Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 211 Suppression of Liu Xiaobie

Chapter 211 Suppression of Liu Xiaobie

The host also looked embarrassed. After handing the microphone to Tang Yue, he took a step back and stood away from Tang Yue.

There is no way, there is no harm if there is no comparison. The host is about 1 meters, which is not short. Standing in front of Tang Yue who is 73 meters, it is a whole head short.

He knew that talking on his back was uncomfortable and looked silly, so he took the initiative to stay away.

"May I ask who the Drunken God wants to challenge?"

"Because I haven't made my debut yet, and I don't dare to call Mr. Liu Xiaobie a senior, so let's invite Mr. Liu Xiaobie to come out and settle the sword you stabbed me just now."

The host was stunned for a moment, but before answering the question, the backstage director reacted quickly, and had already had Liu Xiaobie's last stab replayed.

To say that the holographic technology is really advanced, after freezing the holographic silhouette of the flying sword, the tip of the sword automatically extended a light beam, and then pointed straight at an empty seat, leaving a spot of light on the back of the chair, which happened to be Tang Yue's position.

Huang Shaotian was in the front row of seats, not only was he off by 3 degrees, he was also half a meter off in height, so Tang Yue was absolutely right when he said that Liu Xiaobie was pointing at him.

Liu Xiaobie also felt embarrassed after seeing the light spots on the scene, and after taking the stage, he first said to Tang Yue: "Drunk God, I'm sorry, the sword just now was purely for showmanship, and it didn't mean to target you at all, but since the challenge Me, I accept it."

The words are very polite, but there is also arrogance.

The Drunken God's battle to become famous is to defeat Huang Shaotian, but only the people of Lan Yu know that the one who really made the Drunken God famous all over the world is that he is extremely good at making silver weapons, or transforming silver weapons. No one wants to offend the Drunk God, they just want to find an opportunity cooperate.

Since he asked him to fight, of course Liu Xiaobie would fight.

The host asked: "Does Zuishen want to use Zuiwo's account?"

Tang Yue shook her head: "I didn't bring it with me, please help me get a swordsman number."

Liu Xiaobie's face turned green when he heard that, the Drunken God master's profession seems to be a gun department, why should he take the swordsman title, is this looking down on people or something?
The host asked Liu Xiaobie if he wanted to use Feidaojian's account.

Liu Xiaobie said: "Give me a swordsman number too, it has the same attributes as Mr. Drunk God."

The All-Stars use Wei Cao's mirror area, which is not related to the Glory game, and does not need to go through the Glory company. Wei Cao quickly took out two identical account cards, the IDs are Liu Xiaobie and Tang Yue, and the skill points are both different. It is 5300 points, such a high skill point, which belongs to the god-level account level in the alliance. The whole body is equipped with the best orange outfit, and the weapon is also the best lightsaber.

The two entered the battle zone, each assigned attribute points and skill points to the account, and the big screen was divided into two, showing both of them operating.

Liu Xiaobie's attribute points mainly add strength and physique, skill points point to all the big moves with high damage, and many small moves only point to level one, while half of Tang Yue's attribute points add agility, and the other half is divided equally between strength and constitution , the skill points are all the moves with control, and the other points are shared equally. If it is not full, it is not a first-level.

This also reflects the different habits of the two, Liu Xiaobie pays more attention to the damage of attack, but Tang Yue prefers to roam and control.

After the two people finished their operations, they entered the battle reading, and when the reading was over, the two refreshed in a ring.

The maps are chosen randomly, and as a result the smallest arena is chosen.

Liu Xiaobie typed before leaving: "Heh, here's the picture, come on."

Tang Yue: "I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, he rushed up directly, and used ordinary running instead of using skills.

The distance between the two was not far away, Tang Yue came running first again, Liu Xiaobie started with a three-stage cut, and by the second step, Tang Yue was already able to be cut. As a result, Tang Yue's figure was one point, and the sword shadow step, eight people Ying suddenly performed three-section cuts all of them, and it was a broken-line three-section cut, and eight figures surrounded Liu Xiaobie in an instant.

Liu Xiaobie first controlled the world with his skill sword. Just as he was about to operate the Phantom Invisible Sword, when he was about to parry the attack, the sword shadow at the back suddenly pulled out his sword and slashed, sending Liu Xiaobie flying with one blow.

This is a full-level sword drawing, although it is a low-level skill, but the blowing effect is powerful, and the speed of the move is extremely fast, even though Liu Xiaobie is a master of hand speed, he didn't have time to block this move.

Before Liu Xiaobie could fly away, he used the Silver Light Falling Blade, and the Rising Dragon Slash had already slashed on him.

Liu Xiaobie was shattered, his body was chopped so that he rolled and flew up, Tang Yue first used his sword to fix the world, then returned to the wind style, directly sucked Liu Xiaobie back, and then continued to fly in the piercing air style, and jumped up again to use it. The Luoying style forced Liu Xiaobie to fall, and during Liu Xiaobie's fall, Bladestorm used 8 swords in an instant, then switched to the shooting star style, and knocked Liu Xiaobie into the air.

Before Liu Xiaobie landed, Tang Yue's mad swordsman skill rushed to catch up, put Liu Xiaobie on the tip of the sword, and continued to fly forward. Tang Yue stopped for a while, an ice formation fell, and Liu Xiaobie landed Afterwards, it was only halfway through the body slowly, and it was frozen into an ice lump, and once bent over and stood on the ground in a strange posture.

The ice array is a low-level skill of ghost swordsmen. It can be used as long as you hold a knife. Tang Yue's ice array is full, and the freezing effect is strong. After freezing for 3 seconds, Tang Yue takes it easy. The low-level skills of Ghost Swordsman, Demon Swordsman, and Berserk Swordsman are mixed with normal attacks, and they are used interspersed.

When Liu Xiaobie undid the freeze, he was paralyzed by the wave sword electricity. Just after the paralysis was lifted, he was slowed down by the wave freeze again. He wanted to fight back, but he couldn't command his body at all, because the stabbing raindrops kept falling on his body, blood The line is like opening a valve, and the naked eye can see that it is going down.

Liu Xiaobie finally dispelled the effect, Tang Yue's silver falling blade sent him flying again, and then chased him with a slash in the wind, another slash with a low-level skill, and slashed randomly with a series of knives, finally waited until Liu Xiaobie was crippled Blood, Tang Yue used the sword shadow step again, and then manipulated the phantom invisible sword, slashing around Liu Xiaobie. No one could tell which figure was slashing.

In the end, after Liu Xiaobie was sent flying by the last sword, he never got up again.

The director replayed the last sword in slow motion, counted the number of blood splashes on Liu Xiaobie's body, and counted Tang Yue's phantom invisible sword with a total of 16 swords.

When the two stepped down, Liu Xiaobie's face was very ugly, but Tang Yue said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm just looking for faults on purpose. I just want to see how many swords I can use with the Phantom Invisible Sword."

Liu Xiaobie lost the battle, or suffered a disastrous defeat, and couldn't get angry, so he could only hold back his anger, nodded, shook hands with Tang Yue, and said, "You are faster than me."

The director timely displayed Tang Yue's hand speed curve on the screen, with an average speed of 565 and a peak of 635.

The audience was in an uproar. Just now after Liu Xiaobie defeated Lu Hanwen, the director also showed his hand speed curve, with an average of 458 and a peak of 565. The peak was exactly the same as Tang Yue's average, so it was normal for him to be suppressed all the time.

Seeing this number below, Wei Chen shook his head again and again: "It's too abnormal, the average speed is 565."

Ye Xiu said, "Where is this? Weapons limit his performance. If he uses the transforming weapon he has in hand, his skills will be more powerful."

Chen Guo asked, "How much more?"

Ye Xiu said, "It can be increased by another thirty or so."

(End of this chapter)

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