Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 43 Three Silver Weapons

Chapter 43 Three Silver Weapons
One of the two girls is magic, and the other is fighting. They joined Lanxi Pavilion because they live in G City. After winning the mission of upgrading the battlefield with the drunk lying, the two of them worked hard to help Tang Yue fly all the way. They took pictures and screenshots along the way, and sent them Go to my Weibo and circle of friends to record every detail of playing games with Zuiwo.

Wei Chen said that the reason why the two were ruined was that he secretly read their Weibo.

The photos posted by these two girls are very skillful. Not only are the scenery charming, but there are only themselves and the drunk lying on the battlefield in the picture. It looks like a pair of heroes traveling together, and the atmosphere is thick.

The two girls not only accompanied Tang Yue to experiment with the boss strategy, but neither of them wanted the materials they played, they also helped Tang Yue carry them and escorted them all the way to the warehouse.

Tang Yue was always very moved, and told them that after she helped Lanxi Pavilion upgrade the sword, she would use the dungeon materials to make a silver weapon for each of them.

Both of them were very excited to hear that.

Silver weapons, where ordinary players like them can have.

Now, they can have it.Therefore, be more careful when sparring.

Tang Yue talked to Ye Xiu for a few words, then discussed his Death Hand attribute with Wei Chen, and finally said: "So I don't care about your Death Hand, I will make another one similar to Death Hand for you." The weapon with the hand attribute is guaranteed to be higher than your hand of death. I still owe you a favor, and I will help you after I finish helping the two girls. As for the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella, I have to think about it again. For the time being, let’s gather the materials first. .”

Wei Chen didn't dare to mind this, he said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, Xiao Wei will listen to Luna. My Thousand Chance Umbrella is only level 50, so there's no rush."

Ye Xiu said, "Don't worry, my level 50 silver weapon's attack power is too low."

Wei Shen said: "For the Challenger League, you can just use a priest."

When Chen Guo heard that Tang Yue was going to make silver weapons for the two girls in Lanxi Pavilion, her eyes were staring at gold stars, but now that even Ye Xiu's weapons hadn't reached level 70, she didn't dare to say more, she just looked at Tang Rou, wanting to remind Tang Rou wanted it too, but in the end, Tang Rou's mind was all on the computer, and she didn't care about these things.

Ye Xiu curled his lips at the side, Tang Yue left, and then said contemptuously: "Pay attention to the lower limit. You are an old man to others, and you are Xiao Wei in front of Xiaoyue. How can you say it?"

Wei Chen directly gave him a slender middle finger.

Two days later, the level 70 Chuichen Yingxue was built, Tang Yue came to Xingxin and traded it to Ye Xiu first.

"How about this sword?"

Ye Xiu looked at the attributes, gave a thumbs up and said, "It's awesome, play with me for a day, Huang Shaotian will be our opponent in the future, I need to learn more about his weapon skills."

Tang Yue said to Ye Xiu: "Okay, you play first, and the day after tomorrow, take me to visit the grave together."

Ye Xiu nodded: "Okay."

Tang Yue nodded, then turned to Wei Chen and said, "Don't be in a hurry, if you want the silver weapon to be better, don't rush me, work slowly and carefully, understand?"

Wei Chen said, "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

During the Ching Ming Festival, Ye Xiu, Tang Yue, Su Mucheng, and Chen Guo went to the Nanshan Cemetery together to visit the graves of Su Muqiu and Father Chen.

Standing in front of the tombstone, Tang Yue bowed three times respectfully.

Su Mucheng came to comfort him: "He will be happy if he knows that someone is his fan and learns his skills."

Tang Yue solemnly said to Su Mucheng: "If you need anything, you must tell me, I'm sure I can help."

Su Mucheng said, "What can I do? But thank you."

After returning to Xingxin, Tang Yue contacted Mr. Chun Yi to give him the level 70 silver weapon, Chuichen Yingxue. Mr. Chun Yi called Huang Shaotian directly and asked Huang Shaotian to get the silver weapon in person.

It's a big deal about Yinwu, he doesn't want to make mistakes on him, and let Huang Shaotian see Yinwu in the first place, if Huang Shaotian is willing, he can also fight Drunken God again by the way.

After Huang Shaotian saw Chuchen Yingxue, he decisively switched to Troubling Night Rain, and put the ice rain in his backpack as a secondary weapon. For a swordsman, it doesn't matter if he has an extra lightsaber. Huang Shaotian switched weapons Finally, you have to familiarize yourself with it. Different attributes will play different styles.

Due to more materials, Blowing Dust and Reflecting Snow is one-third longer than Ice Rain, and slightly thicker than Ice Rain. It weighs 1.8KG, which is 1.8 times that of Ice Rain. The basic attack attribute is 16% higher than Ice Rain, surpassing Ice Rain by a big The level, additional strength, physique and mental measurements are all increased by 80 points, the ice rain is added to the four-dimensional, and the intelligence is added, all increased by 40 points.

"Basic attack is so much higher than Ice Rain? Awesome, Drunk God, you are really amazing, and the three-dimensional increase is 240, amazing, really awesome, swordsman has more physical attacks, and does not require high intelligence, so this is Tailor-made for me, Drunk God, you are really amazing, and your attack speed is also very good, with a basic attack speed of 10, plus an additional attack speed of +4, this is the fastest in the league just like Ice Rain Sword, Blowing Dust and Reflecting Snow does not have the smoke effect of ice rain, nor does it have the dark attribute resistance of ice rain, but it has three ice resistance attributes, and the ice resistance is twice as high as ice rain. The key is that the freezing effect is amazing , actually increased to 20%, I love you so much, there is a one-fifth chance of freezing people, such a strong freezing, even if it is not frozen, it will slow down, including when blocking attacks, the freezing effect also takes effect, which is It’s very scary, who dares to hit me. Hahaha. Well, the additional skill, Sword Sets the World +2, I can keep this skill plus level, I’m very lucky, that’s great, hahaha, thank you.”

Huang Shaotian's most important thing is the freezing effect, which has already risen to 20%, so it's like going crazy, chattering endlessly.

Tang Yue didn't bother to listen to his noise. After giving him the weapon, she turned around to say hello to Mr. Chunyi, and left.

Huang Shaotian finally took a fancy to his attributes, manipulated Troubling Rain, made a gesture of clasping his fists, and then bent down to salute, his excitement was beyond words, but Chun Yi always said at the side: "Young Master Huang, the Drunk God has already left."

"Ah, you're leaving?" Huang Shaotian said regretfully, "I'm planning to PK with him."

Chun Yi always rolled his eyes and didn't speak. He wanted to remind him just now, but Drunk God made a gesture, so he had to bear it, and he didn't want to offend Drunk God.

After avoiding Huang Shaotian, Tang Yue went to find the two girls, who were already waiting for her at the gate of the arena.

Tang Yue traded two silver weapons to two girls, and then said: "I don't need to level up anymore, and this account won't be online all the time. Anyway, we have a QQ account, so please contact me if you have anything to do. Now, go to In the arena, try your own silver weapons."

"Don't go, let's take a look together."


The three entered the arena, Huang Shaotian was already in QQ Ye Qiu.

Troubling Rain: "PKPKPK, do you dare to PK? Let you know how powerful my new silver weapon is, don't you want to see the power of my silver weapon? If you want to see it, come to the arena, and I will wait for you to PK."

Lord Grim: "I don't want to watch it, you're already tired of playing with that thing, but it's just 20% of the freezing attribute."

Troubling Rain: "Damn, you bitch."

He remembered that Drunk God was now on the same team as Ye Qiu, and that he must have been played by this slut in advance of blowing dust and snow, which made him very upset, like seeing his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend flirting in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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