Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 208 All-Star Weekend

Chapter 208 All-Star Weekend

Sun Zheping: "Switch to martial arts?"

Tang Yue said: "With transformation weapons and physical skills, you can return to the top."

No one would refuse Tang Yue's proposal. After all, Sun Zheping's hands are still not healed. After the fight with Tang Yue just now, Ye Xiu saw Sun Zheping flexing and stretching his left finger repeatedly, so he refused to fight them again.

Of course Sun Zheping was aware of his own situation, he was trying his best to defeat Tang Yue just now.

Tang Yue's downfall was because Loulan Slash's character's attribute points mainly added strength, but too little agility, and it was too bulky, and couldn't bring out Tang Yue's lightness at all, so Sun Zheping kept suppressing her. Account, the one who was suppressed must be him.

Sun Zheping nodded: "Yes."

Lou Guanning said: "It's settled, Senior Sun will definitely join Team Heavenly Swords next season."

Tang Yue really wanted Sun Zheping, but Ye Xiu pushed Sun Zheping to Heavenly Sword from the very beginning, and Sun Zheping also agreed.

He was too embarrassed to rob again, seeing what Lou Guanning said, he smiled and said to Lou Guanning: "Don't worry, Senior Sun has agreed to come to Heavenly Sword, how could I rob people, Senior Sun has fought with us for half a year, guarantee Give back your health, God."

Of course Lou Guanning knew that although Sun Zheping was strong, Heming Xingxin really didn't lack this combat power. It was a polite word to invite Sun Zheping to play in the Challenger League and fulfill Zhang Jiale's brotherhood. The real purpose was to let Sun Zheping change his style of play. , prolong the competitive life.

Lou Guanning looked down upon the hired thugs, and immediately joined Lou Guanning's team, nodded with everyone, and left by himself.

He recruited masters to destroy Lou Guanning, not only to satisfy his own bad taste, but also to find helpers for his brother.

Only good friends can be bad friends, and he was very happy to finally be able to help his brother this time.

The All-Star Game was organized by Wei Cao, and the energy of Heavenly Swords in City B has never been small. The boxes reserved for Heavenly Swords are actually called the VIP viewing area. It is just behind the players' seats, and Gate 16 is also the players' passageway.

Yi Zhan had prepared [-] seats for Heming Xingxin. When Tang Yue and his group came, the rest of the VIP seats were already full, but the contestant area in front was all empty.

Wei Cao gave all the players a chance to go on stage this time. Regardless of whether they are the main players or the substitutes, each team will go on stage together for a cutscene, giving young players a chance to make their debut on stage.

Team Blue Rain, as last season's champion, was the first to play, and Heavenly Zan, as the rookie of this year, was arranged to play second. After the cutscene, except for a few substitutes, the five-member team of Heavenly Zan and Heming Xingxin were all on the field. Sit in VIP seats.

Zhong Yeli sat directly next to Mother Ye, and said with a smile, "Auntie, if I hadn't met Drunken God in the Tang family last time, I wouldn't have known that you were Mother Ye's mother."

Ye Xiu ran away from home since he was a child and has never shown up. It is difficult for the Ye family not to know the identity of the fighting god.

"How is your mother recently? Why don't you come and watch the fun?"

"It's good. They are busy with business, so how can they be so carefree?"

Mother Ye is also a friend of Zhong Yeli's mother for many years, but one is teaching at the university and the other is working hard in the shopping mall, and the relationship has gradually decreased, and only after the children are grown up, they will slowly move around again.

After Zhong Yeli sat down, he introduced the members and achievements of each Glory team to Ye's father and Ye's mother.

Inevitably, Excellent Era was mentioned, and then popular science began with Ye Xiu's great achievements in creating Excellent Era's three consecutive championship dynasties.

Of course, Zhong Yeli has many words of praise for Su Mucheng, the number one beauty in Glory.

She wasn't just talking empty teeth, after all, from Su Mucheng's debut to Ye Qiu's retirement, the two had won all the best partners.

Wen Qingqing hurried into the arena before the players had finished their cut-off.

She also received a message from Yan Cunxin, who came from S city.

She was still taking classes in S City recently, and practiced with Heming Xingxin every night. Her family asked her to wait for the basic courses this semester to finish, and then ask for leave after Heming Xingxin entered the league.

She entered by swiping her ID card through the ordinary door, and went around to find it.

The big beauty naturally attracted attention, and then they followed her to the VIP area. Afterwards, many professional players saw two Ye Qiu in the stands. The professional player turned to look at them.

According to the eyes of the professional players, the director of the broadcast quickly turned the camera to the VIP area, staying on everyone's face for a few seconds, and identifying them to the background commentators.

Although the lights in the stands were dim, when the camera came, the two Ye Qius shocked the guests backstage.

As for the audience, their eyes were more attracted by the beauties. After all, there were too many beauties in the VIP area, and all of them were outstanding.

After the camera finished sweeping around, it turned back to Heming Xingxin, pointed the camera at Ye Qiu and Ye Xiu, and zoomed in.

There were many Weicao fans present, and many of them had followed Heming Xingxin's official website, and soon recognized Ye Qiu, and then realized that the faces that appeared repeatedly just now were actually God Ye and his twin brother.

The guest on the TV broadcast was Li Yibo, a retired Tyranny player. Of course he knew Ye Xiu, and he immediately told the audience in front of the TV with certainty that among the two brothers in front of him, the brother who was sitting upright and full of energy was Ye Qiu's brother, and the one who was a little absent-minded It was Ye Qiu, the great god.

The person recognized him, but he called him by the wrong name. Fortunately, he also said how good his relationship with Ye Qiu was back then.

After confirming Ye Xiu, the director turned the camera to Tang Rou and Chen Guo again. Pan Lin, who had a good memory, still remembered them.

"At the All-Star Weekend held by Samsara last year, during the high jump competition, these two beauties formed a team and crushed another player to death, and then the short-haired girl also defeated Du Ming in Samsara, setting a precedent for a player to defeat a professional player. Yes, at that time, this girl was a level [-] player in the new district, and she had only been in contact with Glory for a month."

Li Yibo also began to explain: "Unexpectedly, this beauty will come to watch the All-Star Weekend again this year, and besides Ye Qiu, Zhang Jiale, Sun Zheping and Fang Shiqian are four great gods."

After sweeping across several great gods, the camera swept across the faces of Heming Xingxin and other people in turn. They were all young people from Xingxin. The camera turned around, fixed on the faces of the three people, and zoomed in.

Liyue on the left of Tang Yue and Wen Qingqing on the right are both top-notch handsome men and beauties, I really envy Sharen.

Tang Yue was talking to Li Yue who was next to her. Wen Qingqing touched Tang Yue, pointed at the camera, and whispered, "I'm taking pictures of you."

Tang Yue raised her head, nodded towards the camera, and resumed her conversation with Li Yue.

Li Yibo didn't know Tang Yue, so he didn't know how to introduce him. His partner Pan Lin found out from the bullet screen in the online game that someone swore that the handsome guy was a drunkard, but he looked much younger than the photo on Heming Xingxin's official website.

Pan Lin immediately said into the microphone: "This young man is the master of the online game Drunk God. The ID of the tenth district is drunk on the battlefield. It is said that the submachine gun that Zhang Jiale used to participate in the challenge to fight the bayonet was made by Drunk God. He and Ye Shen together Organized the Heming Xingxin team and participated in this year's challenge. I believe that in half a year, we will be able to see him in the professional arena.

"Since Ye Qiu retired, even though Sun Xiang held One Autumn Leaf, he showed good skills. At the beginning, some people called him God of War, and Cun Yanxin posted an essay. After Cha Xiaoxia followed an article, he never No one said that Sun Xiang was called God of War.

"The vast majority of Ye Qiu fans agree that Sun Xiang is not worthy of this supreme honorary title.

"Even though Ye Qiu left One Autumn Leaf, he still has a god position, and now everyone calls him God Ye.

"Tang Yue has never entered the professional circle, but she was also sent to the altar by netizens, Drunk God."

(End of this chapter)

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