I can."

Su Mucheng nodded: "I remember."

Although Yulong Entertainment is not a giant in the entertainment industry, Yulong Real Estate is a big capital in City H, and it is not something that Excellent Era Club can touch.

Tang Yue took Su Mucheng away. Sister Wang watched the car leave and asked Cui Li with a smile, "Manager Cui, who was the young man just now?"

Cui Li smiled and said, "Young Master Tang from the Heming Group."

Sister Wang said, "Young Master Tang from the Heming Group? Why are you called Sister Su Mucheng?"

Cui Li smiled and said, "Sister and brother."

Sister Wang said: "This is a big thick leg next to you." '

Cui Li said: "When Su Mucheng's contract expires, she will be transferred to the Heming Xingxin team for free. Tang Shao is the owner of the Heming Xingxin team." '

Hearing the name of Team Xingxin, Sister Wang finally understood why Wei Chen wanted to make a move, so she smiled and said, "Manager Cui, see you later."

Cui Li nodded: "Goodbye."

Cui Li really couldn't afford to offend this Miss Wang. Since Tang Yue came forward to take Su Mucheng away, of course he wanted to use the tiger's skin to warn Yulong Entertainment not to play tricks on Su Mucheng.

Su Mucheng is Excellent Era's biggest cash cow, so Cui Li must of course protect Su Mucheng.

Cui Li felt sour to be able to transfer the conflict to Team Heming Xingxin.

Tang Yue called the lawyer, sent Su Mucheng back to Excellent Era, went back to Heming Court by herself, went upstairs, Baozi was the first to rush over, and said to Tang Yue, "Master, take the guard to do it." Well, take me with you next time."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Okay, okay, okay, I'll take you next time. By the way, do you have any seniors? Let's introduce them together."

Baozi said, "They don't know how to play games."

Tang Yue said: "Our team will also play games everywhere in the future. We need a few drivers, and we need some bodyguards for the female players to go out. Do you have any young people in your family? Those who practice martial arts must be of good character. Let me introduce some of them. .”

Baozi said: "All the kids in our place practice martial arts, but when they grow up, they all go to the fight club. The family doesn't like children being dog legs."

(End of this chapter)

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