Chapter 290 General Club

Ye Xiu said: "Next season, our strongest lineup will be the heavy firepower team, Mucheng, Xiaoyue, Jiale and me, plus Priest, as a substitute for Chu Yunxiao. We can push past any team we meet."

Wei Chen sighed and said: "Assault rifle is the ultimate weapon that Drunk God prepared for the heavy firepower team. It's a pity to use it in the league competition. It should be used in the World Invitational. At that time, Su Mucheng, Drunk God, Gun King, and Zhang Jiale will join us. It’s up to you to replace Chu Yunxiao, just think about it.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "You're wrong. The strongest lineup reserved for the World Invitational Tournament is a combination of three scattered people. I, Xiaoyue and Qiu Fei have three enhanced Myriad Chance Umbrellas. You can mix and match anything else you want."

Wei Chen asked, "Has the enhanced Myriad Chance Umbrella come out yet?"

Ye Xiu: "The blueprint is ready, but the synthetic materials are still being optimized."

Xuan Qi is out.

Zhang Yiwei had already left the field before watching the game, and Xuan Qi's status as coach ended here.

On the second day, Group D ended. The second team of Heming Xingxin ranked first in the group with 27 points, the Liaoyuan team ranked second in the group with 22 points, Deep Blue ranked third with 8 points, and Yunxuan Pavilion was eliminated with 3 points.

Heming Xingxin's second team lost two points, Chen Guo and Liyue. They lost two points to Liaoyuan in the individual competition when they were sure to qualify.

That night, before Tang Yue could sleep, Li Yue sent a message.

Liyue: "Did you watch our game?"

Tang Yue: "No, I'm busy helping Ye Shen get equipment."

Liyue: "I lost."

Tang Yue: "It's okay, if you qualify, it's not considered a loss."

Liyue: "The next knockout round, I dare not play."

Tang Yue: "It's okay, the important thing is to participate and experience the atmosphere. Your mission has been completed."

Li Yue: "Mr. Chen even won one offline match. I played twice and didn't score a single point."

Tang Yue: "You're unlucky. If Mr. Chen chooses his opponent well, you can win."

Liyue: "You didn't even watch the game, so you know how to fool me."

Tang Yue: "? What do you mean?"

Li Yue: "My opponent is the worst, but the opponent is a sharpshooter, I can't take advantage of it, Mr. Chen's opponent is not bad, but Mr. Chen's equipment has a big advantage, and the opponent is in close combat. I was kited by Mr. Chen He rushed in front of her only when he was bleeding, but Mr. Chen's big move, Thunder Doom, bombarded him in front of him, directly killing his opponent, which was very beautiful."

Tang Yue: "This is firing at yourself, it's very clever." '

Liyue: "Don't interrupt, can you hear my voice? I want level 75 equipment to comfort me."

Tang Yue: "Okay, I'll make you a copy of Jun Mofei's broom."

Liyue: "That's great, isn't it?"

Tang Yue: "Ah, I have to do some research if I'm not doing well. I'll give Guan Rongfei the blueprint, won't it save trouble?"

Li Yue: "You are too perfunctory, if you are making a silver weapon for your girlfriend, would you be so perfunctory?"

Tang Yue: "But you're not my girlfriend yet."

Li Yue: "Steel straight man, don't even try to coax me, I'm so pissed off, I'm going to the judo gym, throw a few people to vent my anger." '

Tang Yue: "Judo, why do you practice that?"

Liyue: "There is a judo gym next to the hotel where we live. Yan Cunxin and I have been going to learn it for a few days."

Tang Yue: "You and Yan Cunxin? She moves quickly and her physical fitness is much better than yours. She seems to have practiced."

Li Yue: "Underestimate people, right? She is practicing Wing Chun, and I have been practicing swimming. We are about the same strength."

Tang Yue: "Oh, she is practicing Wing Chun? A heroine. Wing Chun is very explosive, you should not be the opponent."

Liyue: "Hmph, when I'm done practicing, I'll throw you somersault."

Tang Yue: "What a hatred." '

Liyue: "Whoever told you that I'm not a girlfriend, you have to pretend."

Tang Yue: "Okay, okay. You're fine. I still have something to do. Let's talk before going to bed at night."

Liyue: "It's okay, we're going to practice judo."

Tang Yue: "Be careful with your hands, don't strain your muscles."

Liyue didn't return, seeing Tang Yue's last words of care, she felt sweet in her heart.

Tang Yue was thinking about what Li Yue said just now. Yan Cunxin is actually a Wing Chun practitioner. Let her go home and ask if she can help Heming Xingxin recruit two female bodyguards, Su Mucheng, Chu Yunxiu and The three of Wen Qingqing have contracts on them, and they often have to issue notices. If they are accompanied by a personal female bodyguard, it will be safer to go out.

And Tang Rou, although she doesn't accept commercials, she will enter the league in the second half of the year and will always go out to compete, so it's best to have a bodyguard.

There are indeed many female boxers in Wing Chun, and it should not be difficult to hire a few as bodyguards.

At dinner, Tang Yue asked Sun Bing and Li Yun about this matter: "Our stadium will hold a competition in a few months, do you care? Help me hire a group of experts to take care of security. If there are suitable girls, I also introduced them to be assistants to a few female players."

Li Yun said: "There is no problem with the security guards for men. You can ask them from your family and veterans of the army. I don't have any suitable candidates for women. Our Bajiquan is too hard, and girls practice less."

Tang Yue: "It's okay, Yan Cunxin is a Wing Chun practitioner, so I can help you find out about female fighters."

Sun Bing thought for a while and said, "My family practices Xingyi and Baguazhang. There are many men and women, but I think it is better to have retired non-commissioned officers for security, and it is better to invite retired female officers for female assistants. I can handle things more calmly, and I have a stronger sense of responsibility. I have trained a group of female armed police officers before, and I should be retiring soon after calculating my age. I can help you ask if there is any suitable one."

Tang Yue nodded: "Then try to recruit retired non-commissioned officers. The venue is not small. You can recruit a platoon first, and the two of you will take care of it later. You can come to report at any time if you have a suitable one. The dormitory has been renovated. You can We moved in and lived in a set for one person, and the security guards can arrange for two sets. The more female security guards, the better, at least one team can be formed, and we have a lot of female team members."

Sun Bing nodded: "The security of the venue is mainly to prevent riots and terrorism, as well as crowding and trampling. It is best to have a medical team to provide first aid. The security personnel are usually injured during training, and someone can treat them in time."

Tang Yue nodded: "Yes, Heming Group also has medical stations, but they are mainly health care doctors for experts. We can form a medical team mainly for trauma, so be prepared."

Tang Yue also wanted to form a fighting team, and also needed a medical team.

The venues invested by the family should be used now that they are built. Of course, they can't just be used for Glory competitions.

The Glory team only rents the right to use the home court, which is indeed saving money, but it is not the best solution. It is better to rent the middle part of the stadium as a package and hand it over to Heming Xingxin Club for operation.

At that time, not only the guild and training camp can be moved there, but also other sports can be added to generate income for the club.

Most of Heming Seiko’s research and development expenses were transferred by Heming Real Estate. The real estate industry is too deep, and it is not a long-term solution. The commercial area around the stadium can just support part of the research and development expenses. The popularity of the commercial area has to be attracted from the club. .

The Heming Xingxin club can definitely expand into fighting and sports and become a comprehensive club.

(End of this chapter)

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