Chapter 92 The Hype Plan
Everyone looked at Ye Xiu in surprise, as if they wanted to see if this guy had been raped.

The God of Excellent Era for eight years, he would rather be fined than attend the press conference every week. No one outside knows what this guy looks like. He has always been regarded as the biggest hidden boss of Glory. No one has found him yet. How can he retire? Now, can we show up?
Ye Xiu was prepared for everyone's eyes, and said lightly: "I didn't have an ID card, so I took my brother's ID card to sign up. Ye Qiu is my brother's name, so I don't show up. Now Ye Xiu is my real name. Of course you can show up."

Everyone was stunned.

Yan Cunxin was speechless. These die-hard fans had guessed a lot, and they almost said that he was an alien. In the end, that's it?

Wei Chen pinched his little knuckles and said, "Ye Qiu is the only one worth money, and this is Ye Xiu."

Tang Yue smiled and said, "This is simple, add the former name Ye Qiu at the end of the introduction."

Wei Chen said: "All alliances are registered with their real identities, so what's the matter with their names?"

Tang Yue said: "Let's just say that Ye Qiu is the screen name. According to the screen name chosen by One Autumn Leaf, it is enough to give the players a reasonable explanation. As for the alliance knowing, they will only help cover it up and will not deal with it."

Wei Chen thought of Ye Qiu's reputation in the alliance, and nodded.

Ye Qiuken's appearance has already become popular, how will the alliance deal with it?
Even if it has to be dealt with, how can it be dealt with?
Cancel all of Ye Qiu's glory?

Cancel the Triple Crown of Excellent Era?
The ones that were damaged were all alliances. At most, One Autumn Leaf and Excellent Era were involved. What does it have to do with Ye Xiu?
No matter how he dealt with it, Ye Xiu couldn't help it. He had his real name now, and the character he was using was Lord Grim. No matter how the alliance dealt with it, it wouldn't affect this guy's ability to continue playing the game.

As long as it doesn't affect his playing glory, he doesn't care about those honors.

Li Yue said: "If God Ye is willing to show up, then there is no problem. In other words, God Ye's appearance is actually breaking news."

Yan Cunxin said: "We didn't expect God Ye to show up. Originally, our plan was to get back the honor that belonged to Ye Qiu. The Battle God is the title of god that Ye Qiu obtained with One Autumn Leaf. We can't just because Sun Xiang took over One Autumn Leaf. Even God of War can inherit it. Then, can Wei Cao Healer also be called the God of Healing? The reason should be, whoever fights it can be named God. God Jiale retired. Some people say that Zou Yuan is the number one ammunition expert ? No, then why call Sun Xiang the Battle God? Is he worthy?"

Yan Cunxin spoke quickly, like a cannonball, and with emotion, as if he was arguing with someone.

She is a loyal fan of Ye Qiu, and what she said now is from the heart. It is obviously unacceptable for Sun Xiang to be called God of Fighting. Whenever this matter is mentioned, she will get a little angry.

Ye Xiu said from the side: "It doesn't matter who is the God of War, I don't care about that."

Li Yue said: "We can write an article and throw it on the forum to arouse discussion among players, and then ask my classmate who is a reporter to write some articles with rhythm. As long as public opinion is created, as long as players know that Ye Qiu has used Lord Grim With a comeback, our goal has been achieved.”

Yan Cunxin said on the side: "I care, I will write."

Tang Yue also cared about this, and echoed from the side: "I think the honor of the God of War is very important. We must create public opinion to attract the attention of the alliance and let them decide. It is impossible for them to put the honor of the God of Battle on Sun Xiang. Yes, because if you can even inherit the title, it will only reduce the influence of god-level characters. It is best to encourage the alliance to set up official certifications such as the Hall of Fame, the Avenue of Stars, or the list of Gods. God-level players who have made contributions will be remembered even if they retire. I believe the league is willing to do this, because these god-level players represent a period of history, so as to inspire young players to strive to play their own world."

Liyue agreed: "Drunken God's idea is very good. Looking back on the history of Glory's development in this way, the stars will shine, instead of always having only a few god-level account cards."

Yan Cunxin said: "It's not enough to find an alliance directly. We have to build momentum. Only when there is a huge response, someone will give some suggestions at that time, and if we remember to follow the rhythm, maybe it will be successful."

Wei Chen said, "Just do it when you think about it. Your brains are more flexible about these things. I trust you."

Li Yue said: "That's how Ye Shen's affairs are planned. Next, let's talk about Wei Chen."

Wei Chen said in surprise, "Me? How can I have any honor? I retired too early, and no one remembers me."

Liyue said: "I discussed with Cun Yanxin, and there are two plans that are most feasible."

Wei Chen immediately said, "Oh, tell me."

Ye Xiu said, "Don't get excited, don't interrupt, okay?"

Wei Chen didn't refute or say anything, but just looked at Liyue eagerly.

Yan Cunxin said: "We came up with it when you explained the team game to the team members. You three masters have a much deeper understanding of the content of the game than the commentators and guests. We are all Glory players. Before watching the live broadcast, we just I was dissatisfied with the topics of the commentators and guests, and started to talk in a cloud. After the game, I found that they didn't talk about the point at all, and they all relied on words from behind.

Originally, we thought that the battle was fierce and the situation was changing rapidly, and no one could interpret what happened on the spot. After listening to your explanation, we realized that it was not that no one could interpret, but that Li Yibo was not good enough. "

Wei Chen complained, "Hey, you're right. When he played games back then, he could only bomb the map, and he couldn't do fine work at all."

Hearing Wei Chen's words, Ye Xiu couldn't help but despise him: "Pay attention to the lower limit, Li Yibo has won the championship before, brother can despise him, you haven't even made it to the finals, right? If you say Li Yibo, you won't be afraid of him winning the championship Did the ring blind your eyes?"

Wei Chen was dumb.

Ye Xiu likes to show off, can't he tell who's in the same group?
Yan Cunxin waited for the two of them to stop talking, and then said: "The first plan is to broadcast live on TV. If we can contact the broadcaster, invite Wei Chen as a guest of honor, and accompany Li Yibo to comment on the finals. As long as there is one game, everyone will be happy." I know you.

If we don't succeed this time, our plan is to wait until the start of next season. We Xingxin will open a live broadcast room on the online live broadcast platform. We will choose a hot spot every week, but there is no live broadcast on TV. Wei Chen, Ye Shen and Jia God Le, when we commentate the game at Xingxin, anyway, what you want to tell the young players, we just need to add a camera. "

Liyue added: "Regardless of whether we can get an invitation to the finals this time, next season, we will have a live broadcast. It is one aspect to increase your popularity, and the income from the live broadcast is also the purpose. The three masters of you will jointly explain the game, and the effect will definitely be great." Much better than Li Yibo, the audience in the live broadcast room will definitely not be small, the live broadcast platform will be divided equally between the three and the club, how about it?"

Tang Yue said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be three people at the same time, it can be two together, or the coach can lead the players, using a question-and-answer format, which not only shows the coach's brilliance, but also makes the newcomers feel embarrassed cooked."

Wei Chen immediately cheered: "That's good, I want to explain with this guy, I will definitely scold him."

Ye Xiu said, "It's best to ask Manager Li to accompany you on the live broadcast, right?"

Wei Chen said, "What's wrong with this? Manager Li is so pretty, just focus on his looks, and the live broadcast will become popular."

Tang Yue smiled and said: "This is also a way of thinking. We can choose a variety of live broadcasts. Yan Cunxin, Mr. Chen can go live. Anyway, if you don't understand, just ask. We have three great gods, and anyone can explain it to you. of."

Wei Chen said: "If the team members don't understand, they can also write notes to them, ask them through them, and let us answer."

For Wei Chen, there is no pressure at all to interpret the game, and the live broadcast commentary can really play to his strengths.

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "Let's forget about the finals. There are only solo competitions and no team competitions. There's nothing worth commenting on. It's not easy for Li Yibo either. Let's start our own live broadcast next season. Old Wei must pay attention. You can’t swear, and you must not make obscene gestures.”

Wei Chen was poked at the sore spot again, and said angrily, "Get lost."

Tang Yue said: "Then it's settled, and the arrangements for the live broadcast, whether it's contacting, purchasing equipment, or even decorating the live broadcast room, are all up to you."

Yan Cunxin said: "No problem, the last one is Jiale Dashen. The transfer window is about to open. I can also write an article and put it on the forum, saying that I met Jiale Dashen at the entrance of a certain club."

Wei Chen immediately said, "Tyranny, let's say you ran into Jiale God in Q City, and you asked for an autograph and a group photo."

Yan Cunxin said: "Signatures are fine, group photos are fine, do we still have to go to Q City, Jiale God has any photos, but I can provide them, it doesn't need Q City, I can also use different accounts to post a few more Information, at different times, in Tyranny's Q City, Samsara's Big S City, or some other city, the more possibilities there are, the more chaotic it is, and the easier it is to cause disputes among fans."

Zhang Jiale nodded: "There are a lot of photos, I have quite a few in my phone, and even more in the online disk, you can choose."

Liyue said: "Okay, let's do this first for Jiale God. Next, let's talk about the official website. In August, the challenge registration will be completed. Before the registration, we will complete the construction of the Xingxin club's official website. After boarding, the whereabouts of Master Jiale will be settled, as long as fans come to Xingxin's official website to verify, they can also promote our Xingxin club."

Yan Cunxin added: "On the official website, there are not only the team players, but also the introduction of the board of directors, photos, names and resumes. As long as you visit our official website, you can learn about Ye Shen's achievements, and you can also see Ye Shen's photos , I think countless fans want to pay their respects, we will record the experience of Director Wei and the experience of Jiale God in detail, and you can understand it thoroughly by visiting our official website."

Tang Yue nodded and said: "Yes, the official website is indeed very important. If we want to make it better, we must make it better. In addition to introducing the rigid content of the club, there must also be a section for fan communication. We need to create more interactions. The above teaches some simple silver weapon making techniques, and it is best for players who are not our fans to come to visit often."

Wei Chen also greatly appreciated the establishment of the official website: "The official website is very, very important. The video files of our commentary can be saved on our official website. We can even make a guess about the formation of the two sides before the game, and point out What are the weaknesses of a certain side, how to teach the opponent how to attack these weaknesses, there are such explosive content, so whether they are our fans or not, they should come to see it."

(End of this chapter)

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