Chapter 53

Mu Yuchengfeng wanted to shoot at Qingzun Suying, but never succeeded. Qingzun Suying could always use body skills, even pistol bullets, to break the cannon barrel.She wanted to shoot down and fly, but Qingzun Suying kicked her arm high, and the shell finally shot into the sky, and the recoil shook her back again and again.

She couldn't escape, so she wanted to throw a lighter under her feet, but was kicked away by Qingzun Suying. Looking at the lighter in the distance, Mu Yuchengfeng could only cancel the skill.

What made Mu Yuchengfeng speechless, Tang Yue often used some weird movements to bring Muyuchengfeng down, and then used the deformation movements of sprinting as a fighting movement to get stuck in the position, making Muyuchengfeng unable to catch himself , can only turn around after landing and get up again. At this time, Qingzun Suying will attack one after another, or kick him away.

As soon as Mu Yuchengfeng floated in the air, Qingzun Suying's hand turned into a ninja knife again, first cutting the flames, then cutting off, kicking Muyuchengfeng down again, making her miserable, the purpose is to prevent her from escaping.

Taking advantage of Qingzun Suying's change of weapons, Mu Yuchengfeng managed to shoot out a satellite ray to force Qingzun Suying to retreat, and quickly fled with a cannon. As a result, a shadow clone of Qingzun Suying came to her side, directly in front of her. In the air, he used the technique of binding his head with his back and body, and knocked her to the ground again.

Mu Yuchengfeng rolled over, and then stood up, Qingzun Suying had already stabbed her in the back, and then a set of low-level assassin skills, at this time, Qingzun Suying had replaced it with a dagger .

Assassin skills attack the back, not only has damage bonus, but also has the effect of paralysis.

Mu Yuchengfeng was attacked by the assassin around her back. The paralyzed effect made her unable to dodge at all. She waited until several skills were completed before Mu Yuchengfeng knocked the assassin away with a swipe, but the sound of her foot turned out to be a trap Buckle, locked body shape again, she didn't know when the trap was planted under her feet.

After locking Mu Yuchengfeng, Qingzun Suying changed the dagger into a ninja knife, quickly formed seals, cut Bailiu, the water flowed up, locked Muyuchengfeng into the water prison, and then stopped by the side to wait.

"The control skills can't keep up, I'll lock you up for a while, let's take a break together."

Mu Yuchengfeng was speechless, as if the two of them were tired from fighting and needed to take a break.

After Bailiu Slash was over, Qingzun Suying approached with a dagger again, and performed a set of assassin combos. After backstabbing to paralyze him, he cut his throat, and then it turned out to be Sap, who directly knocked Mu Yuchengfeng unconscious. It's the dagger's own skills, obviously the dagger has been changed.

Assassin and thief's small skills were used up, before Mu Yuchengfeng was about to run away, Qingzun Suying's weapon became a ninja knife again, and another set of ninja combo attacks sent the bloody Mu Yuchengfeng away.

The whole battle lasted six and a half minutes, Qingzun Suying still had 65% of her HP and 55% of her mana left, and it was when Dancing Rain was struggling that she fired the cannon, causing splash damage to Qingzun Suying. The Gunner's ult didn't hit the ninja once.

With the remaining blood and mana of Qing Zun Suying, it is completely possible to hit another person.

Mu Yuchengfeng has twelve silver outfits on his body, only the hairband on his head is an orange outfit, and Qingzun Suying is all purple outfits. This is the number he bought when he first came back. He also made a skill point guide. To 4815, however, the weapon Ninja Sword, the two daggers and the pistol are all orange weapons, but they are level 70 orange weapons in the old district. Tang Yue temporarily replaced them from other accounts. These weapons are two levels behind, and their attack power If you can't keep up, it's hard to break the defense, that's why you fought for so long.

After Tang Yue left the field, Zhang Jiale said to Tang Yue: "Switch martial arts, spear body technique, your technique, I think of an old friend, Qiu Musu." "I am his admirer, and I learned all my techniques from watching his videos." .”

"No wonder, when I first played the game, it was the time when he was the most popular, and I also learned the spear technique from his videos, but unfortunately I couldn't keep up with my hand speed at the time, and I learned nondescript, you have learned the essence , is not a sharpshooter, but it can also be used, it is the real gun body technique. Mu Yuchengfeng was close behind him, until he died, there is no chance of escape."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jiale's thoughts turned to the distant year. He joined Hundred Blossoms in the second season. When Su Muqiu was alive, he was a novice player. Only then did he choose the gun system, but he couldn't achieve the effect of the spear body technique, so he switched to the ammunition expert of the gun system. With the help of the special effects of bullets and grenades, he made his own way, and jointly created the prosperous blood scene style with Sun Zheping. Sweeping the alliance for a while, but was destroyed by Ye Qiu in the end.

Back then, One Autumn Leaf was so fierce and inhumane that he rushed into the Blossoming Blood Scene with a stick in hand, first killed Sun Zheping, then Zhang Jiale, and finally sarcastically said: "It took half a year for a set of tactics, I really thought I could beat it all over again!" Invincible in the world."

Zhang Jiale won the runner-up that year, and he wasn't disappointed. Instead, he was complacent. After all, he was a rookie who had just debuted. It was not easy to achieve this result.When he won the runner-up for the third time relying on the prosperous blood scene, he retired directly in grief and indignation, because he was already disgusted with the runner-up.

Tang Yue didn't notice that he was distracted, and then said: "Your spear stabbing is prepared for the spear body technique, and stabbing while shooting can create a strong control effect."

Zhang Jiale suddenly came back to his senses: "Ah, I know, you used this style of play against Young Master Huang."

He was distracted just now.

Tang Yue thought in her heart and stopped talking.

At this time, the players of the second round had already entered the field, facing the wind against Shen Jian. The map was actually Mirror Lake, and there was nowhere to hide.

Fortunately, the distance is still far away, and the fight is a melee boxer, and he can even fly a kite in the formation against the wind.

Wei Chen Yinwu, God of the Night, looks like the Hand of Death. It is also composed of two joints and bone claws. The joints are hollow inside, and the structure is completely different from the Hand of Death. The attack speed has changed from 2 to 5, and there is another attack speed +2, which made Wei Shen very excited. This weapon is very coordinated with his hand speed. The God of the Night's instant shot is half a second faster than the hand of death.

Other attributes also make him very happy. Casting distance +4, singing speed +15, which are greatly improved compared to level 65 Death Hand. Wei Shen estimates that after Death Hand upgrades to level 70, it will not be able to reach this attribute data , the dark attribute resistance and strengthening of the hand of death are also imitated to the god of the night, and the data are also improved.

The Hand of Death comes with Death's Gate +1, which is a skill Wei Chen is very proud of, but the God of Darkness made by Tang Yue not only comes with Death's Gate, but also has Death's Gate +1, which is equivalent to putting an extra 2 The door of death of the first level, the hand of death is completely exploded.

He had to admit that compared with Tang Yue, his silver martial arts skills were at the training camp level.

He is the founder of the Blue Rain Opportunist. Once he succeeds, of course he will use the big move to go straight up. It is best to kill him with one set. Tang Yue helped him create an extra level 70 big move that does not cost skill points. It's still at level 2, allowing him to add an extra ultimate move that destroys at least 15% of his health in his combo, which is simply tailor-made for him.

(End of this chapter)

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