Chapter 57
Tang Yue happened to be there too. When she heard Mucheng being mentioned, her ears perked up. When she saw Ye Xiu stand up, she also stood up and said, "Old Wei, Jia Le, let's go and have a look together."

A group of five entered Excellent Era's training room. Tao Xuan clapped his hands. After drawing attention, he let Ye Qiu out and said to everyone, "Everyone, relax and see who's here."

Although Ye Qiu left, he had been the captain of Excellent Era for eight years after all. Except for Sun Xiang, they were all from the Excellent Era training camp. This time, Tao Xuan brought him back again. The team members all stood up one after another and said hello, "Hello, Team Ye." .”

"Team Ye is here to pull."

"Long time no see, Team Ye."

Sun Xiang was the only one who didn't stand up. He looked up at Ye Qiu and nodded, "Hello, Senior Ye Shen."

Su Mucheng walked to Ye Qiu's side, smiled and said to Tao Xuan, "I used to ignore him, but now you can't afford him, don't you, Brother Tao?"

Then, regardless of Tao Xuan's embarrassment, he walked up to Tang Yue and said to Tang Yue, "I played a one-on-one match with you, which reminded me of my brother. Your style of play is too similar to his, especially the spear technique. , except for the two of you, no one else can type it out."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "From now on, you can call me brother too, it's fine if you don't."

Su Mucheng met Tang Yue once during the Ching Ming Festival, and naturally felt close, because that day in the car, she saw Chen Guo scratching Tang Yue's hair, and suddenly wanted to scratch Tang Yue's hair, but she reached out and stopped. In the air, Tang Yue is standing now, she is a little out of reach.

Tang Yue suddenly bent down and lowered her head, letting her scratch her cooperatively.

Seeing Tang Yue being so cute, Su Mucheng smiled happily: "You are younger than me, you will be my younger brother from now on."

Tang Yue was also very happy, smiling like a puppy: "Okay, Sister Mucheng."

Su Mucheng scratched her hard again, and said, "Don't call me Sister Mucheng, it's too natural, just call me Sister."

Tang Yue called out again kindly: "Sister, listen to you."

He used Tang Yue's body, but the memory belonged to Su Muqiu. However, his living environment has changed over the years, and his personality is also different from the original Su Muqiu.

Tang Yue felt very happy to be able to renew her brother-sister relationship with Su Mucheng. He could justifiably protect her, as long as he made her happy.

As for elder brother or younger brother, isn't it all the same?
Su Mucheng said: "My brother designed the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and you designed the Sniper God, both of which are deformable weapons. My brother and younger brother are both geniuses."

Everyone present was dumbfounded by the interaction between the two, and Ye Xiu pointed to the person behind: "This is Tang Yue, the Drunken God. You know Jiale from behind. The Guardian Messenger was used in the game."

The people in Excellent Era were silent, the ferocious big ax was still fresh in their memory.

Tang Yue said to Su Mucheng: "The gunner silver weapon I am designing, I will use it for you when it is ready, don't show it to others, there are many secrets in it."

Su Mucheng opened her eyes wide and asked Tang Yue, "You can also transform?"

Tang Yue nodded: "Of course, the gunner's skills are the main ones. You can use other small gun skills, and you can also fight in close quarters. I can teach you how to fight. With this silver weapon, the gunner will not be afraid of close combat in the future." It's time to fight."

Su Mucheng asked again: "You gave me the silver weapon? What do you use?"

Tang Yue smiled and said: "You are my sister, of course you should use the good things first, I don't want anyone to bully you, not even in the game."

Su Mucheng asked: "Great, when will it be done?"

Tang Yue thought about it for a while: "It was originally planned for next week. You have to play a game tomorrow night. I will stay up late today to help you fix it, so that it can be used for tomorrow night's game."

Tao Xuan said from the side: "Drunk God, how much is the silver weapon? Let's buy it."

Tang Yue looked at him expressionlessly, and then said coldly, "I won't sell it, I gave it to Su Mucheng for personal use, it's her business to use it for competitions, others can't touch her silver weapon, there are secrets in it. As for money, I really don’t lack money, I forgot to introduce myself, my surname is Tang, and my family is on the top floor of Heming Building.”

Tao Xuan kept silent. It was indeed a joke that he used money to sell silver weapons to the second generation of Heming Group.

It's no wonder that Tang Yue beat you up intentionally or unintentionally just now. It turns out that he has the confidence to do so.

Except for Sun Xiang, everyone else knew the meaning of the top floor of Heming Garden. Sun Xiang looked at the atmosphere and asked Wang Ze next to him: "What does the top floor of Heming Garden mean?"

Wang Ze is also from City H, so of course he knows what Heming Garden stands for.

"Heming Court is located on the street next to Excellent Era. It is a locally developed multinational enterprise. It is a well-known large taxpayer in City H, and even the government attaches great importance to it. The boss of Heming Group lives on the top floor of Heming Building."

Only then did Sun Xiang understand: "Did he say that his family is rich?"

Wang Ze nodded and thought to himself: Excellent Era is a wealthy family in Glory, and has a large player base in City H, but after all, it is a competition, and the size is too small. Heming Group is the real giant, and the money handed in every year Taxes, you can buy a few Excellent Era.

Sun Xiang was only a little arrogant because he played the game well. Even if he didn't know the rich second generation, he knew he couldn't mess with rich people, so he stopped talking.

Ye Xiu saw that it was almost done, and said to everyone in the training room: "Play a friendly match with us. If you lose, you will lose your morale. As for it, it doesn't matter who you lose to. I, the eight-year captain of Excellent Era, You are all taught by me. As soon as you move, I know what you want to do? Zhang Jiale, the former captain of Baihua, a master player, Wei Chen, the first captain of Blue Rain, Huang Shaotian, and Yu Wenzhou were all trained by him. There is this big man, the Drunken God with full blood who completely defeated Troubled Night Rain, we team up, there is no team in the league that is our opponent, shouldn't it be right to win against you?"

Everyone was shocked, Zhang Jiale, of course they knew each other, but this young master of Hemingyuan was able to completely defeat Troubled Night Rain.

"Don't be in a daze, let's go to the tactics room and summarize the games we lost in the last game for you, and then formulate a way to play against the Thunder tomorrow."

The tactical room is next door. Ye Xiu skillfully turned on the projector, then opened his own network disk, and found the video folder of Excellent Era's last game. It was already the same as before, and all the places that need attention have been edited together.

Tao Xuan's heart tightened. He was the one who invited Ye Qiu here, but Ye Qiu had already edited the game video of Excellent Era in Ye Qiu's online disk. Do the captain's job.

Tao Xuan felt a little sad, feeling that he was sorry for Ye Qiu, but now Ye Qiu couldn't come back.

Only when you lose, you will know how precious it is.

Of course, he was in vain, because Ye Qiu analyzed not only Excellent Era's games, but also the entire league's games on Ye Qiu's online disk.Look at the opponent's tactics, understand the strengths and weaknesses of each player, this is how Ye Xiu has come over the years.

His ability to become the Glory textbook, the head of the four great tactical masters, did not come from playing games, but from the accumulation of so many years of hard work.

Tang Yue's main direction of attack is materials, and she is good at skill matching. She is a one-on-one master. When it comes to making silver weapons, Tang Yue beats Ye Qiu eight streets, but when it comes to team tactics, Tang Yue can't even see the exhaust of Ye Xiu's car. arrive.

There is only so much human energy, and the fascinating part of Glory is that it is all-encompassing. Players can always find what they are interested in, and there is a wide room for development.

Like Ye Qiu, Tang Yue has been playing Glory for ten years, and she won't get tired of playing for another ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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