Chapter 228
After waiting for 5 minutes, 50 people gathered together. As soon as they entered the dungeon, Tang Yue laughed: "You don't want me to win the grand slam anymore."

There are also players who keep swiping messages in the channel.

Ashes Elder: "??? Cloud Piercer!!! I actually competed with Cloud Piercer."

Big breasts like a bitch: "Brother, calm down, look carefully, it is worse than this, or better, in our game, not only is there a shot through the cloud, but also drunk on the battlefield."

Lu Lujian: "Drunk God, please take a picture."

Supper is too salty: "Two great gods? I'm also drunk."

Jokingly pulled the tiger's beard: "Two great gods, we want to take a photo with you, can you satisfy?"


Tang Yue smiled and typed on the public channel: "A shot through the clouds, 57:46, how about taking a group photo together?"

Cloud Piercer: "Okay, we'll be there."

Soon, many figures gathered here at the Zuiwo battlefield.

Tang Yue and Zhou Zekai had a tacit understanding. They both opened friend applications in seconds, and quickly closed them after adding friends.

Then the two stood together and chatted privately, asking the players around to take pictures as souvenirs.

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I made a TV series, can I invite you to come as a guest star?"

Zhou Zekai's typing and chatting speed is much faster than speaking, and he replied in almost seconds: "Okay."

Drunk on the battlefield: "Are you willing to spend 200 million to invest in this TV series?"

Cloud Piercer: "Okay."

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Are you unwilling to chat, or do you cherish ink like gold?"

Cloud Piercer: "I can't talk."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Okay, let me ask you and answer. The league entrusts me to form a national team in private to prepare for the future World Cup. Would you like to participate?"

Cloud Piercer: "Yes."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I took advantage of the opportunity of filming TV to organize a group of masters to run into the team competition every Tuesday night for two hours at a time. Is it convenient for you?"

Cloud Piercer: "Convenience."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "The characters of our Heming Xingxin team have higher skill points than you, you know?"

Cloud Piercer: "I know."

Zuiwo battlefield: "Come find me in City H when you have time, take your account card, and I'll help you upgrade."

Cloud Piercer: "Thank you very much. What conditions do you want?"

Zuiwo battlefield: "No conditions, you can give me a guest star in a TV series, and you are willing to invest, I thank you, but keep it secret, I only help to improve the role of the national team, even if other people participate in guest roles, I will not be promoted of."

Cloud Piercer: "Alright, I will definitely keep it secret, I will visit you soon."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Then it's decided, it's best to come in the morning, take some game shots during the day, and I'll help you improve at night."

Cloud Piercer: "Okay."

Zuiwo battlefield: "It's rare to meet, let me tell you first, the guest star contract will be signed with Samsara, and the fee will also be settled with Samsara. You invest personally, sign a contract with me, and the profit will be shared with you personally. It is a matter of forming a national team , You just need to know it yourself. It is still in the preparation stage. It may take a year or two for the alliance to be finalized. Keep it a secret."

Cloud Piercer: "Okay."

Drunk on the battlefield: "Do you have any questions?"

Cloud Piercer: "At present, you have already found those people."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Besides our Heming Xingxin people, there are also sword masters and magicians, who else do you think can enter?"

Cloud Piercer: "Jiang Botao."

Drunk on the battlefield: "I'm not familiar with him. He acts as a glue in the reincarnation because you are the core and the initiator of the attack. Others can't keep up with your thinking, and you don't want to chat. The national team is commanded by Ye Shen, and neither are you. The core, his role is not obvious, the number of places is limited, he may not be selected, even if he is selected, he is a substitute, do you understand?"

Cloud Piercer: "Understand."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Then we'll talk so much, we'll each do our own thing, don't join forces, don't fight, is that okay?"

Cloud Piercer: "Yes."

Zuiwo was typing on the public channel, and posted a text bubble: "The photo time is over, we are going to grab the socks, so don't watch."

After speaking, he ran out of the crowd and started looking for socks.

This dungeon map is a blizzard, a vast expanse of whiteness, and the visibility is also very low. People cannot be seen if they are more than thirty characters away, and the socks cannot be seen until they are ten characters away.After a few minutes of delay just now, five pairs of socks have been refreshed, but because people are all gathered together, none of them have been picked up.

There is no skill in finding socks, it all depends on luck, but Tang Yue has good eyesight and good luck, she rushed out of the crowd and saw a pair of socks in the snow, and immediately rushed to pick them up.

There were three players who didn't look for socks and ran after Tang Yue. Tang Yue didn't believe it if they said they wanted to kill and get money. Tang Yue guessed that they followed her because they wanted to watch the Zuiwo battle in the battlefield.

The announcement that the socks were picked up was constantly broadcast on the dungeon channel.

Event announcement: Pick up a pair of socks from the Zuiwo battlefield.

Activity announcement: Luohe donkey picked up a pair of socks.

Event announcement: Ashes Elder picked up a pair of socks.

Event announcement: Supper is too salty to pick up a pair of socks.

Everyone has their names on their heads. Whoever has socks, the event announcement clearly stated that as long as they have socks, there will definitely be a PK.

Zuiwo searched while walking on the battlefield. After a few minutes, 10 pairs of socks were refreshed, and 9 pairs were picked up.

Just when someone came from the front side, Tang Yue wanted to rush over to see his name, and this person also wanted the same, so the two of them approached quickly without avoiding it.

Zuiwo picked up his assault rifle to snipe God, and shot at the opponent.

Tang Yue has not designed her own exclusive weapon for herself. In the end, she encountered a level 75 update, and she had no time to study it. In the end, it was the blueprint of the assault rifle. With a little modification, a level 75 silver assault weapon was rebuilt using level 75 composite materials. The God of God, was subsequently replaced by Zhang Jiale, and the Level 70 Silver Warrior Sniper God returned to Zuiwo Battlefield.

The opponent's three-stage chop approached, and then he saw clearly that it was a drunk lying on the battlefield, and immediately said loudly: "Don't hit, don't hit, my own, I'm a cock, and I don't have any socks in my hand."

It was indeed the tip of the hat, and his name was not on the event announcement. Of course, Tang Yue didn't want to waste time on him, so she turned around and left.

When Lu Lujian saw Zuiwo leaving the battlefield, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw three figures appear, and he immediately shouted: "Don't hit, don't hit, my own, I'm Lu Lujian, I don't have any socks in my hand .”

Following Zuiwo on the battlefield to watch the lively trio, seeing Tang Yue sweeping the bullets, she left, so she didn't take the initiative to attack.

Xiu Chundao: "Look for the tip, hurry up, the three of us are playing soy sauce this time, and we are going to follow Zuiwo on the battlefield to watch the master PK."

Lu Lujian saw the three of them chasing Zuiwo across the battlefield, thought for a while, and followed suit.

There are two god-level masters in this dungeon, they can't match at all, since there is an additional option for onlookers, it is a good idea.

"Event Announcement: Cloud Piercer kills Supper too salty."

"Event Announcement: Pick up a pair of socks with a single shot through Cloud Piercer."

(End of this chapter)

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