Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 259 Tyranny's Basic Fuck

Chapter 259 Tyranny's Basic Fuck
Sun Xin: "We won't have our heads shaved."

Song Qiying nodded painfully: "It should be bald."

What Song Qiying said was right, Tang Rou won two and a half people in the group arena, and the remaining half was cleaned up by Baozi, and Jun Moxiao, who was guarding the ring, didn't play.

When it came to the team competition, Zhang Jiale, Tang Rou, Tang Yue, Chu Yunxiu and Ye Xiu were on the field. The priest was sent to the substitution area from the very beginning, and the Tyrant Youth Camp players all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yu Tian complained: "These gods look down on us so much, they actually use this lineup to deal with us."

Sun Xin replied with a smile: "It is a rare opportunity to find a master to fight against, so I will."

Song Qiying was the captain, and gave an order: "Tyranny's team members are not afraid of death, let's go."

When the two teams met, they didn't hide anymore, and they collided directly.

The fist master He Luori who rushed to the front was knocked down by Jun Moxiao with two moves, and then in the form of a thousand machine umbrella spear, with a stab and a flick, he smashed Changhe Luoyang at the assassin Xinyi Wushuang who was following him. Just as Xinyi Wushuang was about to dodge, Tang Rou had already He rushed to the front, stabbed repeatedly, and then connected with the round dance stick, picked up Xinyi Wushuang, and smashed it on the rolling Changhe Luoyang.

Zhang Jiale shot the pastor, broke his admonition, and threw a thunderbolt, encircling Changhe Luoyang and Xinyi Wushuang.

Chu Yunxiu had already thrown out the blazing blast, and just as the two of them were lifted up by the flames, they were then crushed to the ground by the thunderous shock waves that exploded in the air.

The Tyranny Swordsman came to the rescue with a three-stage slash. Tang Yue's assassin had already jumped up. Then he made a double jump and came to the sky above the swordsman. He raised his foot and kicked the swordsman's back, sending the swordsman into the surrounding ice formation.

Of course, the ice array was released by Ye Xiu. After all, the ones captured were melee professionals, and their movements were still fast. If they wanted to stay, they had to slow down.

There were only two people left in the Baqing camp, the elemental mage and the priest wanted to rescue them, but when they saw Tang Rou and Tang Yue outflanking them, they could only turn around and run away.

But how could two commoners with short legs outrun a battle mage and an assassin?

To make matters worse, Zhang Jiale and Ye Xiu also sent an anti-tank gun on the line in front of them respectively. When they were delayed by the air wave, the two killers chased after them.

Cold Mist and Soft Dragon broke the army and pushed the priest over. Tang Yue's Jun Mo escaped the arc flash and flashed and stabbed the elemental mage's back heart. Arrived on the route of the pastor, and was then pushed up by Haolong Pojun.

After Zhang Jiale's Jun Mowu threw a shock bomb into the ice formation, he turned to attack the two civilians. Chu Yunxiu manipulated Jun Mohuo and then launched a big move, covering the two of them, Before the two of them recovered from the paralysis, a black dragon had rushed out from the tip of Han Yanrou's spear, flying the two of them up again. The dragon's head directly carried the two of them into the ice formation, and then erupted with devilish energy.

After all five people entered the ice formation, Chu Yunxiu flicked his staff and drew a line of ice around them, and then a big snowstorm fell on the area.

Lord Grim also sang the saber array and threw it down. Lord Grim threw grenades and bombs into the crowd as if they didn't want money. They seemed to be random, but they were controlled to explode together.

Following Soft Mist, he jumped high, and then went straight to the priest with the spear in his hand. The priest had already been slowed down and was blown dizzy, unable to dodge at all. There was an explosion on the lying body, and the four people who were still standing unsteadily just now were knocked into the air by the shock wave, and after touching the ice line, Kakaka turned into ice sculptures.

Then a beam of light fell, and then divided into a nest of small beams of light and began to rotate. The small beams of light spread out, and there were about a dozen of them.

It turned out that it was Zhang Jiale and Ye Xiu who used the Launcher's ultimate move, Satellite Ray, together.

These two ult moves are forging skills. Although they are only at the first level, they are very powerful, especially when five people are trapped in a small area, and four of them have turned into ice sculptures. There was nothing he could do but watch his blood volume drop rapidly.

After Tang Rou's ultimate move froze, she exploded her hand speed, stabbing the Bailong Meteor, staring at the priest and stabbing.

Tang Yue also rushed into the battle group, and used the assassin's level 75 big move: split-kill-flash-instant-destroy, and the sword light flickered for a moment, blood sprayed from the five members of Baqingying.

Chu Yunxiu sacrificed the bird of fire, and with a long cry, a huge fire bird circled and fell, and then exploded into a fire that soared into the sky.

Jun Mowu seized the opportunity to throw out the thermobaric ammunition expert's level 75 ult, deliberately controlling the explosion over the five people, suppressing the skyrocketing fire, and after hitting the ground, it exploded again, creating a small mushroom cloud.

The backup sharpshooter of the Baqing Battalion watched his teammates' blood volume jump and drop, and was waiting for someone to die before rushing into the battle group.

As a result, just after the mushroom cloud rose, the blood volume of the five teammates in the field sank, and then their heads turned gray.

The little girl Zhou Haiyan was so surprised that she swears: "Fuck! I'm going to go, they actually calculated your blood volume and sent you on the road together. How can I fight alone?"

Song Qiying put down his hands, and said encouragingly: "Tyranny's team members have no reason to admit defeat, they have to charge forward alone."

Shi Xiaozhuan and Hu Jin also smiled and said, "Let's go, Ollie."

Zhou Haiyan was also unambiguous, and rushed in the direction of the mushroom cloud just now. Although she couldn't make a comeback by herself, the female man of Tyranny is also a good man.

But there was no one at the scene, only the devastation and green smoke curled up from the ashes.

Zhou Haiyan didn't bother to look for it anymore, and directly said what the Tyranny man loves to shout.

The five members of the Heming team had already returned to the substitution area, waiting for the opponent to play GG, when suddenly a line of words popped up on the public channel.

Gentle shot: "Ye Qiu, come and die."

Zhang Jiale said with a smile: "Hey, this girl is very fierce."

Ye Xiu: "Tyranny, Ji Cao, Xiao Tang will deal with her."

But Tang Yue said: "Let me go, weigh the weight of the sharpshooter in Batu, and see why she has such a big breath?"

Not long after Zhou Haiyan yelled, she saw a figure running in the distance. Zhou Haiyan immediately got down on the ground and activated the ambush skill, but looked up again to find the figure, but it was gone.

Zhou Haiyan didn't want to stand up anymore, so she just lay down and waited, and suddenly the screen shook, and a rotating circle appeared in the character's state.

This is dizzy?
I am clearly in ambush, how could he see me?
Zhou Haiyan, who was knocked out by the sap, asked in doubt, "How did you find me?"

A line of words popped up on the public channel.

Jun Mofu: "When I saw you lying down from afar, I used my stealth skills to touch it, find the best ambush point, and try to draw a stick. You really are hiding here, the most suitable place for an ambush, you know, I Of course I know."

Zhou Haiyan refused to accept it, and while she was dizzy, she typed and asked, "You are clearly an assassin, why do you have a sap?"

Jun Mofu held her down to assassinate, and replied while speaking: "The short sword in my hand is a transformed silver weapon. The short sword has its own stealth ability. It can be drawn into two swords, and the hilt can also draw out a dagger. It comes with sap skills, in addition to that, you can also build three skills on it, so I won’t tell you.”

(End of this chapter)

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