Chapter 78
In the second round of the match, Samsara vs Thunderclap, everyone in Xingxin was watching the match,
Ye Xiu was editing the video of the last round, and suddenly raised his head and asked Wei Chen, "Do you have any news about your reincarnation?"

The Xingxin team, except for Tang Yue who did not participate in the boss fight, was dispatched with all members. Wei Chen was an undercover reincarnation and was already the leader of the elite second regiment. Grab the BOSS from the most competitive organization.

There is no way, Xingxin's foundation is weak, everyone wants silver equipment, Guan Rongfei uses materials, like running water, and comes to remind him every day, he just learned the material synthesis technology, how can he use orange equipment to change silver equipment, He wants to tailor it for everyone, so he focuses on the wild map boss.

If there were fewer wild map boss fights that day, Guan Rongfei would have to scan the training room several times with contemptuous eyes.

Although the school is on vacation, Tang Yue still has to complete the subject given to him by the professor. The professor wants to teach him everything, so that before he graduates, he can master more knowledge of materials science and make contributions to the military industry.

Therefore, he still spends so much time online every day, and he has to study the blueprints of Yinwu, so everyone will not let him participate in the robbing of the boss.

Wei Chen said impatiently: "Watching the game, watching the game, no one called me, it's just not."

Zhang Jiale said: "Today Guan Rongfei said that a few more materials are needed to upgrade the Thousand Manifestation Umbrella, Lao Ye is in a hurry."

Tang Yue laughed and said, "Grab the boss today and bring me one. I haven't played this kind of game for a long time."

Zhang Jiale immediately said: "You should study the blueprint. The pistol on my belt is completely in line with reality. You should study it as soon as possible so that I can pull it out. I don't ask much. It's the same as Su Mucheng's pistol. You only need to bring your own pistol. Rhett snipe, and Barrett snipe +2."

Wei Chen said: "Shameless, your guns are becoming more and more shameless, so just focus on this big move, right?"

Zhang Jiale said: "The key is to be handsome. I can't pull out the pistol from my belt. I, a ranger, feel quite embarrassed."

Tang Yue: "Research also requires a change of mind. Forget it. If you don't take me with you, I'll go to Lanxi Pavilion. I haven't been online for a long time."

Zuiwo is an expert in ammunition. Zhang Jiale took away his exclusive equipment and silver weapons. Tang Yue found some orange equipment from the warehouse to replace them, and took a few pistols before accepting team formation and replying to messages.

No way, as soon as he went online, the two girls sent an application to form a team.At the same time, Lan He and Chun Yi also sent an application to form a team.Of course Tang Yue formed a group with two girls, but rejected Lan He and Chun Yilao.

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "Drunken God, you haven't been online for a long time, I heard that you came to G city last time."

Cun Yanxin: "Hello Drunken God, why haven't you seen you for a long time, are you busy with your studies? Do you want me to help you with tutoring? Sister, I have graduated and I don't have a job. I have plenty of time."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Change to another number. We have formed a team now, Team Xingxin, and we are going to participate in the challenge. We have to get silver weapons for them. There are a lot of things. Do you want to come and work for our team? We are here It is newly established, not only important people in the guild, but also management positions are in great need of manpower."

Zhiyue Qingcheng interjected: "I am a master student who graduated last year, and now I am doing an internship in an accounting firm. Do you need an accounting major? I have a certified public accountant certificate."

Cun Yanxin also asked anxiously, "I'm a business administration major. I just graduated from a bachelor's degree. Do you want me?"

Zuiwo battlefield: "Yes, we are in Hemingyuan, Moshan Road, Xingxin Building, Moshan Road, City H. You can come to the Finance Department and the Personnel Department. There are currently vacancies. If you come, you will be the boss of the department. If you are interested, you can also work part-time in the guild. Work two jobs, get two salaries, and earn at least [-] to [-] yuan a month."

Cun Yanxin: "The salary is so high? That's great. I'll pack up and go."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "I'll go too, my internship is due in two months, but I can resign, half a month at the latest."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "When we arrive, contact Chen Guo, the general manager of Team Xingxin. From now on, you will be her subordinates. She will be responsible for signing the contract. Her phone number is 13XXXXXXXXX."

Cun Yanxin: "Okay, I wrote it down. I actually found a job, so happy."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "I have resigned here, General Manager Chen, will you not want us?"

A salary of [-] to [-] yuan is not attractive to her. She is afraid that if she quits her job there, if she slips up like this, it will be a big loss.

Zuiwo battlefield: "No, recommend two employees to share her work, she will only be happy. Even if you are ugly, I am also a shareholder, and she will give this face."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "You are ugly, you will know when you meet, what was the school belle back then."

Cun Yanxin: "There are too many girls in our college, I can only be regarded as the class flower, but I am very confident, and I will definitely not lower Xingxin's appearance."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Our team will have Su Mucheng join next year. Also, you can find out that the two beauties who accompanied Su Mucheng in the high jump during the All-Star Weekend last year are Chen Guo, the boss of our team Han Yanrou. Look good, you have to be mentally prepared."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "Ah, I remember those two beauties, Han Mist also defeated Samsara Du Ming."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Yeah, our team also has Ye Qiu and Zhang Jiale, they are all handsome guys."

Cun Yanxin: "Ah, I'm a fan of Ye Qiu, and I can actually meet the real Ye Qiu? My God, I'll go buy tickets right away."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "Three great gods are going to play the resurrection match? It's too exaggerated."

Drunk on the battlefield: "Four, and Blue Rain's former captain Wei Chen."

Zhiyue Qingcheng: "Wei Chen? I heard that he is the master of Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou, so next year it can't be called a rematch. Team Xingxin has a very bright future. I will resign tomorrow, and it will be over after a handover."

While chatting, Blue River sent another message.

Lanqiao Chunxue: "Drunk God, long time no see. I couldn't see you the last time you came to Lanyu."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Our new team, go to the Blue Rain training camp to pick a few people, it's poaching, I don't dare to stay."

Lanqiao Chunxue: "And Lord Grim, right?"

Drunk on the battlefield: "Yeah, didn't I tell you? Oh, I told Yu Wenzhou, you may not have heard, not only Ye Qiu, but also Zhang Jiale, Wei Chen, are you interested in coming to our Xingxin, Happy's guild's vice president is waiting for an empty seat, how about it? The guild president is Jun Moxiao, the guild's public image spokesperson, and you, the vice president, will be in charge of the guild."

Lanqiao Chunxue: "Well, forget it, I'm fine in Lanxi Pavilion. Where are you? Do you want to dungeon together?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "In Xishan City, I am hanging out with two beauties, do you want to come?"

Lan Qiaochunxue: "You're not here to poach someone, are you?"

Drunk lying on the battlefield: "Dig who? How?"

Lan Qiaochunxue: "Xiang Tian, ​​Hu Yu and Sun Yaoyang were all professionally trained, weren't they poached by you?"

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "How many more years do you think they can wait in the Blue Rain training camp? Can they afford it? I still want Lu Hanwen, but Yu Wenzhou rejected it."

Lan Qiaochunxue: "Don't even think about it. You suddenly went online to find two beauties, are you trying to poach someone? We are just these two female masters."

Zuiwo on the battlefield: "Aren't you Blue Temple? Why do you want female players? Return the five beauties of Lanxi Pavilion, I can take them away together."

Lan Qiaochunxue: "Drunk God, my good Drunk God, please be merciful when you are old."

(End of this chapter)

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