Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 24 Adding Lanxi Pavilion General Guild

Chapter 24 Adding Lanxi Pavilion General Guild

After the transaction was completed, Tang Yue left QQ to Mo Qiang.

Stick block Canghai: "xxxxxxxxx, it's my QQ number, please add me as a friend, I will look for you if I need it in the future."

Angel of Love: "Okay, you are satisfied. By the way, are you really joining Ye Qiu's team?"

Gun Lancanghai: "We are partners now, and everyone has shares in the team."

Angel of Love: "It's good to be your own boss. Ye Qiu has suffered a lot, and now his memory has improved. Alas, if Lao Su is still here, Ye Qiu will not suffer this loss."

Stick Canghai: "Ye Qiu's thoughts are all in Glory, and he doesn't care about other things. By the way, help me practice a batch of new accounts, 24 professions are required, and if the task can be done, don't do it. It doesn't matter which area it is." , It’s enough to reach level [-] in the old area, and I will do the task of the domain of gods by myself. For equipment, orange equipment in the old area is enough. If there is no one, use purple equipment instead, and another individual account, just bring it to level [-].”

"Yes, there are a lot of orange equipment in the old area, of course there is no problem, level 70 plus a full set of top orange equipment in the old area, counting you 25 cards, 100 cards, a total of [-] million."

The orange equipment in the old area is much cheaper than the orange equipment in the realm of the gods, but the full set of orange equipment only costs [-] per card, which is indeed a friendly price.

"No problem, it's the same as the last account, and I will send you money within 5 minutes. I won't set a time for you, just try to hurry up."

"Understood, as long as the old district is easy to handle, all the people in my district can be used to complete this list together, and the three shifts will fly backwards. It should be very fast."

"When you're done, mail it to Xingxin Internet Club on Moshan Road, City H. Tang Yue will accept it. xxxxxxxxxxxx is my phone number."

"Okay, take a screenshot."

Tang Yue has been in the silver clothing business since she was in Y clothing. Of course, she is very budget-conscious and has a good business sense.

He doesn't want to be fooled at all, so when he saw Chen Guo, the boss, fooling Ye Qiu into forming a team, he didn't mention anything. He was furious at the time. Only later did he realize that Chen Guo really didn't understand these things, and he just wanted to help When Ye Qiu returned to the alliance, he didn't say much, and even partnered with Chen Guo to invest in the team.

If Chen Guo had held on to the shares at that time, Tang Yue would definitely have taken Ye Qiu away. For him, there were plenty of solutions.

Xingxin has mastered the strategy of skill points, so first ask Mo Qiang to train a batch of full-level accounts, do the task of skill point strategy by himself, and get a batch of account cards with full skill points as the team's backup account cards.

Level 70 account in the old district, as long as you pass the challenge in the field of gods, do the skill point strategy again, and then change the orange equipment in the old district to add some materials, and make it into a silver character, it will be an account card comparable to the god-level account, selling 500 million Everyone wants it.

Tang Yue has been doing this job in Country Y for many years, researching materials while making money easily.

At that time, there was no skill point guide, and a card could only earn tens of thousands of pounds.

The two accompanying beauties sent by Lanxi Pavilion are elite players of the main guild. They usually go online from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] every day. On weekends, they sleep in the morning and only go online in the afternoon. The online time just coincides with Tang Yue. was picked as a sparring partner.

After getting the task of leading the drunken god, the two seem to have found the excitement of the game again. Although they are not like Mu Ru, who only play in the middle strictly, they take good care of Tang Yue. Not only do they not need any materials, but they also help Tang Yue. Yue carried the materials on her back.

The three of them were chatting while playing, and seeing the beautiful scenery, both of them would take pictures and screenshots. When they met Tang Yue to study the burst rate of bosses, they also patiently listened to Tang Yue's arrangements. Skills are very good tool people.

When Tang Yue went to the arena to do heads-up missions, they all acted as spectators, recorded Tang Yue's battles, and passed them on to Lan He.

"Drunken God, after passing the challenge in the realm of the gods, join our Lanxi Pavilion Federation of Trade Unions, and we will use our tuba to take you flying."

"no problem."

"I have already told the president. The president said that when you enter the realm of the gods, he will wait for you in the reception area in person. You are welcome to join the Lanxi Pavilion General Assembly."

"Oh, president, then I'm sorry."

"You are a master, and this courtesy is due."

Zuiwo Battlefield is the third player in the tenth district to enter the realm of gods, after Lord Grim is One Inch Ash.

I heard from Ye Xiu that One Inch Ash was played by the second team of Weicao to play assassins. At his suggestion, he changed to play ghosts. Now he has been following Ye Xiu and is also a member of the dungeon team in Ye Xiu's tenth district. , I didn't make much contact, I heard that it was handed over to the power leveling, Tang Yue hasn't met yet.

When Zuiwo entered the realm of God, he was already level 55. Unlike Jun Moxiao, he has experience in doing missions in the realm of God, and between missions, he will also play dungeons to upgrade. He chose level 55 to enter the realm of God because The minimum level of the dungeon in the Realm of God is 55. Once you reach the Realm of God, you can continue to play dungeons to upgrade.

He has a silver weapon on his body, but he dare not level up in the wild.

Entering the gate of the realm of gods, the first thing you see are two beauties, Cunyanxin and Zhiyue Qingcheng.

Cun Yanxin: "Nong Xin has already returned it, this is my own tuba, and I will use our own account to accompany you to upgrade in the future."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "This is my account in the domain of God, Zhiyue Qingcheng is my tenth area code, let's go, the president and Lan He are right in front."

Lanhe drove the large blue bridge Chunxue, and together with Changchun Yilao, the president of Lanxi Pavilion, greeted Zuiwo outside the receiving area of ​​the Domain of Gods.

The lightsaber that Tang Yue made for Lanhe has been certified by the Blue Rain Technology Department as the top-quality silver weapon that is not inferior to Huang Shaotian's Bingyu. Be sure to ask Tang Yue to complete Chuchenyingxue to level [-], which has an extra attribute With different secondary weapons, Huang Shaotian's fighting style will be different, and Blue Rain's tactics will of course become more diverse.

As for Lanqiao Chunxue, being able to keep the blowing dust for collection was a reward from Mr. Chunyi. After all, the materials were all provided by the guild, and the blowing dust should also belong to the guild.

Lord Grim didn't come to meet Zuiwo on the battlefield, Ye Xiu and Director Wei stood behind Tang Yue to watch the Zuiwo battlefield.

After meeting, Elder Chun Yi first gave Tang Yue an invitation to join the club, and when Tang Yue clicked to agree, Elder Chun Yi immediately announced the world news.

Elder Chun Yi: "Welcome Drunk God to join the Lanxi Pavilion Federation of Trade Unions."

Lanqiao Chunxue: "Welcome Drunk God to join the Lanxi Pavilion Federation of Trade Unions."


Behind it was a series of welcomes from many masters of Lanxi Pavilion, and the entire world channel was immediately dominated by this news for 1 minute.

Since Zuiwo battlefield was equipped with an assault rifle, Zuiwo battlefield has been honored as Drunken God by the people of Lanxi Pavilion. As for 'Rambo', there are only two beauties who sometimes call it that.

In the Xingxin team, Director Wei called Tang Yue Yueshen, Baozi followed suit, and everyone else called him Xiaoyue.

Director Wei is now convinced by Tang Yue, complaining about Ye Xiu: "This is the card of the Moon God, see you, a great god, enter the realm of God, let the lady boss come to pick you up, everyone else is going to hunt you down. "

Ye Xiu shook his head: "You're wrong, the five bosses of Heavenly Sword are not chasing and killing me. In other words, the one who ambush me is the brother who brought you the studio. If you don't blow up your silver weapon, you Where did Director Wei come from?"

"Let's talk about the cards, don't mess around."

"The card, by the way, your Windward Formation also belongs to the Lanxi Pavilion, right? In the guild you created with your own hands, have you been a part-time official?"

"Go away, the old man is hiding in the city."

(End of this chapter)

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