Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 237 Chu Yunxiu joins

Chapter 237 Chu Yunxiu joins
In the afternoon of the next day, Heming Xingxin's board of directors.

Yan Cunxin presided over, and first reported Chu Yunxiu's information.

"Sister Chu is playing the last game in Misty Rain today. This morning, when the winter rollover window opened, we immediately offered Yanyu 500 million to buy Chu Yunxiu. The management of Misty Rain Club agreed to Chu Yunxiu's transfer, but required Chu Yunxiu transferred her account card together, asking a price of 200 million."

After finishing speaking, Yan Cunxin took out his mobile phone and sent a quotation receipt to the projection screen: "The quotation just sent."

Tang Yue asked, "Have you bargained?"

Yan Cunxin asked: "The board of directors is held urgently, just to ask for your opinions, should we counter-offer, and how much should we pay back?"

Tang Yue: "Don't bargain, agree to them, and send money immediately. I'm afraid they haven't figured out Chu Yunxiu's account card, which has already been upgraded with skill points. A first-line master plus a god-level account card. The package price is 1200 million. It's really not good." expensive."

Yan Cunxin nodded to Liyue, and Liyue quickly took out the contract and sent it to the other party after it was finalized, and then transferred 1000 and [-] million according to the other party's account.

Wei Chen smiled and said, "If you're doing this, Yunxiu won't be able to participate in Misty Rain's match today, right?"

Tang Yue said: "It's up to Sister Yunxiu whether she wants to participate, she can do whatever she wants, our team hasn't entered the league yet, so it doesn't matter to register."

At the same time, before the end of the management meeting of Misty Rain, Director Wang said: "Excuse me, I have the latest situation here."

Director Huang of the athletics department who was speaking could only stop and reached out his hand to signal Director Wang to speak.

Director Wang directly sent the email and transfer information on the mobile phone to the management group, and then said: "Heming Xingxin agrees to our quotation, directly typed the contract seal on our quotation, and immediately transferred 200 million Come here."

Vice President Qin said with a smile: "This Heming Xingxin is quite rich."

Director Huang of the athletics department smiled wryly and said, "Just now I said to be cautious, don't reply to the quotation in such a hurry, now we are passive."

Vice President Qin asked: "What is passive?"

Director Huang said: "Captain Yunxiu still has a game tonight."

Vice President Qin said in surprise: "Didn't you go to the league to register and transfer? Now Yunxiu is still a member of our Misty Rain, so it won't affect the game tonight."

Director Huang shook his head: "Heming Xingxin just played the Challenger League, and they haven't registered in the league yet."

Vice President Qin looked at the quotation and asked Director Huang: "There is no contract, so just put a stamp on the quotation, can it be counted?"

Director Huang nodded: "There is an official seal on the quotation. They not only gave a stamped receipt, but also paid in full according to the quotation. This can be counted."

General Manager Wang put the teacup on the table, issued a 'click', and after attracting everyone's attention, he said directly: "Let's finish this match first, Xiao Chu is not only our player, but also Misty Rain's management team. In her body, this awareness should be there, and she is eligible to play the game without canceling her professional player qualification in the league, so don't talk about the contract any more, Director Huang will continue your speech just now."

In the meeting room of Heming Xingxin, Yan Cunxin also sent a message to Chu Yunxiu: "Sister Chu, your transfer has been approved. Misty Rain offered 1200 million yuan, and we have already paid."

It took Chu Yunxiu a while to reply: "Okay, I'm here in Void, and I'm preparing for tonight's game. I'll go back to City S tomorrow and report to Heming Xingxin the day after tomorrow."

Yan Cunxin: "Okay, fight hard and stand on the last post."

Chu Yunxiu: "Yes, goodbye."

Yan Cunxin put away her phone and said to Ye Xiu, "Sister Chu will finish today's game."

Ye Xiu nodded: "I guess she'll finish it too."

Wei Chen asked Tang Yue: "Bring it over to Fengcheng Misty Rain, we shouldn't need it, right?"

Tang Yue said with a smile, "We don't need it for the competition, but Fengcheng Misty Rain can be used to set up a branch guild, let Chu Yunxiu be the president, maybe it can attract some fans from Misty Rain."

Chen Guo asked Tang Yue: "Why did Yanyu sell Fengcheng Yanyu to us? This is their signboard."

Tang Yue said: "After they introduced the sister flowers, sister Yunxiu's endorsement contract will be transferred to the Shu sisters. Everyone in Chu Yunxiu has left, so why keep the account card?"

Chen Guo: "What if Chu Yunxiu doesn't want to leave?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Then they really can't help it. Sister Yunxiu is also in the management of the Misty Rain Club, and she has a staff. She doesn't want to leave, and no one can drive her away, but after she stays, her income will definitely increase. Sharply reduced."

Fang Shiqian asked, "What's the situation with Chu Yunxiu? How could Yanyu think of replacing her with two newcomers?"

Tang Yue said: "Chu Yunxiu's situation is special. The resources for endorsement are all from the club. The club thinks that the income will be higher if you use sister flowers to top it."

Ye Xiu said with a smile: "Just talk about it, the Shu sisters have a lot of background, and their father is the leader of the upper department of the club, and they have to curry favor with them. After the introduction of the sisters, Yunxiu's resources were transferred to the sisters. An annual income of several million is not a small amount. So we were willing to buy Chu Yunxiu, and the Yanyu Club agreed immediately. She left, not only freed up a position as a vice president, but also used the money to buy the account card of the sister Hua , at least on paper, it is profitable, and the team is younger, in short, there are many reasons.”

Wei Chen gave Ye Xiu a contemptuous look, and asked him squintingly, "Do you still understand this?"

Ye Xiu said, "Of course I understand, but this is what Mucheng said."

Tang Yue said with a smile: "We don't need to pursue the reason. We just need to focus on attracting fans. I believe that if Sister Yunxiu and Fengcheng Yanyu enter Heming Xingxin, they will bring a lot of fans. As for the advertising resources, What we at Heming Xingxin need most is resources, because we have Sixth Sister Tang."

Tang Rou reproached Tang Yue, "Can't you let me play games in a low-key manner?"

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Why should we keep a low profile? We Heming Xingxin are not begging for food. We have celebrities and a huge fan base. It is a win-win cooperation to endorse them. Sister Yunxiu has a competition today, and we will start tomorrow." Propaganda, grandly introducing the alliance's first elemental mage to join Heming Xingxin, not only will it be published on the official website, but also a press conference will be held, we have been dormant for long enough, starting tomorrow, we will strengthen our publicity."

Yan Cunxin nodded in agreement, and then said: "Tomorrow night, the new server will open. My idea is to call on the guild players to join our professional players to open up wasteland in the No. 11 area. Can you provide some funds to subsidize the guild players?"

Tang Yue nodded: "I agree."

Wei Chen raised his hand: "I agree too."

Chen Guo said, "Or, let's send an account card."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "It's better to give gold coins instead of an account card. We'll use the money to scan for gold coins. After level 20, we'll join the Xingxin guild, and Xingxin guild will give gold coins to members."

Zhang Jiale then said: "There is also the first kill, the dungeon record, at least the dungeon records before level 30, you must grab all of them."

(End of this chapter)

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