Chapter 292 Yunxiu is good
After sending Tang Yue to school, the two took out their phones and began to communicate.

The service units listed in the files of Li Yun and Li Yun are in this province, which is the old army when their new recruits joined the army.

Two soldier kings from a regiment-level unit asked for help, and of course it was passed on to the head of the regiment. After hearing the request, the head of the regiment immediately ordered it to be handled as an important matter. After all, the request for help is a matter of mutual benefit. support.

Re-employment of veterans every year is a matter of great concern to the army, but Li Yun and the two have relatively high requirements. As long as the retired non-commissioned officers are retired, the personnel are required to arrange a platoon of retired non-commissioned officers for urgent use. After one year, it will be expanded to the company level. For super units, it is not so easy.

But this is easy to solve, just ask the neighbors for help.

Fortunately, the Heming Xingxin Club recruits personnel to do security tasks for city landmarks and competition venues. It has already involved public safety, and it is a good place to go. With a good income, it is still very attractive to many retired non-commissioned officers. .

Because it involves fire safety, they also contacted the nearby armed police fire squadron and allocated several places to them.

Under the coordination of the veteran army chiefs, several units not only convened a meeting of the non-commissioned officers who were about to retire, but also contacted the non-commissioned officers who had already retired, and selected suitable personnel to report to the Heming Xingxin Club. To coordinate future security linkage.

Two days later, a squad of armed firefighters entered the construction site to inspect the decoration of the venue.They are composed of non-commissioned officers who are about to retire, and they are here on duty now, which is also a matter of public and private convenience.

A few days later, another class sergeant came over. After asking the construction party for the drawings, he set the monitoring points on it, and then drew the wiring diagram. After a few days, several trucks came and unloaded the two warehouses. Monitor head and cables.

In the next few days, people kept coming to report. When they arrived, they were assigned work. Some picked up tools and began to install and monitor, and some followed the supervision, inspecting decoration materials and supervising construction quality.

The venue will be open to the public in the future, and the requirements for fire protection are very strict. Tang Yue arranged for the security department to intervene in the decoration management. Although the construction party was unhappy, they could only bow their heads and obey orders. Anything that did not meet the regulations must be rectified.

Tang Yue assigns things to others, so he doesn't care, and he doesn't have the energy to take care of them. The professor's new material project, because it involves secrets, requires the professor to do it himself. As an assistant, Tang Yue needs to record and summarize various data for the professor's reference. He went home after school because he was very efficient at work. The professor knew how to combine work and rest, and he trusted Tang Yue very much.

Tang Yue was able to research a variety of synthetic materials with special properties in Glory, because he himself is a professional in the research of synthetic materials. Although the game materials are very similar to real materials, the principle is understandable.

He goes home every day to study Yinwu, not only to change his mind to rest, but also to use some ideas to synthesize real materials. The reason why the professor appreciates Tang Yue and asks Tang Yue to be his assistant is also because Tang Yue can always be included in the data report documents. , put forward some constructive ideas.

Tang Yue didn't have time to care about the challenge at all, and the chat before going to bed every night became the time for Liyue to report her daily knowledge. With substantive topics, the chat between the two would not be so embarrassing.

Of course, Tang Yue planned to upgrade the club, and discussed with other directors in the board of directors group. As a result, she only said a word, and received a lot of excuses.

Chen Guo: "Xiaoyue is doing things, we can rest assured, I agree, you arrange first, if I need to sign, after I finish the game, sign together."

Ye Xiu: "I am in charge of matters on the field, and I don't care about things off the field."

Wei Chen: "I mainly focus on the live broadcast commentary, and I don't want to worry about other club affairs."

Zhang Jiale: "I just want to win the championship, both the league championship and the World Invitational Championship. I also want to fight for the boss. I don't care about other things."

Zhang Jiale was Heming Xingxin's player who played the most matches. He participated in every challenge match, and sometimes he would also participate in team matches after finishing individual matches. Apart from competitions, he was only interested in wild bosses.

Tang Rou: "I want to train, fight bosses, and manage things, I don't care."

Luo Ji: "I really don't have time right now. I'm an undergraduate student, but the teacher used me as a doctoral student."

Fang Shiqian: "I am responsible for the training of the national team and the training camp. I don't know anything else."

Baozi: "If there is a shortage of people in security, I think I can take over."

Wu Chen: "My guild is very busy, and I have to fight for the boss. I don't know anything else."

Wang Haoran: "My guild is very busy, and I have to fight for the boss. I don't know anything else."

Tang Yue: "Really, isn't the orderly development of the club more important than one or two games and one or two bosses? My upgrade plan has been revised with the help of Heming Group's development department and has been sent to the group file. I hope you can help me." take a look."

Chen Guo: "Okay, okay, we'll watch."

"will see."

"I'll watch."


Tang Yue: "Let me just talk about the general plan. The venue in the middle of the building complex is rented by our Heming Xingxin club as a whole. I have handed over the security of the venue to Sun Bing and Li Yun, so the club To set up a security department, to develop venue area projects, we also need to set up a development department, and a business department to be responsible for the commercial activities of club stars. The stall is getting bigger, and the general manager office needs to separate the logistics department and the personnel department. There must be a dedicated person in charge, and the finance department also needs to increase its manpower.”

Chen Guo: "Agreed."

Ye Xiu: "Agreed."

Wei Chen: "Agreed."


Tang Yue: "Be serious, okay?"

Wei Chen: "Drunk God, don't be angry, don't be angry, we really don't understand these things, and we trust you."

Ye Xiu: "That's right, I graduated from junior high school and can only play Glory, so just leave the team's competition to me."

Chen Guo: "Xiaoyue, don't worry, I can only manage Internet cafes. If you hadn't joined in the first place, I don't know what it would be like to run Team Xingxin. We really believe in you."

Tang Yue: "I'm busy too. Forget it. I propose that Chu Yunxiu be the deputy general manager of the club and take full charge of the club's upgrade tasks. Yan Cunxin will be the assistant to the general manager and assist the general manager Chen Guo in managing the team."

Ye Xiu: "That's right, Yunxiu is fine, leave it to her and let her help you implement the club's upgrade plan."

Chen Guo: "Do you want me to give her the position of general manager?"

Tang Yue: "You have a good idea. Next season, Chu Yunxiu will be the main force of the team to win the championship, and also the main force of the national team. There is no time to take care of the club's trivial matters. In the past few months, she has nothing to do, and squeeze her ability."

Wei Chen: "Agreed. Yunxiu is not bad."


Tang Yue: "There is one more thing that needs to be discussed. Will Heming Xingxin participate in the secondary league? I think the main players will participate in the primary league and play in turns. The time for the players will be looser, and they can take care of the club's chores." , Don’t waste time on the secondary leagues, the training camp players can participate in the challenge to exercise.”

Chen Guo: "I want to retain my qualification for the secondary league, and I also want to play."

(End of this chapter)

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