Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 197 Will Misty Rain Agree?

Chapter 197 Will Misty Rain Agree?
Zhang Jiale got into the combination equipment, sat down for a few squats, and said with a smile: "It's really good news, we don't have to wait in line for silver equipment anymore."

Guan Rongfei prefers to make silver weapons. As for silver equipment, hehe, wait until you are free.

Tang Yue is very casual regardless of her silver outfits and weapons. She figured out how many pieces she can make in a day, or she doesn’t do it for a week, and she has to travel every now and then. Jun Mowu still has a level 70 wilderness suit on her body. Tang Yue and the others thoroughly understood the level 75 materials.

Now that there is one more silver equipment expert, their silver equipment will not be far away.

Wei Chen did a few flexions and stretches with dumbbells, and asked Tang Yue: "You said that when we joined the alliance, we were too strong? Ye Buxiu, Su Meizi, Chu Meizi, Jia Le, and so on." With Fang Shiqian and you, the six of you are playing together, how will others fight?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "And you, the ancient god, how many years can you fight? After winning the Xingxin Dynasty, you all have to retire. At that time, my sister, my sixth sister, Baozi, An Wenyi , Mo Fan has also become a veteran, and he will play for another two years at most, and then he will look to the sky, Hu Yu, Sun Yaoyang, Luo Ji, Qiao Yifan and the others, they will be in their prime at that time. Of course, after a few years have passed, our training There will definitely be new talents emerging in the camp, and under the guidance of you old comrades, they will take over our account cards."

Wei Chen held Yalin in his hands, and did it a few more times, and said firmly: "If I enter the league, I will win the championship. As long as I have the championship, I will retire immediately. The dynasty depends on them."

Zhang Jiale didn't want to set the flag, so he immediately changed the subject and asked Tang Yue, "You often do squats, and these high-intensity training, your muscles are so developed, aren't you afraid it will affect your hand speed?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "My hands only use strength when lifting, and it's only for a short time. Most of the exercise is on the waist and legs. There is no way. I want to join the army and become a special soldier. I can't do it without exercise. You guys This kind of body will be sent to the cooking class after the boot camp is over."

Wei Chen immediately said: "With your body and brains, the special forces are fine. We are past the age, and they can join the army in time, but look at their bean sprouts figure, why are they going to be soldiers? Do you want to learn how to cook? "

Baozi immediately said: "I won't, I will definitely enter the reconnaissance camp."

Ye Xiu stopped immediately: "Baozi, you'd better play the game, the reconnaissance battalion will fight in the jungle."

What Ye Xiu wanted to say was that Baozi was a road idiot, he would get lost if he chose a complicated point on the game map, and if he really went to serve as a soldier, the squad leader would be pissed to death.

In the end, Baozi said: "Jungle warfare, I like it. I climb trees very fast. When I was young, I bumped into trees in the woods. I often climbed trees."

After finishing speaking, he climbed to the top of the combination equipment three times and two times.

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Baozi actually flipped and jumped down.

Wei Chen said: "This guy fell down from a height of more than two meters, but he still landed firmly. I give ten points."

Ye Xiu said: "Go, go, it's too dangerous." '

Tang Yue said: "For retail investors, this kind of dangerous action is absolutely forbidden in the future, remember?"

Baozi nodded: "Okay, master."

Sun Bing, who was also exercising, saw Baozi's movements and said to Li Yun, "Is Baozi from your village? His physical fitness is really good."

Li Yun drew a circle on his head with his finger: "From a village, when I was young, I fell off my head climbing a tree, couldn't read, spent all day fooling around in Internet cafes, I didn't expect him to play games so well, now he is on the right track. "

Everyone was taken aback by Baozi, and changed the subject decisively.

Chen Guo asked: "How much do you think Chu Yunxiu's transfer fee will be?"

Tang Yue said: "Let's report 500 million first, it's not for nothing."

Zhang Jiale asked: "Can 500 million be won? She has endorsed a lot, and she has the most endorsements in the league."

Ye Xiu said: "Let's report 500 million first, if it's not enough, add more. I learned from the side. The former boss of Misty Rain Club attached great importance to the glory competition. The current boss and the two vice presidents don't understand Glory, because the team can make money every year. , They don't interfere with the management of Glory, but they put forward higher targets for profit performance every year. Misty Rain has never been crowned, and Fengcheng Misty Rain is a male account, and it is always against the law to promote it. Therefore, the targets cannot be completed every year, and the development department is under pressure. Very big, if it wasn't for Chu Yunxiu's strength, high prestige in the team, and being a beautiful player, no one can replace her, and she would have been replaced long ago."

Wei Chen asked: "So, you think Misty Rain will agree?"

Tang Yue said: "We have nothing to do if we don't agree, and I don't want to give too much. In fact, Yanyu bought Zhao Yuzhe and used Fengcheng Misty Rain. The decline in strength can be seen, but Xiao Zhao is young. Every time he comes and goes, their accounts You can earn some money.”

Ye Xiu said: "I think Yanyu will agree. If Chu Yunxiu transfers, there will be a vice president staff vacant."

Wei Chen squinted at him: "You still understand this?"

Ye Xiu said: "Mucheng said that the old leader of Yanyu once helped Chu Yunxiu get a formal staffing and was promoted to use. The level is the vice president. After retiring, he can be transferred to a management position. If he stays in the club, he will be the actual vice president. If you do well, you can still enter the higher-level department. If you transfer, you will lose these things, but the establishment is still there, and others can just top it."

Tang Yue clapped her hands: "For these things, we outsiders will not discuss them. The golden generation is now in their prime, and their worth is not as good as that of the top rookies. If Misty Rain thinks it's too low, we can just add more. If we buy at a reduced price, it will be more expensive." We are the ones who will suffer in the end if it affects Chu Yunxiu's image. Well, those who went out to smoke just now ran the kilometers, and the others can go to training."

Wei Chen and Ye Xiu are two old smokers. When others are exercising, they sneak to the garden to smoke. As long as Tang Yue is at home, it is impossible to let them go.

After breakfast, Tang Yue took out her bank card and said to Li Fei: "Here, there are [-] in it, and I will give it to my family when I go home. You should go back to school first, learn first aid knowledge well, and don't sign up for the army yourself. At the end of the year There will be recruiters looking for you, just serve as a soldier in the nearby field troops, you just listen to his arrangements, and when you arrive in the army, you must train hard and try to get into the Spike, my goal is also the Spike."

Li Yun said: "It's good to be a soldier near here. We can also go and have a look. Remember to go home and practice martial arts leisurely, don't get hurt, don't make mistakes, and study hard. After serving as a soldier, there will be more to learn. "

Li Fei nodded in agreement.

Li Yun said, "Drunk God, then I'll take him to the station."

Tang Yue nodded: "When the two of you are not in the car, you can play computer games in the lounge, or come down to exercise, but your body is not in good shape, so you should take it easy when exercising."

Sun Bing and Li Yun nodded together: "Thank you, we understand."

The two were seriously injured, and they were treated with surgery. They were both qi and blood deficient. Although they were discharged from the hospital, it would take at least half a year to recover their bodies.

Back in the training room, Ye Xiu asked, "Which card is there that I haven't got the Faceless Man's technique book? Hurry up and form a team and follow me to brush it."

The Black Cloud hides the Boss Nameless Pirates, and must issue 50-point skill books, but each account can only pick them up once. To let everyone get the technical books, they have to change accounts repeatedly to make copies.

It was still very difficult to control this Mike from escaping from the kitchen door, because Tang Yue wanted to research new materials, and the task of leading people to brush up the skill books fell on Ye Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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