Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 278 Tea Ceremony Competition

Chapter 278 Tea Ceremony Competition
Although both Yan Cunxin and Li Yue were managers, they were members of the second team of Heming Xingxin, and they were arranged in the same standard room.

After taking a bath, Yan Cunxin started to blow-dry her hair, stared at Liyue for a while, and suddenly said, "Have you confessed your love to Drunken God?"

Liyue had already taken a shower, and was sitting on the sofa with her back straight, playing with her mobile phone.

Her long black hair is scattered down to her waist, her slender eyebrows are slightly curved, her eyelashes are very long, her eyes are black and white, her black jade-like eyes are crystal clear, her nose is straight and her cheeks are straight, her lips are round and upturned due to her plump lower lip, like a swan The slender stems are white and delicate, like curd,
Hearing Yan Cunxin's words, Liyue shook the phone in her hand and asked, "Why are you so sure that I'm sending messages to Zuishen?"

Yan Cunxin grinned and said, "Hehehe, I bought the high-speed rail ticket for Drunk God, and you basically sent messages on the spur of the moment. As soon as his train departs, you will start sending messages here."

While sending a message, Liyue said quietly: "It's almost thirty, I haven't been in a relationship yet, I just haven't met anyone who makes me fall in love. When I was in school, the classmates and alumni I met either made me feel arrogant. Either it is naive, after work, what you encounter is either fussy or greasy and disgusting. When you see me, you can't wait to pounce on me and bite me.

Drunk God is different from them. At that time, we all knew that he was a game master and professional level, but he didn't have the unattainable airs of a professional player. I am impressed by his conversation and knowledge, and he is indeed worthy of the status of Dr. Shanghai Gui. "

Looking at Liyue's alluring face, Yan Cunxin couldn't help but lament the greatness of the Creator.

She herself is 1 meters tall. She is already a slender and well-proportioned beauty. Liyue is four fingers taller than her, with a net height of 68 meters. Her waist is one inch smaller than hers, but her bust is two inches larger, and her weight is the same as hers. , are 1 catties.

After the two went to City H together, Yan Cunxin looked away from Zuishen because of the difference in comparison with Liyue.

The key is that a stunner like Liyue has never been in a relationship, not only because Liyue has a high vision and is also a shrewd person, but also her parents who are officials in the judicial system of City G can protect her.

Yan Cunxin has been in a relationship before, except for the home base representing the capital. She has known three boys in total, which can be regarded as a superb tea art. She knows that women chase men, and there is a gap between them. More hopeful than the enthusiastic Wen Qingqing.

However, Yan Cunxin reminded sourly: "Be careful, Drunk God doesn't have the impulsiveness of young people, he is too calm, and you have to consider Mr. Ye's opinion. Mother-in-law sees daughter-in-law as picky, I don't want you to get hurt."

Liyue said calmly: "I have no intention of marrying him, I just want to hand over my first love."

Yan Cunxin smiled and said: "It's rare that you are sober in the world, but you are really similar to Drunken God. Both handsome men and beautiful women are highly educated, have good family conditions, and have developed a calm personality."

Liyue: "If you are not calm, you can't do financial work well. As for the family influence, it is indeed very big. My father is a criminal police officer, and my mother is a prosecutor. From the time I can remember, I have grown up listening to their analysis of the case. If it weren't for my parents I’m against it, I’m afraid I’ll be admitted to the police academy too, don’t look at me as skinny, I have very strong muscles, I practiced gymnastics since I was a kid, then I changed to swimming when I got taller, and it’s only here that I switch to fitness.”

Yan Cunxin nodded: "Body management is very important. I also practiced gymnastics since I was a child. Later, I lost the promotion team and changed to Wing Chun and Taekwondo.

Only those of us girls who like sports will be fascinated by glory. "

Liyue shook her head: "I think the Internet is more free. I have to hold it during the day, and if I don't want to communicate, I go online to make up for it at night."

Yan Cunxin smiled and said: "So you are a very talkative beauty in Lanxi Pavilion, no one dares to ask you to read the book together." '

Liyue nodded: "You have to hone your skills. You don't participate in non-high-end games. You also like to go to the arena to PK. I only enjoy the unfettered communication between players."

Yan Cunxin saw that Liyue was still sending messages during the chat, so she suddenly brought the topic back: "How far have you and Zuishen developed? How many bases?"

Liyue shook her phone: "Internet chatting, I'm more used to this way, some things can't be said face to face. Through the Internet, those players who confessed to me, casually take out a few words, tactfully release them, and make drunken Scared to change the subject."

Yan Cunxin said: "Hahaha, this is a real pure virgin. When we practiced together, I knew that Drunk God is a gentleman, so I dared to join him. It's just that I never thought that Drunk God would never be ambiguous, not because of seriousness, but because of He's still a young lady."

Liyue rolled her eyes, replied to Tang Yue, turned her head to look at Yan Cunxin and said, "You don't have to imply that I am old and eat young grass, I am a bit older, and it is also my first love."

Yan Cunxin shrugged: "I only pursue the peaks that I can climb with my hard work. I know that the white clouds floating in the sky like Drunk God are not for me. I will not think about it. Maybe it will attract dark clouds to cover the top. I am very concerned about the current situation. Life is very satisfying, if you want to flirt with boys, you will choose a Juggernaut."

Liyue saw Yan Cunxin put down the hair dryer, picked up the phone and sent a message, immediately covered her ears in shock, and looked at Yan Cunxin in surprise: "I can't stand the noise of the Sword Master, how dare you chat with him?"

Yan Cunxin shook his cell phone: "It's teasing, I'm tenth stage of the tea ceremony, why not dare? Just glance at the message from the Juggernaut, and reply him with one word in a thousand words, 'Busy!', if you are in a good mood, Just send a few more words, 'I don't have time at the moment, I'll watch when I'm free'."

Yan Cunxin's mobile phone suddenly heard a series of notification sounds, she put the phone up and showed it to Li Yue.

The entire screen of the phone is filled with messages from the Juggernaut, hundreds of words and paragraphs, which keep popping up.

Yan Cunxin smiled and said: "As long as I reply one, such a large message, dozens of messages will pop up, and there is no time to read it, and there is no need to read it. They are all boring and unnutritious messages. If he dares to post Some ambiguous messages, I have to reply seriously, otherwise he will think that I acquiesce to him talking about these things."

Liyue also shook the phone, and said to Yan Cunxin: "This is another extreme. Every word of Drunk God has something to say, and he never talks nonsense, including my confession. Refused, but to analyze the serious relationship for me, in short, to persuade me to think clearly, he has no time to accompany me for the time being, and don't be as close as possible to complain, very considerate kind of warmth."

Yan Cunxin laughed loudly: "Hahaha, that's all you talk about? Drunk God is still so gentle and considerate."

Liyue smiled and said: "How is it possible? The most we talk about now is about the Heming Xingxin club. The rest is the idea of ​​the national team. He feels that the current level of glory in China is not as good as the Y server. The national team and Y server The country's winning rate is at most 28. What he can and wants to do, and what he is implementing, is to improve the competitive level of the entire Chinese server player. The sentence he just replied, the bigger the pool, the deeper the water, the bigger the fish can be raised .”

Yan Cunxin wanted to check the phone, but Liyue immediately took it back and covered it: "I can't show you the phone. There are messages from me on it. It's embarrassing. I can't see people."

(End of this chapter)

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