Chapter 66 Homecoming
Tang Yue was able to win because he took advantage of Troubled Night Rain's unfamiliarity with his warlocks, and Tang Yue's hand speed was no slower than Huang Shaotian's. He walked around the middle with a thief's pace. It was not easy for Fan to chase him, and then he took the opportunity to release the ground thorns, leading the sound of Ye Yu into the prison.

With the first control, of course he will not let the Juggernaut escape again, and continuous control in the future is a matter of course.

He is not a professional thief, and he can set very few traps, but he pulled out his dagger and rolled in the middle of the field, which really scared Huang Shaotian.

If he fights again, Huang Shaotian will rush up directly regardless of the trap, and use the sword shadow step to catch Suokesar. As long as he is slashed by him, Suokesar will be slowed down, and then he will be cut to pieces. .

This is a battle of the heart.

"Juvenile Master, I'll PK with you when I finish my Silver Weapon. It's so refreshing to win, it's still Juggernaut's."

"Don't you have a silver weapon?"

"Isn't Zhang Jiale coming to Xingxin? I gave him all my ammunition expert equipment, and I'm going to change to a sharpshooter, so I have to make another weapon."

The news was so explosive that even Yu Wenzhou was surprised. He couldn't help asking, "Zhang Jiale went to Xingxin? The four of you get together, and the alliance will be in chaos in the second half of next year."

"In the second half of next year, Su Mucheng is also one of us. At that time, all of our weapons will be transformed weapons, and all four of us can shoot big shots. Tremble, Indian Sword Master."

"Damn it, don't call me nicknames, if someone spreads it, I'm going to be shameless?"

Yu Wenzhou changed the topic: "The video of Su Meizi killing ghosts and ghosts has exploded in the professional circle. It's too classic. Every club is studying your transformation technique."

"You can study it. I suggest that it is best not to dismantle it, otherwise it will be gone if it is dismantled."

Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou looked at each other. Their technical department must study it. Whether it should be demolished or not is not up to Yu Wenzhou. Since Tang Yue said it, it means that he is very sure. This is for the boss of Blue Rain.

"Okay, let's go."

"What's the rush? Shall I take you around City G?"

"I don't need you to accompany me if I want to transfer, do I? The two beauties who accompany me to level up seem to be in City G."

"Well, let's not delay your beauty, do you want me to take you on a date?"

"What do you say?"

"Well, have fun."

Where does Tang Yue have the mind to meet beauties, she mentioned that they just don't want Huang Shaotian to bother her anymore, this guy's words are all about transformation and his own skills, but he just wants to upgrade his silver weapon, so he will have to wait for the right time to help him.

After leaving Blue Rain, Tang Yue took the subway to leave, and then flew home directly.

After Tang Yue left, Huang Shaotian immediately began to think about it.

"Captain, your weapon is not as good as Boss Wei's Silver Weapon. Drunk God has reservations."

"Of course I know, I just ask you, did Lan Yu lose money?"

"Of course it's not a loss. Xiang Tian and Hu Yu will definitely not be able to keep them. They should leave this summer. Sun Yaoyang can stay for a year at most. Now, if they are taken away by Xingxin, it can be counted as a favor. Four times the material and this silver weapon In comparison, not even a fraction."

"Then why are you so uncomfortable? We just need to know that this silver weapon can still be upgraded. If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, please ask Drunken God to upgrade it and give some materials, isn't it all right? By then, will there be more silver weapons?" If there is no change, how can we still be insidious?"

"Yes, yes, my silver weapon can also be upgraded, but it doesn't have any built-in skills. Also, Tang Yue can definitely make a mother-child sword, and I can also slash people with both hands. My hand speed has finally improved. Play space."

Yu Wenzhou said: "It's right to think so. Tang Yue and the others need materials to keep hooking us. The materials are from the club, and they are stored in the warehouse. What's the use? We use the weapons ourselves, so of course we have to take care of them." Drunken God is interesting enough, we all use two silver weapons mixed, the more changes, the more unpredictable the opponent is, so what can we do if we don't reach the best level? Keep the changes, and upgrade at critical times, and you will be able to make meritorious deeds. "

It was only to Huang Shaotian, his old partner, that Yu Wenzhou could say such things.

Tang Yue's routine, Yu Wenzhou is clear, but he can turn it into a positive side, this is the skill of a master tactician.

But Wei Chen said that after leaving Blue Rain, he first went to the barber shop to shave his hair and beard, then went to the mall to buy clothes, shoes and socks, cleaned himself up, and then took a taxi to his studio.

Although he went to Xingxin, his little brother still runs his studio. After all, these people have been in the game since childhood, and have never done any other work except playing games.

Wei Chen went to City H and became a shareholder of Team Xingxin. He had already been frightened in front of their little brothers.

This time he was going to take them to City H and meet the parents of Lan Yu and the other three. He had to make himself look like a successful person, otherwise, as Huang Shaotian said, if a sloppy uncle came out, no one would be at ease.

When Wei Chen entered the studio, a group of young people in undershirts and shorts were playing games. When they saw someone coming in, they took a closer look and recognized it was Wei Chen.

"Boss Wei, have you made a fortune?"

The leading boy, Jiwotou, jumped up and was about to pull Wei Chen up.

Wei Chen backed away quickly, and slapped his paw off: "Don't move, my suit costs more than 6 yuan, and it costs more than 300 yuan to wash it once."

"Boss Wei, is this your most expensive dress? Is it specially worn to make you look good?"

"Today, I went to Blue Rain and asked for three training camp boys for Xingxin. If you are willing to go to City H with me, hurry home and clean up. If you don't want to go, stay here and continue to help Xingxin guild make dungeons. Let me explain first, if you go there, you will be paid [-] for food and lodging, and if you stay here, you will be paid [-], and you will be able to settle your own board and lodging."

"Then we must go." The leader Jiwotou said with a smile.

"Boss Wei, look at the situation in my house. I want to go too, but I can't help it."

Wei Chen nodded: "The conditions for those who go are the decision of our board of directors. I know it will be difficult for you guys to leave, so for those who don't go, I will help you get the treatment, so you must work hard at home and don't let me lose face. "

"Boss Wei, no problem."

"Well, I still have to visit the homes of three team members. You guys should go home and get ready. You will leave in a day or two. Xiaoxiao, your younger brother is quite talented. Take him to Xingxin's training camp together. The conditions are better than Blue Rain's." , I will study in City H next semester."

After the confession was over, Wei Chen went home. The family already knew that Wei Chen had become the director of Team Xingxin. When they saw Wei Chen in a suit and leather shoes, they didn't say much except asking him when he would settle his personal affairs.

These days, people who play games make a lot of money. Wei Chen was once the captain of Blue Rain, and he was richer. After retiring, he started a studio. A phone call was made, and several relatives and children were picked up.

Tang Yue took Wei Chen back to City G, and not only asked him to go home and have a look, but also asked him to talk to his disciples and encourage them to go to Xingxin, so any board resolutions were nonsense.

Of course, Wei Chen was already a shareholder of Xingxin, so it was only natural to give Brother Yuan a hand.

The Xingxin guild in the realm of the gods has been established, and his brothers have all joined the Xingxin guild, but if they don't go to Xingxin's scene, they will never be able to become the backbone of the guild, and they will not be able to get access to dungeon brushing materials. Of course, their income will be reduced. All who can go will of course go.

There is also Xingxin Innovation, which has a bright future in the future. The earlier you go, the older your qualifications, the more opportunities for promotion and salary increase.

(End of this chapter)

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