Chapter 60
With one shot, Mu Yuchengfeng slammed the heavy cannon horizontally, and the ghost thought that Su Mucheng was going to fly away, but Mu Yuchengfeng actually stretched forward and shot the head against the ghost. On Fang Xuecai's screen, a huge The muzzle of the gun, then a black shadow, and then a mass of fire, I couldn't see anything.

The ghost's body was floating in the air, it was sent flying by the shelling, but why couldn't it land?
He can't see it, but he is an assassin, so the damage from the back attack can still be seen, so there must be a dagger, thinking that Su Mucheng used the martial arts exchange style, took the dagger to launch the jump knife, and lifted him away, and then Mu Yuchengfeng turned on him. There was a back hit output from his back, and then the screen went dark.

Hell, when the assassin got close, the gunner used his assassin skill to kill him in seconds.

The beautiful little girl is actually learning to change martial arts, and the dagger in her hand has a very high attack.

What kind of knife jumping is guessed by ghosts, he was kicked by Su Mucheng, and then the steel thorn was pulled out, stabbing him five times in the back, without touching the ice, but directly killing him.

The steel thorns attack the vital positions of the lower back, the back of the heart and the back of the head. Even if it is not a skill, it is just a normal attack, and the damage is doubled. In addition to synchronizing with Thor's physical attack power, there is no problem for an assassin with residual blood in seconds.

After killing Gui Meicai, Mu Yuchengfeng didn't continue to wait on the boat, but jumped ashore and directly assisted the battle pattern.

Excellent Era's screen running is unrivaled. Qiu Fei was born in Excellent Era's training camp, and his style of play is exactly the style of One Autumn Leaf. The elemental mage who just came on the field was suppressed by Mu Yuchengfeng before he could make an assist.

Excellent Era's Tactics and the Gunner with the Priest, the Three Generals of Thunder couldn't stop them, and they couldn't run away when they wanted to run away. In the end, Judo Broken, who had an unhealthy blood volume, was left behind with the wind, and the sharpshooter and elemental mage ran to meet Xiao Shiqin confluence.

Su Mucheng directly commanded: "Xiaoqiu, chase after the elemental mage."

The poor elemental mage was forced to flee not long after she arrived, but the speed of Qiu Fei with Chaser was not comparable to that of an elemental mage, and Su Mucheng's shells restricted her from moving.

The sharpshooter didn't dare to run away, otherwise, if he threw the elemental mage to the two violent professions of battle mage and gunner, he might not be able to withstand it for half a minute, but if he stayed, he could only kite around and interfere with Mu Yuchengfeng's output , dare not approach at all.

On the other side of the battlefield, One Autumn Leaf and Qi Chongyunshui hadn't caught Life Extinguisher until they saw the ghost disappear, and immediately went to the replacement area for treatment. Xiao Shiqin had no choice but to show up to rescue Life Extinguisher. Qi Chongyunshui, who was hiding behind One Autumn Leaf, caught him with his cloud-catching hands. Poor Xiao Shiqin never escaped after being controlled by the two, and was killed in a row. When he was treated in the square, there were only five Jiashi people present While besieging the sharpshooter, One Autumn Leaf's HP had already been filled by Weaving Shadow.

The two discussed it, and they stopped struggling, and exited the game happily.

Excellent Era beat Thunderclap 9-1. Thunderclap, which was originally in eighth place, fell to tenth in an instant. There are still four games left in the league. Behind Thunderclap are two powerful teams, Blue Rain and Tyranny. If they want to enter the playoffs, it is possible , but it is difficult.

In this match, Xiao Shiqin discovered during his research after the match that not only Mu Yuchengfeng had changed, but Sun Xiang had also changed a lot. Originally, he wanted to lure Sun Xiang away, but Sun Xiang was not fooled at all, and became amicable. Yun Shui slowly got stuck, directly separating him from other teammates. What made him even more uncomfortable was that Sun Xiang's wingman also changed from a battle mage to a qigong master, which disrupted his arrangement. The battle mage brought the qigong master to let him He didn't dare to get close at all. The battle mage on the other side led the priest and was assisted by the gunner.

Both of them are Excellent Era's famous combination, and their strength is higher than that of everyone in Thunderbolt. No matter how tricky Xiao Shiqin is, he can't help it if his teammates don't have the strength to make it happen.

Also, he never expected that the assassin would be killed so quickly by Mu Yuchengfeng.

When studying the video, it is no longer the Assassin's vision, but the God's perspective.Xiao Shiqin: "It's not a martial arts exchange. You see, when she shoots at you, both the dagger and the heavy cannon are there. When she stabs a knife and fires a cannon, it's you who stabs, but the cannon hits someone else."

The assassin's vision was blocked, and he didn't see Dancing Rain's operation at all. After replaying, he discovered that the steel thorns were pulled out from under the barrel of the cannon.There was no jumping knife either, he was kicked away by Mu Yuchengfeng, and he was kicked out by the recoil of Muyuchengfeng's cannon. Heavy artillery without switching continuous output.

"Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and Sniper God are all such deformed weapons, and now there is Mu Yuchengfeng's heavy artillery Thunder God."

"The technology of this kind of transforming weapon is in the hands of Drunk God and Ye Qiu. The Thousand Chance Umbrella was made by Ye Qiu's friend Su Muqiu. Drunk God is Qiu Musu's successor. Su Mucheng is Su Muqiu's younger sister. A weapon is reasonable."

After Xiao Shiqin finished his analysis, he clapped his hands and said, "After knowing where we lost, we have to focus on the next match."

That night, Tao Xuan secretly met with Xiao Shiqin, and no one knew what they talked about.

It's just that after returning to the Thunder team, Xiao Shiqin often stared at the Thunder team logo in a daze.

On the second day of Excellent Era's match against Thunderclap, Team Xingxin had a new member. Tyrannical Ambition player Xiao Bingliang, named An Wenyi, 20 years old, a college student in City B, took advantage of the weekend to fly to Xingxin to have a look.

He was the pastor that Ye Qiu found after going undercover in Tyranny, but after seeing the video of An Wenyi's operation, Tang Yue directly gave him his Lord Moku.

"You catch the timing very well, but you can't keep up with the operation, and it is easy to be used as a breakthrough. We have more long-range, and we don't need to add a priest who is the main attack. We have no one who can protect you all the time. You should use a guardian angel. , at least your survivability has been greatly improved."

"But I still want to use my account."

"Does your account have any special significance?"

"My friend gave it to me. It's her number."

"You can continue to hone your skills with your little hands in private, join our team, and just use the account we provide. Is this difficult for you? Have you ever played Guardian Angel?"

"Played, is your account good?"

"I don't know how your account is. Anyway, our account is definitely better than Soul Whisperer."

"Blue Rain's guardian angel?"

"Of course, don't you believe me? Did you watch the game last week? Huang Shaotian now uses the lightsaber I made as his main weapon, and the ice rain as his secondary weapon."

Last week, Blue Rain made a surprise attack on Wind Howl and Lin Jingyan, but was caught by Huang Shaotian. He chopped into ice lumps with a flurry of swords, and was killed by concentrated fire. It was only when other teams in the alliance discovered that Huang Shaotian had changed weapons, and the sword had a special freezing effect.

"I did not see."

"It's not important. Let's talk about your affairs. They entrusted me to talk to you. You are a novice. You can only get a novice salary here. Like the two of them, you get 8000 yuan a month. We want to win the championship." Therefore, against the champion team Weicao, the salary of newcomers is higher than that of other teams’ training camp teenagers. We participate in the challenge first, and only after winning can we play professional games. Whether it is training or future games, it will have an impact on your studies. .Do you have any questions?"

(End of this chapter)

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