Chapter 88

Liyue's trumpet has very high authority in Xingxin, so she is worried about handing it over to power leveling.

Yan Cunxin didn't make it last time, so of course she was not willing to let it go. She decisively registered a new account in the tenth district. The ID is still called Cunyanxin. It has been handed over to the power leveling studio of Xingxin Internet Cafe. It is estimated that Liyue will upgrade her account Go up, her trumpet is about the same.

The next morning after Li Yue came, Su Mucheng also came over. Excellent Era hadn't had a holiday yet to wait for Xiao Shiqin, but she could come over to play first, and had already brought some commonly used things.

Now there are five beauties in Team Xingxin's building, Chen Guo and Zhang Jiale have met each other, Su Mucheng is Ye Xiu's best partner, and of course it will be Ye's family in the future, the other three are currently famous girls, a bunch of gamers Even though he was young, he understood these things.

Playing games, eating and exercising, and spending time with beauties every day can still help a group of young people, who are all trying to become stronger, so that beauties can admire them.

Everyone exercised together, after breakfast was over, Chen Guo took Liyue to the financial office, and handed over a stack of ledgers to Liyue, and together they gave Liyue 34 other books to copy.

The account book was helped by Accountant Li, and the soft noodles were Chen Guo's daily account, which detailed the quantity and price of steamed buns and fritters for breakfast.

After the joint-stock team was established, all expenses were paid from the team's account, and Chen Guo handled everything. Accounting Li didn't look at these, because the team had no income, and they were all zero declarations.

Now that Liyue is here, Chen Guo will of course leave this matter to professionals. She has been running an Internet cafe for many years, and she has never kept accounts in such detail.

After Liyue took over the ledger and running account, she checked it behind closed doors. Because she had to be familiar with the ledger, she didn't participate in guild activities in the first few days, so she exercised in the morning and evening, and showed up at meal times, and was bored in the office at other times.

Everyone in Xingxin guessed right. Blue Rain defeated Misty Rain, and Samsara also double-killed Weicao. The final was Blue Rain vs. Samsara.

Every playoff is a day for players to carnival. Players compete in the arena, and guild players compete in the wild. In addition to grabbing the wild map boss, everyone in Xingxin will go to the large-scale PK scene with wild accounts to form a team to kill and explode equipment.

In addition to the three major guilds, the most vicious PK this year has to be added Samsara and Misty Rain. The three major guilds have formed a tacit understanding. Your elite group kills our ordinary players, and our elite group kills your ordinary players. We will meet each other, and while cultivating players to have fun, we will also avoid serious losses.

As a result, after Xingxin's generals entered the PK scene randomly, they all stared at the elite groups of the three major guilds. Who made them all wear orange outfits, shining like bright lights, who would they attack?

In just two days, the elite groups of the five guilds suffered heavy losses, and then, the explosive orange outfits landed on Xingxin's elite groups.

The first round of the finals started, everyone in Xingxin sat in front of the projector, today Zhang Jiale was in charge of explaining.

The first sentence was also directed at guest commentator Li Yibo: "Don't listen to Li Dabao's nonsense, our coaching staff agreed that Lan Yu would give up the group arena, and Yu Feng and Huang Shaotian would definitely appear in the individual competition. I guess the third person should be Song Xiao , Mr. Guan will definitely add BUFF to such a big scene."

"By the way, regarding the third person in the ring, the coaching staff has two opinions. Ye Xiu and Tang Yue think it's Zheng Xuan, and Director Wei and I think it should be Song Xiao. Whoever guessed wrong is responsible for keeping the freezer in our training room. Filled with Coke, the kind that comes out of private pockets."

"Okay, the first individual competition has started, I'll go, why is Zheng Xuan the first one?"

"Hey, don't move, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. The freezer is handed over to me and Director Wei. Next, let's see if our coaching staff guessed wrong. I don't believe we will lose to Li Dachui, Blue Rain's opportunistic style of play. , will let the sword master wait for the spear king to attack."

"It's not that Juggernaut is not as good as the gun king, but that if you grab three points in the individual competition and then win the team competition, you will get 7.5 points. As long as you get another 3 points in the next individual competition, the accumulated points in the two games will be 10.5 points. You have already won. There is no need to compete in the team competition."

"This is also a tactical arrangement. Based on the comparison of the individual strengths of the two teams, we can guess that Lan Yu will give up the group arena instead of reincarnation."

"Okay, Samsara will play Du Ming. This arrangement is a disadvantage. Ammunition experts can't say restraint against swordsmen, but professional dominance is certain. Swordsmen explode fast, but they have to be close. Today is Blue Rain's home game. Oh oh oh, the map Zheng Xuan chose is the ruins, this map is very old, no one has used it these years, of course old does not mean it is not good for being used, this kind of terrain can restrict the swordsman's elegant movement."

"As for ammunition experts, they are gun-type. Flying guns can move freely around the ruins. Although it is not as convenient as magicians, kite swordsmen still have no problem. Especially, grenades can play a great role in this kind of terrain."

"Okay, Zheng Xuan didn't move strategically, he took the initiative to meet him, wow, Zheng Xuan also played martial arts, and actually switched to a hand cannon in his hand. It must be more powerful than an automatic pistol, anyone who is familiar with guns knows this orange weapon, as long as six rubies are inlaid on it, it can increase the flame effect of the shell."

"I missed a little bit just now. This map of ruins is the favorite map of gunners and elemental mages. Zheng Xuan, an ammunition expert, chose this map and changed weapons. He was betting that he could meet the melee class of reincarnation. He won the bet. "

"Okay, Du Ming is already caught in flames. I am very familiar with this map. The most sensible way for him as a swordsman is to jump to that narrow road at the beginning of the game. Only on that narrow road can he avoid the artillery fire. It's a pity that Du Ming obviously didn't expect that Zheng Xuan would change weapons, but actually wanted to sneak attack Zheng Xuan."

"Look at the landing point of Zheng Xuan's grenade. This is the classic style of ammunition experts. They use grenades to restrict their movement. Under the grenade attack, Du Ming can only escape into this passage. As a result, although this passage can avoid pistols, But if you encounter artillery bombardment, you will be in jedi, so you can say that if you come in, don’t even think about going out.”

"Okay, in 35 minute and [-] seconds, Blue Rain and Zheng Xuan completely defeated Du Ming. The tactics are very simple. What I want to emphasize is that the simpler, the sharper. In the future, when you compete, remember one thing. When the situation is favorable, don't show off if you can be simple. Only when the situation is unfavorable, do you have to fight wits and courage, complicate the situation, and look for the chance of victory."

"The second player for Lan Yu was Troubled by the Rain, and the guard came up, so the third team must be Yu Feng. I don't need to watch anymore, I know that Lan Yu has achieved his goal."

"If Samsara also came to compete for the individual competition, Du Ming would not be the first to play. According to the ranking of personal strength, Du Ming's one-on-one strength is in Samsara, and he can rank fifth at most. Jiang Botao will play in Samsara. I have to I admire Yu Wenzhou. Jiang Botao, as the number one magic swordsman, is good in singles. If he meets a suitable opponent, he can still win. In the end, the opponent is Huang Shaotian. I can be sure that the next match will be Yu Feng vs. Wu Qi. Yu three points are decided."


Zhang Jiale guessed right, after Huang Shaotian easily defeated Jiang Botao, Yu Feng also easily defeated Wu Qi, and Lan Yu directly scored three points in the individual competition,
In the first round of the group arena, although Song Xiao won against Lu Boyuan, and Lin Feng even expanded his advantage in the second round, it was Samsara who won the match in the end, because Lan Yu was Li Yuan defending the ring, and Samsara's attacking general was Zhou Zekai.

At the end of the individual competition, Blue Rain led 3-2.

(End of this chapter)

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