Chapter 189

Tang Yue said: "The two cowboys went to report the news, and then there will be cowboy gunmen coming over all the time, and they will all be killed by Seacot in the end. Let's kill Seacot, and then go to Benfica. At that time, there is no one around Benfica."

Watching Seacott fire a string of bullets from the pistol, it becomes two shots from the pistol, and then another string from the pistol.

Chen Guo said: "This guy is a sharpshooter, and his sniper and Barrett skills should be fully charged. Not only does he have a short cooldown, but he's also powerful. How do we fight then?"

Tang Yue said: "I use the gun body technique to control him, and you just focus on his right wrist and attack. As long as you don't get hit by his big snipe, you can basically resist it by taking medicine."

All the gangsters are guns, and they can also use sniper and Barrett to snipe, but Seacott has much more blood than the gangsters. Five gunmen rushed in front of the church in a while, and as the reinforcements came in batches, More and more people besieged Sickert, and most of them were beaten to death by him.

Tang Yue said with a smile: "The minions who want to rush into the church, we will help Seacott fill the gun and guard the back for him. Remember, don't hit the mobs in the distance, we will pack up and rush in." in the church,"

The power of five people's concentrated fire is far less than that of Seacott's sharp attack. It takes two rounds of concentrated fire to kill a mob with residual blood.

Chu Yunxiu asked Tang Yue: "Have you ever fought against Zhiyinhu Yetu Boss? What is your identity?"

Tang Yue nodded: "It hasn't been refreshed yet. Looking at the expansion pack, Frederica, the guardian of Silver Lake, should be an all-rounder in the gun department, so he is either the backstage of Benfica, or the boss of Sicott. In short, he is the biggest villain in this picture."

Those who participated in the closed beta were all folk masters of the Y server. Just form a wild team to conquer the dungeon, and a group of more people can push the wild boss. Tang Yue focused on the dungeon and participated in countless wild teams , only then summed up a few dungeon strategies, the two wild bosses in the domain of God, he only participated in the roundup of Rila, did not hit Frederica, and the people who killed him would not say anything, so Tang Yue is currently telling Silver Lake Guardian Frederica knew nothing.

As for the dungeons and wild bosses in the normal area, his swordsman account is in the seventh area, and the time is too tight for him to go to the ordinary area in time.

A total of ten batches of horse riding cowboys came. After being beaten to blood by Sicott, they were killed by Tang Yue's team. The mobs were all sharpshooters, and the equipment they dropped was also gun-type, but none of them had reached level 75, and they couldn't do it now. equipment.

Chu Yunxiu suddenly asked Tang Yue, "Do you know the sharpshooter's new big move?"

Tang Yue said: "My account is in your hands. I haven't reached level 75 yet, so I don't know yet."

Chu Yunxiu said: "I know that Seacott uses not only sniper and Barrett sniper, but also precision shooting, which is a new level 75 sharpshooter skill. He uses a rifle to shoot five shots in a row, and each shot is slightly less powerful than sniping. , the second is to open the bow left and right, which is to shoot both pistols at the same time, each of which uses up one magazine, the third skill is the passive skill to expand the magazine, within five seconds, the magazine is full of [-] rounds, and the fourth skill is added to forcibly Assault, increased speed, increased defense, the fifth new skill is ambush, you will be invisible when you lie down and don’t move, just shoot or move, the skill ends.”

Chen Guo asked, "Where's the ammunition expert?"

Chu Yunxiu said: "Yanyu has a sharpshooter, but no ammunition expert, and I don't know. I came here to see what skills other professions have, but none of you has reached level 75."

Tang Yue said: "In this level 75 update, five new skills have been added for each profession, and the original tactical system has been completely broken. If you can stay an extra day tomorrow, you can at least learn about a dozen level 75 professions."

Chu Yunxiu: 'You want me to stay? '

Tang Yue said: "If you stay, you will help me level up my account. Why don't I want to? After we reach level 75, you can go head-to-head with our other professions."

Chu Yunxiu nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll leave the day after tomorrow."

Tang Yue said: "Okay, I'll change seats with you, I'll use the sharpshooter to fight Seacott one-on-one, and you attack from the side."

Tang Yue and Chu Yunxiu switched seats. The first thing Chu Yunxiu did was to open the character panel. He was a level 74 ammunition expert, drunk on the battlefield, and his equipment was even worse. They were all orange equipment from the old district, but he was holding an old district orange. Wu, as for the skill points, it is a magnificent 5260 points.

Chu Yunxiu asked in surprise: "By level 75, your account will have 5300 points. Where did you get 100 skill points?"

Tang Yue said: "I can help you do it, but I can't tell you how to do it. This is a team secret."

Chu Yunxiu also knew that she was abrupt. Tang Yue's willingness to help you improve is already interesting enough. As for how to improve, it is indeed a secret of the team, and no one will tell outsiders.

Tang Yue said: "Pay attention, I rushed up, you don't rush to follow."

The gunmen outside had been wiped out, and Tang Yue rushed up the stairs immediately. Seeing the drunk lying on the battlefield, Seacott smiled and said, "You are the warrior who saved our Silver Lake Town, right? Thank you so much."

Now that Benfica is not dead, of course Seacot has to pretend to be a good person. After speaking, a dialog box popped up: "Let's join hands to eliminate the villain Benfica, okay? No?"

If Tang Yue chooses to do it, he can't attack Seacot. He will not turn his face until they join forces to kill Benfica.

Teaming up to fight Benfica is of course easier, but after beating Benfica, Seacott's blood volume will return to full, making it even more difficult to fight.

Tang Yue couldn't click directly, so she jumped on it.

Seacott reacted very quickly, drawing a pistol in seconds was rapid fire, and Drunk lying on the battlefield jumped forward, and got into Seacott's arms, squatted down, and wrapped his arms around Seacott's neck as soon as he bent.

Sicott kneeled, did not fall, crossed his two pistols in front of him, and shot randomly.

Zuiwo Shachang has been holding him all the time, his random shots can't hit Zuiwo Shachang at all, the pistol in Zuiwo Shachang's hand is gone, but a dagger appears, and when Sicott shoots indiscriminately, he reads the dagger making skill , ice array.

As soon as the ice formation came out, Sickert's movements slowed down. Zuiwo rushed forward and knocked down Sickert.

Tang Yue: "Come on."

The four rushed up to surround the two of them together. Chu Yunxiao launched Barrett's sniper attack and hit Seacott in the head with one shot. Chen Guo and Wu Chen directly fired shells at Seacott's right hand. After two armor-piercing bullets, they shot again. An anti-tank gun, and then a laser cannon.

Just after Seacott was dizzy, Tang Yue shot Barrett's sniper at his head again, making him lie still stunned. Chu Yunxiao had already used dual control, and was waiting to continue shooting.

After Tang Yue finished the second Barrett sniper with dual control, Seacott finally froze and turned into an ice lump.

The five of them started attacking Sickert's right hand, hitting them one after another with big moves like money. Finally, Sickert's right hand was shattered, and the pistol was exploded.

Tang Yue quickly picked up the pistol and quickly threw it into the backpack.

Chen Guo: "He still has a gun in his left hand."

Tang Yue had already changed to a dagger, knocked on the forehead of Seacott, who had just thawed out, and said, "Continue to attack the left hand."

(End of this chapter)

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