Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 242 Spear Body Art Cheats

Chapter 242 Spear Body Art Cheats

Tang Yue said so, but in fact, when she reached level 10, she would go to a tutor to learn skills. As for the place where the quests were received, they were still overcrowded, and now is not the time to do the quests.

At the skill instructor's house, I met two players who were also learning skills. When I saw a player coming in, I squeezed it casually.

"Oh, Wucao, drunk lying on the battlefield, the first god to be promoted to level 10."

The two surrounded them.

The player Shenglongquan said excitedly: Great God, Drunken God, hello.

Seeing that Tang Yue ignored him, thinking that Tang Yue hadn't turned on the voice, she immediately sent a text bubble to her forehead.

"Drunk God, you just came to learn skills, take me to play with you, I will also join Xingxin Guild when the time comes."

Tang Yue saw that both of them were level five, so she replied with a text bubble.

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "After I have learned the skills, I will go to the spider cave alone. Since I met you, it is fate. I will not throw these equipment in the grocery store. I will give it to you."

After finishing speaking, he gave Shenglongquan a trading window, and threw all the unnecessary equipment he picked up on him to him.

Both of them have just been promoted to the fifth level, and their bodies are still the lowest weapon wooden sticks given by the mission, and the rest are only mission outfits.

The weapons that Tang Yue can't use are urgently needed for them.

Rising Dragon Fist: "Drunk God, you are too particular."

The player Trojan was surprised by Tang Yue's ability to learn skills: "Drunk God, do you not learn any skills?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Yeah, didn't you just come to study?"

Trojan horse: "Have you been using normal attacks to kill level ten?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "I want to be the first to upgrade to level 10 rewards. After refreshing, I will go to fight monsters. I don't need to learn normal attacks. As long as I combine my steps, killing mobs is no problem."

Trojan Horse: "What pace?"

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Spear body art, my unique skill, do you want to learn it?"

Trojan horse: "Think about it, let me download the dungeon with you."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "No need, I have recorded the process of upgrading to tenth level, and I will put the video on the official website of Heming Xingxin soon. You can go to the official website to watch and learn."

After talking with the two of them, Zuiwo Battlefield was on the world channel and sent a message.

Drunken Lying on the Battlefield: The secret of the Drunken God's fast rush to level 10 has been uploaded to the official website of Heming Xingxin Club.

Many players are still doing tasks, and after seeing Drunk God's message, they immediately opened Heming Xingxin's official website.

The video on Heming Xingxin's website can only be watched online, and cannot be downloaded. Tang Yue set this video to be watched for free, and members can click to open it directly.

Trojan Tuas is a player of the Void Breaking Guild, but he often watches Wei Chen's commentary, and has registered as a member on the Heming Xingxin website. Hearing what Tang Yue said, he immediately cut the game and entered the Heming Xingxin club official website.

In the video area, there is indeed a newly uploaded video, the file name is: Authentic Spear Body Technique Cheats.

Authentic gun art!
Cheats! ! !

Drunk God!

They are all lofty words. For their players, this kind of thing is better to kill the wrong than to let it go.

In just such a short time, more than 3000 members watched, and the number of likes exceeded [-].

The video opened, and at the beginning, Zuiwo was born in Xinshou Village in the battlefield.

Level 0, 0 experience, needless to say, there must be only shorts on the body, but this is the drunken perspective, you can't see yourself, at most you can see your hands and feet.

Following the perspective of the Zuiwo battlefield, the wooden horse watched the Zuiwo battlefield go directly to the wild wolf area.

While watching, the wooden horse chatted with Shenglong Quan through the headset: "I'll go, Drunken God is really fierce. When he was wearing small pants at level 0, he dared to punch wild wolves."

Rising Dragon Fist: "No way, the minimum level of wild wolves is level five, if you go up to level 0, you will die if you touch it."

Trojan horse: "I'm watching now. The wild wolf has been unable to turn to the front of the Drunken God, so it can't bite the Drunken God. Not only is the Drunken God moving, but his fists are also on the neck of the wild wolf, so that the wolf can't attack him. Whoops, this wild wolf was killed by his punch. I know, this kind of skill does not include skills. It is all the most basic movement and normal attack, which is the basis of spear body art, so it is in the cheat book."

Rising Dragon Fist: "As long as you are not a novice, who doesn't understand these things, just take it out and talk about it."

Trojan horse: "So what if you know? Don't be unconvinced. You are now level five. Do you dare to single out wild wolves without using weapons? Drunk God can kill wild wolves with his fists, and he can kill wild wolves without losing a drop of blood. He relies on moving and dodging, and blocking the attacking position of wild wolves to fight back. It seems that we all know these truths, but do we really care about them?"

Rising Dragon Fist: "I usually use skills to fight, who pays attention to this."

Trojan horse: "So, without the skills, we won't fight anymore. I'll try it out. Tonight I'll single out the wild wolf with my fists. When I use my fists to fight monsters and reach level 20, my PK skills will definitely improve a lot."

Rising Dragon Fist: "Oh, what you say seems to make sense."

Trojan horse: "Of course it makes sense. Only when these most basic movements are done well, can they be used naturally in PK."


This is a very simple truth. It’s not just Trojan horses that realize it. After watching the video that night, they throw away their weapons and only use their fists to beat wild wolf players. This is everywhere in the novice area.

Newcomers may still care about leveling up. Veterans who come back to open up wasteland all have pursuits. Since they can learn the secrets of the spear technique, of course they have to practice it.

For Glory, technology is always king.

Tang Yue used up all the money on her body, picked and learned skills, and before she went to the spider cave, someone found him and blocked his way.

Just as Tang Yue was about to take a detour, word bubbles appeared on the man's head.

The flower butterfly protects the flowers: "Drunk God, I am Yan Cunxin."

Zuiwo stopped at the battlefield: "Oh. You are also in this Novice Village."

Flower Butterfly Huhua: "No, I knew you were in 99 Village. I specially found someone to exchange for an account card. I will follow you tonight and take pictures of your movements. Your cheat is the No.1 perspective. If you use the perspective of a bystander, it can make it easier for novices to see it more intuitively."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "That's right, then let's continue with the Green Forest dungeon. I don't use skills, I just use daggers to attack monsters with normal attacks, and take pictures as the cheats of the knife body technique."

Flower Butterfly Huhua: "First hit a few with fists, and then use knives, swords, sticks, spears, guns and other weapons respectively. Using the upper body technique, I took pictures and edited the intermediate cheats of gun body. We pay to watch it on our official website."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "That's right, the intermediate level is a normal attack. When I use the skills, it will be an advanced cheat. It doesn't cost money, and they won't watch it seriously."

In order to make the video clear and stable, Huadie Huhua didn't fight any monsters after the first dungeon, and followed Zuiwo battlefield the whole time, filmed every move of Zuiwo battlefield, and then edited them according to different weapons, and posted them on Heming's official website.

Authentic Spear Body Technique Cheats - Intermediate - Fist;

Authentic Spear Body Technique Cheats - Intermediate - Dagger;


Compared with the two-hour basic cheats, the intermediate cheats are only a few minutes, and they are no longer free to watch. Each video is priced at 1 yuan, and you need to pay 1 yuan to watch it once. You can play it in slow motion, but you can’t pull the progress bar.

(End of this chapter)

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