Chapter 82 First Meeting
Yan Cunxin looked at the tall young man in front of him, couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and nodded: "I am Cun Yanxin, and my name is Yan Cunxin."

He said when he heard the drunk lying on the battlefield violently destroying others: I am 1 meters tall and have a black belt in Taekwondo.

It turned out to be so tall, so handsome, and the sportswear supports the strong muscles of his body, which is very similar to what I imagined, but why is his face so young?

Mo Fan also swallowed and spit. At that time, he wanted to PK with a real person. The other party said that he was 1 meters. He thought the other party was joking, but he was really so tall. He didn't really think that he was here for a real PK.

Mo Fan felt fearful in his heart, so he didn't dare to continue to pretend to be cool, and nodded: "Deception, my name is Mo Fan."

Then he remembered that when Zuiwo beat him violently on the battlefield, he was surrounded by two women, Cunyanxin and Zhiyue Qingcheng. No wonder the other party heard his name. She looks so pretty.

"Come in, exercise time, let's get together."

Tang Yue didn't introduce them to the group of people next to her, she directly led them into the gym, then picked out two sets of team uniforms from a cabinet, and handed one to each of them.

"Professional players must have a healthy body, so there is a gym below our team. We have to exercise for an hour every morning and an hour in the afternoon. You can come at other times if you want. Now that you are here, let's change into it. Let's exercise together. In the future, this will be the same. training content."

He had just arrived and was about to change his clothes, but now he was wearing unlined clothes, so Cun Yan refused, so he asked, "I'm not a professional player, do I still want to exercise?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "Exercising is not a disadvantage. Your office will be on the second floor in the future, and our training room is on the third floor. Currently, the girls' dormitory is on the sixth floor, and the boys are on the fifth floor. When there are many people in the future, there may be boys who want to live on the sixth floor." Lou, after all, there are very few girls. All these arrangements in the future should be your business, including helping him sign the contract."

Tang Yue's words contained a lot of content. Yan Cunxin was very happy and said with a smile: "I'm going to work as soon as I come here. I haven't signed the contract yet."

Tang Yue said: "It doesn't matter, after you sign for yourself, then help him handle it, isn't that all right?"

Yan Cunxin took the team uniform, then took the one from Deception, slapped Mo Fan on the chest, and said loudly to Mo Fan, "Let's go, change your clothes and come to exercise."

Yesterday, Drunk God Destroyed People Not Tired, she was on the side, knowing that Mo Fan was introverted and it was difficult to talk, since these things will be taken care of by herself in the future, let Mo Fan be responsible.

If it was Jun Moxiao, Mo Fan might refuse it, but this beauty is too hot, Mo Fan thought it would be more troublesome if he didn't go, so he hugged his clothes and followed Yan Cunxin to the dressing room.

When they got to the locker room, Yan Cunxin blocked the door. Mo Fan raised his head, and Yan Cunxin pointed to the door next door: "That's the boys' locker room."

Only then did Mo Fan realize that if Yan Cunxin hadn't blocked him just now, he would have followed into the women's locker room, and his face immediately turned red.

After a while, the two changed their clothes and came over. Yan Cunxin walked up to Chen Guo and Tang Rou, and asked Chen Guo, "Hello, Mr. Chen. I am Yan Cunxin, and I will be your subordinate from now on."

Chen Guo had been waiting for Yan Cunxin to come over a long time ago, seeing that she was still very cheerful and generous, she nodded immediately: "Okay, okay, welcome to Xingxin."

Then Yan Cunxin said to Tang Rou: "Hi Hanrou, hello, I am also a battle mage."

Tang Rou smiled and said, "I know you, I've read your Weibo."

Cun Yan feels ashamed, and it's over.

There are so many screenshots of leveling with Drunken God on her Weibo, anyone who reads the Weibo photos can understand her thoughts.

But seeing the real Tang Yue now, she immediately knew that it was impossible for her.

Zhiyue Qingcheng, who was prettier than her but four years older than her, was even more impossible.

After a few whispers, the three girls quickly became acquainted.

Deception is tall and thin, about 1.7 meters [-], looks quite capable, not Ye Xiu's vain physique, that's why he had the idea of ​​competing with the real Tang Yue.

He came over wearing a new team uniform, stood for a while, and saw that everyone else was exercising, so he also found Yalin and played with it in his hands.

Chen Guo took Cun Yanxin, walked over to the treadmill, and said, "Let's go for a run, Xiaoyue said you just graduated from university, and we are all gaming geeks here, except Xiaoyue is a doctoral student, everyone else Didn't finish high school."

An Wenyi heard this, and immediately called out: "Miss Boss, what do you mean? I haven't finished high school. I'm a college student."

Before Luo Ji could speak, Chen Guo immediately said, "Oh, I made a slip of the tongue, you guys came late, I forgot. Hey, let me introduce you, this handsome guy is An Wenyi, he is studying in university in City B, this The shy younger brother is Luo Ji, a top student at KJ University. By the way, Han Mist is Xiao Tang, who also came back from studying abroad and studied music at Berkeley."

Yan Cunxin stuck out her tongue, and whispered to Chen Guo, "Drunk God is a doctor, I said yesterday that I would help him make up lessons."

Chen Guo laughed loudly, and said to her: "You will definitely not be able to make up for this class. A doctoral student at University H, 17 years old, a genius." After speaking, she gave her a thumbs up.

Yan Cunxin stuck out her tongue again, she had some kind of fantasies in the past, how could she know that the other party was actually a genius, and he was also a 17-year-old little brother.

Over there, Baozi was carrying a barbell. After doing a few squats, he put down the barbell and walked over, saying to Deception: "My name is Bao Rongxing, Baozi Invasion. The Yalin you used is too small. It's for girls, exercise doesn't work."

Mo Fan immediately put down the small dumbbell and reached for the biggest one, but he struggled to lift it up, but found that he couldn’t do flexion and stretching, so Baozi took it and did two easily, then put the dumbbell down again.

Baozi rolled up his short sleeves, showed the tattoo on his shoulder to Mo Fan, and posed a few more eight-level fights, and said to Mo Fan: "I am an ancestral Bajiquan master, if you want to PK, See you at the arena."

The rest of the team understood that the arena is the Arena of Glory, but Mo Fan was taken aback by him.

This guy is about 1.8 meters five, his shoulders are wider than Tang Yue's, and he looks stronger. Just now, the 18 kg dumbbell is in Baozi's hand, just like playing with a 3 kg dumbbell.

Moreover, Tang Yue looked very handsome and gentle, and spoke softly after meeting. No matter how you look at this guy, he is a fighting bastard.

Mo Fan quickly shook his head: "I don't PK."

Baozi: "Hey, how can there be a man who doesn't PK, what is your occupation?"

Mo Fan is dizzy, profession?
It means going to the arena to PK glory.

Is this related to the ancestral Bajiquan, and whether it is a man?

You fucked me up and rubbed me on the ground yesterday, and now you ask me what my occupation is?
By the way, not only yesterday, you killed me so many times, you killed both ninjas and assassins.

Is this guy a fool, why did he ask me about my occupation?

Looking at Mo Fan's bewildered expression, Ye Xiu knew that if Baozi continued to talk nonsense, Deception would really lead him into the ditch.

He walked over and said, "Baozi, there's still a set of squats that haven't been finished yet, go quickly."

Baozi gave an American military salute: "Jeser, boss." Then he bounced and went to squat on the barbell.

(End of this chapter)

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