Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 276 Are You Willing To Sell?

Chapter 276 Are You Willing To Sell?
Under the guidance of Ye Xiu and Wei Chen, and under the influence of Tang Yue, Tang Rou, who was courageous and didn't like to be flexible a year ago, has become a little more cunning.

She is not stupid, why fight recklessly when she can fight for nothing.

"I'm still flying upside down, you let me rush?" Wen Beike replied in the midst of his busy schedule.

"Then I'll send you flying higher."

After finishing speaking, Tang Rou stroked the spear, and Haolong Pojun rushed forward, and Gui Guilaixi, who was flying upside down, could not dodge at all. After being hit by Haolong Pojun, he rolled and flew upwards.

Tang Rou played very cleverly, deliberately placed the landing point of Haolong Pojun on Guihuilaixi's leg, before hitting the spear, she slightly raised the spear shaft, and changed it to an oblique upward direction, and Guihuilaixi, who was floating in the air, was hit Finally, instead of flying straight, it flipped.

For the operator, the person is tumbling in mid-air and the screen is also rotating. It is impossible to judge the opponent's position, let alone what the opponent will do next.

These are small skills in Ye Qiu's spear technique, which require micro manipulation to complete.

After Tang Rou finished defeating Haolong Pojun, she took on Fulong Xiangtian.

Guigui Laixi was tumbling, Wen Beike stared at the screen and was still looking for Tang Rou, but when the screen went dark, a black dragon head opened its mouth and bit down on Gui Gui Laixi's head.

Fulong Xiangtian is two attacks, Guihuilaixi is held in his mouth and flies to a high place, not only for control, the shock wave is a physical attack, all bombarded on the body, and then the magic energy erupts, it is a magic attack, this move will kill 21 grams of blood after returning home.

Seeing the black dragon head appear, Wen Beike let go of his hands directly, and he didn't need to move within a few seconds. After the magic energy exploded, he would remain stiff for two seconds.

If it was before, Tang Rou would definitely rush forward to catch the Bailong Meteor. Now that she has a cannon, she doesn't need to get close.

After shooting Fulong Xiangtian, he folded the spear and turned it into a hand cannon again, and kept bombarding Guihuixi who was still churning in mid-air.

Going back and coming to the ground, he landed with great difficulty, and just about to receive his body, another shell landed on him, blowing him to the ground and sliding him far away, and he was hit stiff by the ground.

Tang Rou didn't charge either. She kept her ten bodies and fired one cannon after another. Although it was a normal attack, the explosion was an area skill, and it was the most powerful when it landed on the body.

After getting up, Guiguilaixi continued to charge forward, tossing until the blood was left before approaching Hanyan Rou, just about to use the dragon tooth, but Tang Rou straightened her spear, and also used the dragon tooth to parry, without waiting for Guihuilaixi to react, The tip of Han Yanrou's spear sank down, thrusting repeatedly, and jumping at the same time, the body used the force to float into the air, and stretched out the spear again, rushing down towards Gui Qu Lai Xi's body.

Going back to Laixi didn't know well, this was a level 75 big move to fight against mountains and rivers, but it was too late, he fell to the ground after being pierced into his chest by a spear, and a torrential wave of air erupted from his chest.

This is an area skill, if you are swept by the air wave, you will be overturned, and you will be overturned by the tip of the spear. All the damage of this big move will be eaten by Guilaixi, and the blood bar that is not long is swish One click, and it was emptied.

"How about the weapon?"

"It's great, it's so ruthless, can you copy it for me."

"Of course not, this is specially made by my Xiaojiu for me, it's unique."

"Well, why isn't he my second child?"

Tang Rou still had 99 grams of blood left. When she played Dou Po Shan He, she knew she couldn't dodge, so she took a stab and wiped off a drop of blood.

The second round was Qiu Fei's boxer, against Ye Xi of Heavenly Sword, Ye Xi was close combat judo.

Qiu Fei was already stronger than Ye Xi, and the glove was a copy of Baozi's weapon, and it could change from a glove to a claw, so his skills were not limited to boxers.

The opponent's first move was broken by the crotch dismantling technique, and then Ye Xi was kicked out of the air by Qiu Fei Gaofei. Xi was beaten so hard that he couldn't fall, and Ye Xi wanted to catch Qiu Fei, but there was no one in sight.

Seeing that Ye Xi's health was over half, Qiu Fei stepped up his strength and performed a fierce tiger dance. In the end, the Bahuang Fist ended and directly blasted the opponent. The entire match took 58 seconds, and Qiu Fei still had 98 grams of blood left.

In the third round, Loulan Slash went into battle in person. When he saw Lord Grim appearing on the stage, he chatted before fighting.

"Great God, do some of you have weapons that don't deform?"

"Well, no, in Heming Xingxin, it's embarrassing to see people because the weapons don't deform."

"Great God, let's fight directly as a team."

"Oh, you don't want to train anymore, okay. I'm afraid you will say that we hide our secrets, we are all masters, there is still Jiale in the group arena, Yunxiu and Chu Yunxiao are waiting, Xiaoyue didn't come, the assault rifle is for Chu Yunxiao gone."

"Let's forget about you great masters in the individual competition. Let Xiang Tian and Hu Yu compete. We can still have a fight with them."

Ye Xiu just came up to say hello, but when his employer asked for a replacement, he left immediately and sent Hu Yu up.

Heming Xingxin would be a training partner for Heavenly Sword, so of course he wouldn't be a veteran like Zhang Jiale, newcomers can also improve themselves in the training partner, this is the business experience.

Hu Yu uses an epee. There is a ninja sword hidden in the epee, and a dagger hidden in the handle. You can draw the ninja sword or draw out the dagger. The ninja sword is convenient for climbing. Compound weapons can also create three skills.

Hu Yu didn't use ninja knives and daggers, and carried out a wild swordsman slash with Loulan Zhan with his epee on his shoulders. Because of Hu Yu's flexible and changeable steps, he had to chop Loulan Zhan three times, and Loulan Zhan was able to retaliate with a single knife.

Slashing Loulan's weapon is still the pink weapon, because the level difference is 10 levels, and the attack power of the once famous epee in online games has fallen.

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "I said, why are you still using this crap?"

Lou Guanning rolled his eyes: "I also want Hu Yu's weapon, are you willing to sell it?"

Ye Xiu shook his head resolutely: "Not for sale."

Lou Guanning said: "I received a level 70 silver weapon on the Internet, but the attack power is not as good as this powder weapon, and the attack speed is also the same. Why do you think I should change it?"

Ye Xiu immediately said: "It's better to change it. Your weapon is too heavy. After lightening the load, your steps will be much lighter. After Xiaoyue announced the secret book of the gun body technique, many people learned it. Let's see Hu Yu's fighting style." , very similar to Sun Zheping, it should be the most advanced way of fighting for Berserkers, if you don’t change weapons, you can’t play at all.”

To protect Sun Zheping's hand, the group arena was canceled and an individual match was added.

Facing the sky and facing the sea ahead, warlocks and elemental mages.

Xiangtian's weapon is a copy of Wei Chen's weapon at level 70. It has been upgraded to level 75, but it is different from Wei Chen's upgrade materials. Wei Chen likes strong control, high damage, and increased casting distance. Xiangtian pursues ambush and sneak attacks. It is necessary to strike first, and then take people away.

Xiang Tian wants to be a commander and pursues survivability, but he plays a wretched warlock.Not only has the casting speed been increased, but the weapon has two more skills, Shadow Clone and Air Leap, and the equipment on the body also increases the movement speed.

It doesn't matter if the damage is small, just hit a few more times.

Master Gao Shuaifu likes to bombard in an upright manner and pays attention to the coverage of firepower. After encountering a wretched warlock, he was lured to exhaust his spells, and finally was aggrieved to play to death.

"Master, please comment first, help us find our weaknesses, and then help us formulate tactics against Hundred Blossoms. In the team match, let a few little brothers help us familiarize ourselves with the style of play. The next dough match will not be broadcast live."

(End of this chapter)

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