Full-time master: start all over again

Chapter 86 The Wheel of Rise

Chapter 86 The Rising Reincarnation

Baozi was the most vicious looking person on Xingxin, and he had mental problems. Mo Fan struggled a few times, but to no avail, he could only accept his fate.

How could Baozi know how to be humble? He went all the way, bragging about how he chased and killed Deception in the online game, and bragging about how he tortured and killed a certain player in the arena. He also mentioned Liu Hao of Excellent Era, saying that he was He beat him so many times that his face was turned into a pig's head. Those who didn't know thought it was a real PK.

Because not only did he talk, but sometimes he even danced, jumping up to imitate the tricks of the game, and performing them live for Mo Fan.

Because Mo Fan used Jun Moren to PK with him, Baozi still doesn't know that Mo Fan is the Deception they hunted down,
Mo Fan didn't say a word, and he didn't dare to resist. He was just taken to the cafeteria by Baozi, and then he was forced to become Baozi's younger brother.

"Little brother, what do you want to eat, come get it with me, you are welcome."

"Little brother, try this shrimp ball, it tastes good, eat it, don't be embarrassed."

"Little brother, you have to eat more meat, or you will be too thin. Let me tell you, you won't have the strength to fight without meat."


Mo Fan, who was silent, ate a lot of food just like this being taken by Baozi. There was no way, the cafeteria was a buffet, and Baozi had to bring some food for Mo Fan. There was a sticker on the door of the cafeteria: It is shameful to waste food.

You don't have to care about the online slander, but in real life, Mo Fan respects the law and abides by the rules, and doesn't want to be a shameful person.

Baozi is a person who can do whatever he wants, so it doesn't matter if Mo Fan can eat it or not.

With this younger brother who can fight, Baozi has already forgotten that good-for-nothing younger Concealed Light.

Of course, Luo Ji wanted the steamed stuffed buns to roll as far away as possible. He and An Wenyi are getting along very comfortably now. Both of them are college students and have a lot of common topics. After moving this time, Luo Ji deliberately chose the dormitory next to An Wenyi. Stay away from buns.

Baozi didn't stop him, and when Mo Fan arrived, he arranged Mo Fan next door to him, and didn't care where Luo Ji lived.

Apart from having to endure being fed by the steamed bun boss, Mo Fan thinks everything else is pretty good. Food and lodging is included, free internet access is provided, he still uses the Ultimate account, and the contract has been signed. .

He thought it was good to stay.

Even Mo Fan felt relieved, and Yan Cunxin was even happier.

When Yan Cunxin heard that Tang Yue was only 17 years old, 4 years younger than her, and was the young boss of Heming Seiko, the little bit of admiration in her heart was put away immediately.

The old cow eats tender grass, or fairy grass inlaid with gold, she is not qualified, it is reasonable to coax Mr. Chen well.

Every day in the PK with Chen Guo, she made sure that she had only residual blood left, which made Chen Guo regain some confidence.

Who let her get in touch with people who were either too high-end, or had great potential, and finally found an opponent who could surpass them with hard work, and made Chen Guo re-interested in Glory PK.

Chen Guo is very satisfied with Yan Cunxin now, and the relationship between the two is very good.

There is no way, Tang Rou spends most of her time practicing basic skills, and the rest is just fighting for bosses, so she has no time to accompany her at all.

This Yan Cunxin was training with her and went to fight the boss together. Yan Cunxin rushed to help her with the work she wanted to do, and Yan Cunxin could handle some things she didn't expect.

PKing with her would at least allow her to fight back. Chen Guo finally understood why the boss had to find a secretary. It was so convenient for the secretary to do something.

Of course she didn't see that Yan Cunxin's pk was for her, she only thought that she was only a little bit worse than the number one female master in Lanxi Pavilion, and the confidence that had been crushed by Ye Xiu's people revived again.

Strictly studying management, how to get along with the boss, I still read a lot of books, and now I have practiced it on Chen Guo, and the effect is very good so far.

Yan Cunxin didn't always surround Chen Guo, she was a player of Lanxi Pavilion in G City, and she was naturally close to Wei Chen, Blue Rain and Three Heroes, and she was also a college student, so she also talked with An Wenyi and Luo Ji. Come on, as for Tang Rou, there were only three girls on the third floor, and every day before going to bed, the three of them would chat in private before leaving.

Yan Cunxin will intentionally avoid Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale and Tang Yue. The first two are well-known, and the other one can't climb high, so they won't go up to attract attention.

She is a very smart girl, she is lively and cheerful, but she hides her delicate thoughts, and she has completely integrated into Xingxin not long after her arrival.

The three girls all lived on the top floor, and there was an empty room next to Chen Guo, which was reserved for Su Mucheng. Su Mucheng had already moved in some things that were not commonly used, and Tang Rou was Yan Cunxin. Zhiyue Qingcheng is coming soon.

With Yan Cunxin's contact, Chen Guo has already made a video with Zhiyue Qingcheng, and she is indeed a school beauty, her real name is Liyue.Of course, PK is indispensable, and Liyue is also not something that Chen Guo can beat, but the gap is not as big as Yan Cunxin, and she has to do her best to win against Chen Guo.

The key is that Liyue and Chen Guo are the same age, but a month younger, with a more delicate mind and a lot of experience in the workplace. Before coming to Xingxin, they learned a lot of things about Xingxin.

Liyue has already handed in her resignation report. Because it is an internship period, she has not been involved in any major projects, and has been working with others, so there are not many handovers. There are many graduates every year, and the accounting firm has no worries about not being able to recruit people. Newcomers who want to leave will not be forced to stay. They can leave after the handover is clear, and they can save some wages.

Chen Guo told Liyue that her room was ready, and she turned on her mobile phone to take pictures, letting Liyue watch her room.

It is estimated that she will come over in about three days, and Yan Cunxin has already explored the way. Everything here is better than expected, and she is relieved.

She also saw that Xingxin had a very good atmosphere and good conditions. The salary of [-] was a bit lower than her internship salary in an accounting firm, but she didn't need to pay for the rent and food expenses, which was more than that of the firm.

The key is to participate in guild activities, that is, to play games at work and get subsidies. Compared with various handymen in accounting firms, it is simply, so comfortable.

While editing the video, Ye Xiu asked, "What do you think of Wei Cao's reincarnation?"

Tang Yue said, "Reincarnation."

Director Wei said: "Director Wei is optimistic about reincarnation, what about Jiale?"

Zhang Jiale: "Reincarnation."

This year Zhou Zekai's rise was too strong, especially with Jiang Botao joining together, the team performed even better.

Wei Cao won the championship last year, which is already the last madness. Fang Shen is not only a cure, but also a good command and dispatcher on the spot.When he retired, Wang Jiexi had to take care of everything by himself.

Charge into the battle and also take into account the overall situation, which will affect his overall combat power to some extent.Wang Jiexi needs a strong helper, but unfortunately the old man in the team can't count on him. Gao Yingjie has a lot of potential, but he still lacks self-confidence, so he can't take the lead at the moment.

When Jiang Botao entangled Wang Jiexi, Zhou Zekai jumped into the flock like a tiger, pointing at east and west, knocking everyone in Weicao into a daze.

Samsara's young guards charged forward and slashed, leaving Zhou Zekai alone for the treatment. After Wang Jiexi finished Jiang Botao, Zhou Zekai also dealt with Wei Cao's treatment, Wei Cao's other three killed Du Ming, and were also beaten to a bled.

Without treatment, Wang Jiexi was powerless.In addition to the 3-2 single match, Samsara won the game 8-2.

The game is over, although there is still a round without a game, Tiny Herb should not be able to make a comeback.

Ye Xiu said to Tang Yue: "It should be Blue Rain and Samsara. What do you think of these two teams?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "I am optimistic about Lan Yu. Huang Shaotian's sword has only been used once and will not be used again. Others only see the shape and know that it has a freezing attribute, but they don't know much about it. Yu Wenzhou's cursed god has never appeared before. , You have all seen the function, there are a lot of control skills, Yin Ren is a sharp weapon, if reincarnation still regards him as a weakness, it may suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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