Chapter 69

When Tang Yue heard it, she thought to herself: This child has a way to say that.

He just said: "If you are willing to come, we can help you with the transfer as soon as the summer transfer period opens. Practice with us early and improve early. You forgot that Ye Qiu gave you a tactical lesson, and you will blow up Thunder, we have not only Ye Xiu here, but also Zhang Jiale and Wei Chen, I can teach you too, you study with us personally, the progress is the fastest, Ye Xiu enters the league, he will play for three years at most After retiring, you may play for a year, then you will switch to the role of healer, and you will take over Lord Grim at that time."

"Senior Drunk God? Why did Team Ye change roles?"

"Individuals rely on operations. He is old. In order to play for a few more years, he has to protect his hands. He can only switch to a profession that does not rely on operations. So you only have two years to prepare."

"What about you, Drunken God? You are also proficient full-time, and you are not very old, why don't you take over Lord Grim?"

"I'm studying for a Ph.D., and I'm going to serve in the military after my Ph.D. I can do it for another two years at most."

Whether it is a doctorate or military service, for Qiu Fei, it is another world.

Qiu Fei didn't expect that Drunk God, who is so good at playing games, is actually a doctor. He not only asked: "You are so good at studying, and you are also very good at playing games. Why do you want to serve in the military?"

Tang Yue: "Because I am a child of the Tang family, reading is to lay the foundation, games can only be a hobby and pastime, and the military is my mission."

This reason was so powerful that even Qiu Fei felt that Tang Yue had lofty ideals.

Sincerely said: "You are too good, I have to work hard."

"Okay, you're still young, you have to focus on the future. Gao Yingjie succeeds Wang Jiexi, Lu Hanwen succeeds Huang Shaotian, Tyranny has a young general named Song Yingqi, who is very good at teaching Korean. They are all about your age. You don't want Ye Qiu to be killed by these Let the defeated generals laugh at him, saying that he was robbed of One Autumn Leaf, Lord Grim has no heir, after a few years, who will remember that there was Ye Qiu?"

Tang Yue's words were very sensational, Qiu Fei was a young man, he couldn't bear to be fooled, and his blood started to boil when he heard it.

His respected teacher, Ye Qiu, One Autumn Leaf has already been snatched away. The retrained Lord Grim had no choice but to retire because he had no successor, and then he was ridiculed and forgotten.

How can this work?

Qiu Fei said eagerly: "Senior, I am willing to go with you. If the transfer or contract expires, I will go to Xingxin and continue to train with Team Ye."

"Okay, I understand what you mean. You are different from the rest of Excellent Era. You are God Ye's chosen successor. From now on, you will call God Ye. If you want to say master, don't call Team Ye anymore. Okay, don't think too much, you Practice hard and leave the rest to us.”

"Okay, Senior Drunk God."

Tang Yue stood up and waved to Ye Xiu: "It's done."

Ye Xiu forced a smile, but said nothing.

Zhang Jiale had already entered, and stood behind the whole time, seeing all the content of Tang Yue's chat, said with a smile: "The kid on the other side has been made to cry by you."

"What do you mean fooling? Just tell the truth, doesn't he think he is Ye Qiu's successor in his heart? If Ye Xiu retires and Lord Grim is sealed, he won't feel guilty?"

Ye Xiu complained: "You are kidnapping morally. Why should he feel guilty when I retire?"

Zhang Jiale also persuaded: "Old Ye, what did you say when you persuaded me to forget Baihua? Why do you, a shareholder of Xingxin, still miss Excellent Era? If you still want to go to Excellent Era, don't fool us here."

Ye Xiu said, "Why would I want to go back to Excellent Era?"

"The Drunk God digging Qiu Fei, why are you feeling sorry for Excellent Era? Isn't Excellent Era an opponent of Xingxin? Digging Qiu Fei is a resolution of the shareholders' meeting, and you hold a negative attitude, or at least abstained. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

Ye Xiu opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Tang Yue didn't want to continue talking about this matter, so she said, "Okay, I've completed the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, and now I'm waiting for the transfer window."

Ye Xiu sighed and said, "With so many young people here, we can all retreat to the second line."

Ye Xiu didn't expect Tang Yue to recruit three people from Lan Yu, and now he wanted to dig Qiu Fei, plus Bao Zi, Tang Rou, An Wenyi and Luo Ji, there were already eight young people, including him and Wei Chen , Zhang Jiale, Tang Yue, Team Xingxin already has twelve members.

This number has surpassed most teams in the league, and he couldn't help sighing.

Tang Yue stood up immediately: "Stop it, didn't you say that Han Wenqing is changing his style of play? Why? Because he can't sustain high-intensity matches. If Xingxin still only has a few players, you will be the main force every game and there will be no rotation players. , You, Jia Le, and Director Wei, how many years can you consume at most? Having young people in rotation can not only train them, but also prolong your professional lifespan."

Zhang Jiale said from the side: "I agree with Drunken God's words. Everyone has their ups and downs. Having more rotation players can not only adjust the state, but also enrich tactics. I have thought about this problem before. Maybe a team needs 14 people is suitable, but unfortunately I am not the boss, so it doesn’t count.”

Tang Yue just felt that the more good seedlings there were, the better. Seeing that Zhang Jiale had thought about the number of teams, he immediately asked beside him, "Oh, tell me the reason?"

Zhang Jiale said: "It is convenient for intra-team competitions, you can combine them at will, is it enough?"

Tang Yue said: "There are many people, so the tactics are changeable. Faced with different professional combinations, we can choose the combination that restrains the opponent. Right?"

Zhang Jiale nodded: "Yes, it's the same melee combat. Berserker, Swordsman and Assassin have different functions, and long-range ones too. Gunner, Sharpshooter and Elemental Mage have different styles of play. Glory pays attention to balance, role occupations It's also mutual generation and mutual restraint. When Lao Ye said that we used a set of tactics for half a year, it has been lingering in my mind, and I also want to change. Hundred Blossoms should be the team with the most professional changes in these years."

Ye Xiu nodded, he was very clear about this: "There are indeed a lot of newcomers in Hundred Blossoms."

Zhang Jiale: "Take last season as an example. If I followed my original plan and increased the number of players to change tactics instead of replacing old players with new players, our Hundred Blossoms might not only be able to win the runner-up. I left Hundred Blossoms because I was disappointed. It has been grinding until the end of the transfer period, and the boss has not agreed to add people."

Zhang Jiale's departure from Baihua was very sudden, and it was announced at the end of the transfer period. Baihua was caught off guard, so he could only temporarily promote Zou Yuan from the training camp to fill his gap.

This point has always been criticized by Zhang Jiale, and it turns out that there is still this hidden secret.

Zhang Jiale had never defended himself before, and only when he encountered the same problem today did he let it out.

Tang Yue said: "Now that you are a shareholder of Xingxin, you can put forward any good ideas. On this point, I agree with you. Only when there are more personnel can we come up with highly targeted tactical arrangements, just like the army , are now building a synthetic brigade, the original tank division is indeed very strong, how many changes can it make? The synthetic brigade is different, there are many arms in it, and the tactics are naturally flexible and changeable."

(End of this chapter)

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