Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 391 Zuo Chenrui’s Rating

Chapter 391 Zuo Chenrui’s Rating
The second performer was Zhou Yiliang. He was fine, but the square hole was too small. In the end, about one-third of the empty bottle was poured.

It was Heming Xingxin's turn to perform again. Lin Jingyan came on stage. After replacing the new tray, he slowly poured it into the tray, then poured it into the recycling bottle. After the oil dripped out into a line, he slowly adjusted it. When the line is stable, move it to the copper coin.

It must be said that Lin Jingyan's hands were very steady. After pouring a barrel of oil, the oil line did not change much. Although a lot of oil was blocked by the copper coins and flowed into the tray, he still poured two-thirds of the oil into the empty bottle. middle.

His method was obviously effective. A certain young singer also imitated his example, but after pouring only a small part of the way, his right hand could no longer hold on. He quickly stretched out his left hand to hold on, and the oil line became thicker or thinner, and in the end it was just Pour in about a third of it.

This was obviously a physical job. When Tang Rou picked up the oil bottle and looked at the hole, she knew that the oil seller was very tricky, so she was willing to give it to Baozi. Otherwise, she would not give up because of her strong personality.

Fang Rui rubbed his hands, blew on his right hand, and said with a smile, "This depends on my golden right hand."

As a result, after he unscrewed the new oil bottle, he pinched the mouth of the bottle with his fingers and flattened it.

Just now that little guy yelled, "You are a fool, you are a fool, you are a fool."

Fang Rui raised his finger and said to the little fresh meat: "I didn't use any external force. I used my golden right hand to pinch the mouth of the bottle. How could I use any external force?"

The reality show director loudly announced: "No foul, challenge continues."

The mouth of the flattened bottle opened and did not return to a round shape. There was a gap in the front. Fang Rui held the oil bucket and slowly lowered it directly over the empty bottle. Finally, he poured out a thinner column of oil than Lin Jingyan just now. His hand It was also very stable. In the end, he poured most of the barrel of oil into an empty bottle. Only a little bit of it touched the copper coins and dripped onto the tray.

In the last round, it was another young singer. He also imitated Fang Rui and pinched the mouth of the bottle with his fingers. As a result, he couldn't pinch the hard plastic bottle mouth. His face turned red and he couldn't flatten the bottle. mouth.

He wanted to ask for help again, but was too embarrassed to say it.

Baozi was still enthusiastic, so he walked over, stretched out two fingers and squeezed the bottle mouth, flattening it.

After squeezing, Baozi flexed his arms and said, "It's too weak. You need to exercise more. Your thin arms won't even be able to hold your girlfriend in the future."

The pinched bottle mouth was indeed much easier to pour. Although this little fresh man's hands were a little shaky and a lot of oil floated outside, he still filled most of the barrel of oil and won the second place.

In the evening, Ye Xiu also organized the national team training. After the four rounds of competition, he took Zhang Jiale, Chu Yunxiu and Su Mucheng to catch a plane and left. The rest of the people stayed behind to accompany the recording program. After the recording was completed, they would go back to the next day. Fly home.

It wasn't until the evening that the reality show crew competed in all the projects. Jiang Xin was already familiar with Chen Guo and others. She smiled and said to Chen Guo: "Guo Guo, the director doesn't know what he thought, let us play with you." When professional players play games, we are really looking for abuse.”

There was no way, Heming Xingxin was a very strong player and won all the games.

The director is very satisfied, because most of the people who like to watch reality shows are young people, and there are many Glory players in them. They compete with the audience, but they are not as popular as competing with the Heming Xingxin team members.

After filming the competition, the director made an agreement with Chen Guo to recruit a group of stars to compete with Heming Xingxin after the filming of his next reality show. There will be more interesting games by then.

Of course, Chen Guo agreed and came out to play a game temporarily. The team members had a happy day of leisure and earned 800 million yuan in income for the team. When the next game is held, this will be more than the appearance fee, so why not?
Of course, only the powerful Heming Xingxin dared to play like this. The other teams only had a few players. After a game, they had to train for the next opponent. How could there be such a waste of time?
When I returned to the hotel, I was actually blocked by many tourists at the hotel entrance.

The people who came to block Heming Xingxin at the entrance of the hotel were all fans of Heming Xingxin. They were watching the game the day before yesterday. Ye Xiu said at the press conference that they came to Erhai to shoot a commercial. They came here specially to travel. After asking around, they all gathered in the hotel. Wait, wait really.

After hearing that they were all fans of Heming Xingxin, Chen Guo decisively asked his bodyguards to escort Tang Rou and Liyue into the hotel. He took the rest of the team members with him and gave the fans half an hour to take photos and interact, forgetting about signing autographs.

"Our players all compete with their hands. They come here to relax and recuperate their hands and recharge for the next game. Our players cannot sign autographs, but you can invite them to take photos and add them to your circle of friends. Please don’t crowd and line up in an orderly manner.”

Chen Guo was very happy. Players and fans called her Big Sister and rushed to take photos with her.

Heming Happy was willing to cooperate, and of course the players and fans also lined up voluntarily, and within half an hour the Heming Happy players were released.

Returning to Hemingyuan at noon on Wednesday, Chen Guo first brought all the newspapers that she had not read for several days back to the office, read them one by one, put them away, and then went back to her room to catch up on her sleep.

Since the establishment of the team, Chen Guo has become more accustomed to reading newspapers. As long as there are reports about Heming Xingxin, she will put them away properly.After the Challenger League, Heming Happy was reported more and more, especially the first round victory over Samsara. Basically, anyone involved in Glory would report on Heming Happy. Regardless of whether it was praising or criticizing, Chen Guo would read it carefully. .

Chen Guo would write down reporters who criticized Heming Xingxin in a small notebook. From then on, that reporter and the newspaper would be insulated from Heming Xingxin and would definitely not get the opportunity to interview Heming Xingxin.

Chen Guo's personal favorite is a column on E-Sports Home, which is a brief review of the scores of each player in hot competitions.There are no fixed commentators for this column. The editor will select distinctive comments to put into the column. Therefore, every issue is full of laughter and curses, and the column is very popular.

The person commenting on Heming Xingxin in this issue is Zuo Chenrui, a typical Blue Rain fan Wei Caohei.

Yu Feng abandoned Lan Yu and joined Baihua. Even his teammates were not happy. How could he, a die-hard Lan Yu fan, say good things about Yu Feng?

Yu Feng -3 points, Chu Yunxiu 10013 points.

Luohua Langshi wanted to sell his blood to get close to Lord Mohuo, so he hit his head against the wall. As a result, the wall broke open and he didn't dare to go out. He was surrounded by Chu Yunxiu without realizing it, and then he was grabbed by Chu Yunxiu like a spear. He was thrown into the fish basket and turned into a frozen fish. He sold out all his blood and didn't thaw it out. He only used three moves in the game. Because he had no harvest, he could only -3 points.

Chu Yunxiu made perfect use of the elemental mage's ice skills, which were key and worth 10 points. He used battle mage skills to grab and kill, adding 3 points.

In addition, Chu Yunxiu's beauty will add 10000 points, and Yu Feng will not deduct points, which is enough.

The second game was between Mo Fan and Ji Leng.

Jun Moren scored 8 points and Zhou Guangyi scored 2 points.

Ji Leng chose his position well twice, scoring 2 points, and then the opponent also took advantage of this excellent terrain to ambush Ji Leng, scoring 8 points.

Mo Fan's patience is very good, but the appreciation is not enough, so no points will be given.

In the third game, Ye Xiu versus Zhang Wei.

Ye Xiu scored 5 points and Zhang Wei scored 1 point.

The opponent was too bad, and the great player won the game even though he played half of his performance, and could only give 5 points.Zhang Weiming chose the map well and the scenery is beautiful. He got 1 point. The others were beaten. How to give points? ?
In the arena competition, Tang Rou 10020, as a newcomer, one on two, what else can I say, 20 points.As for beauty, 10000 points cannot be explained.

Zeng Xinran was very courageous and had a good time to throw the sand. It was not his fault that he encountered glasses. He got one point. But it was so miserable later that I won’t say more.

Zhu Xiaoping scored 2 points.

It felt wrong. The beast changed the elf in time. 1 point. Although the ground stab didn't work, the tactics and timing were indeed very good. 1 point. In addition, there was no shining point.

Zou Yuan, 5 points.

Aiming at Tang Rou's slow long-range bombardment, using the kite flow to completely defeat Tang Rou is worth 10 points.

I was fooled by a newbie using stealth and rubbed him to death. I was speechless. I deducted 5 points.

Baozi, 15 points.

It's a very evil way to send people, lead them to the woods, and sneak around their backs. It's complicated, and it really has no technical content. It's just a surprise, it works, it's a psychological and tactical technique, and it's worth 10 points.If you hold on, you won't let go, leaving Zou Yuan with nothing to do, which is worth another 10 points.

The riding action is vulgar and unsightly, so 5 points will be deducted.

(End of this chapter)

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