Chapter 94

That night, on the Glory Forum, the Lanxi Pavilion argument player Cun Yanxin published an essay.

The title is: I cried when I saw someone called Sun Xiang Fighting God.

"I've been a fan of Ye Qiu for six years, but I've never seen Ye Qiu in person. I comfort myself that my fan is One Autumn Leaf.

Ye Qiu retired quietly. As a veteran Ye Qiu fan, I didn't cry because One Autumn Leaf is still there.

It was One Autumn Leaf who wrote the novice strategy for us.

It was One Autumn Leaf who cast the dragon and looked up.

Showing the shading step is One Autumn Leaf.

Going forward bravely, the one who is invincible is One Autumn Leaf.

One Autumn Leaf has always brought me joy.

One Autumn Leaf has always been there.

When Sun Xiang killed all directions, I didn't feel that this was not my One Autumn Leaf.

When Sun Xiang rushed around without thinking, I got angry, this is not my One Autumn Leaf!
When someone called Sun Xiang Fighting God, I cried, please, take One Autumn Leaf away.

Leave the Battle God for us..."

Just a short essay, as soon as it was published, the number of hits increased rapidly.

Today is the finals, too many people logged into the forum, and then this essay was pushed to the top by countless comments, and I don't know how many tears I got.

"When I saw your essay, I cried too."

"I endured it for half a year, and I was finally made to cry by your article."


"After watching it with tears in my eyes, I have only one thought, Sun Xiang, give you One Autumn Leaf, and leave us the God of War."

"The battle god is Ye Qiu."

"I laughed and cried, even Han Wenqing can't beat him, how dare you call him God of Fighting?"


The next day, E-Sports Home published an article by the famous commentator Cha Xiaoxia: Honor belongs to the character, or to the player?

"Last night when I saw the essay written by player Cun Yanxin of Lanxi Pavilion, I also cried, because I was also a fan of Ye Qiu, and this essay brought back my memories.

Then I thought: Sun Xiang can be called the God of Fighting, so let me ask, can Zhang Yiwei also be called the King of Guns?
But no one called it that. I called Zhang Yiwei specifically and he refused to admit that he was the king of guns.

I couldn't help thinking: Is it natural for the son to inherit Lao Tzu's property, and if Lao Tzu takes some of his son's light, he is afraid of being spurned?
I thought about this question for a long time, and I didn't figure it out until I changed the metaphor.

The son inherited Lao Tzu's property, but he could not inherit the honor of Lao Tzu's outstanding entrepreneur. The son has done a good job and can fight for the title of a young entrepreneur.

Therefore, if some players think that Sun Xiang's spear skills are good, they can call him the King of Spears.

As for God of War, hehe, he is not worthy!
In layman's terms, it's: Erza, take the bank card, and leave the certificate to me! "

Cha Xiaoxia has always been famous for her precise vision and sharp language. She has many fans, and the number of readers of E-sports House is not comparable to the number of hits of an essay.

Reporters from all walks of life and players who expressed their feelings made comments one after another.

"Son, take the bank card and leave the certificate to me!" is the most quoted stalk.

Also, the title of King of Spears is also spreading rapidly on the forum.

"Spear King? Mao King."

"Is it the latrine?"

"Don't make the upstairs dirty. If it's thatch, it's shaggy."

"Understood, fluffy people, mediocre people."

"But now that it's in Sun Xiang's hands, he's not as sharp as before."

"Zhang Yiwei is a poor dad, Ye Qiu is a rich dad."

"'Er Zai, take the bank card and leave the certificate for me,' that's too appropriate, too sharp, it really is my Cha Xiaoxia, she is really a caring little padded jacket, so I can speak to my heart."

"Our old Han has long said that children are eager to get on the job, so be tender."


After the forum fermented for half a day, before the climax, players were distracted by another message.

At noon, someone suddenly posted a headline on the forum: "I saw Zhang Jiale in Q City. There are pictures."

Clicking on it, I found that it was a photo. It was indeed Zhang Jiale standing in front of the Governor's Mansion, a landmark building in City Q, and he was wearing summer clothes.

Zhang Jiale retired during the transfer period last year and is about to come back. Going to Q City at this time is really daydream. City Q is the headquarters of Tyranny, and Tyranny has also sent invitations to Zhang Jiale, but there has been no progress, and they are also wondering: Could it be that they are waiting for the comeback period?
The fans of Tyranny and Hundred Blossoms, who were eating melons comfortably because of Ye Qiu and Sun Xiang's battle for the title of God of War, were immediately excited.

Tyranny's fans quickly organized themselves, not only leaving messages on the forum, but also announcing on the Glory World Channel: "Master Zhang Jiale's joining Tyranny is a foregone conclusion."

Hundred Blossoms fans also shouted from the air, begging Zhang Jiale to return to Hundred Blossoms.

When Zhang Jiale joined Xingxin, only the Blue Rain people knew about it, so they wouldn't spread the word, so Tyranny didn't know about it. Facing the fanaticism, they could only send someone out to clarify: "Mr. Zhang Jiale's rumors about joining Tyranny are not true. We're still in touch, and now that he's out of date, anything is possible."

This is bullshit, which is equivalent to not saying it.

Originally, the playoffs had already entered the second round of the finals, and only the Blue Brook Pavilion and Samsara players were still fighting with weapons, but because of this news, the fighting between Tyranny players and Hundred Blossoms players was ignited, and it was still a desperate fight. Deception and the rest picked up a lot of equipment again.

On the day of the finals, the focus of controversy among the players was not the finals, but two retired players, Ye Qiu and Zhang Jiale, which was unprecedented.It wasn't until four o'clock when Lanxi Pavilion certified player Zhiyue Qingcheng posted two short videos on Weibo, which were then forwarded to the forum, that the player's attention was drawn back to the finals.

The first video can be opened, which contains the video recording of Liyue's interview with Wei Chen.

Zhiyue Qingcheng is the first of the five beauties in Lanxi Pavilion. Because she likes to post on Weibo and Moments, she has already had countless fans. When she was dressed in business attire and sat in front of Wei Chen in a suit and leather shoes, and started the interview, everyone was attracted by her. Yujie Fan was fascinated.

Just read the beginning, and left messages one after another.

"Oh, Queen Fan, I'm in love."

"I thought I was a Lolicon, but now I know I'm not. I also like Sister Yu."


Liyue: "Hello everyone, I am Liyue, Honor ID Zhiyue Qingcheng, today I am honored to invite the first president of Lanxi Pavilion and the first captain of Team Blue Rain, Comrade Wei Chen, I would like to ask some thanks for the players. question of interest."

Wei Chen also raised his hand to say hello: "Hi everyone, I'm Wei Chen, the former operator of Soksar, and now the operator of Windward Array."

Because in the last game, the commentator mentioned that Yu Wenzhou's Yinwu was deployed against the wind, and at the press conference, Yu Wenzhou also mentioned that the formation under the wind was the account of the old captain Wei Chen. Yan Cunxin and Li Yue immediately seized the opportunity and prepared to Porcelain.

After the dispute between Ye Qiu and Zhang Jiale was sparked, the two of them took Wei Chen to do an exclusive interview, then posted it on Liyue Weibo account, and had someone forward it to the forum.

Deliberately split the interview into two videos, one can be opened and the other can be locked.

I have to say that the series of hype these two people played today was very smooth, and the effect was very good.

Liyue: "Team Wei, what do you think of this round of finals?"

Wei Chen said: "Blue Rain will definitely win. Last time we won the championship, there was an element of luck. This time we won the championship, it is undisputed."

Liyue stood up and raised her hands and shouted three slogans: "Blue Rain must win! Blue Rain must win!!! Blue Rain must win!!!"

The audience's attention is not her slogan of the second style, but Liyue's tailored black professional suit, which shows her proud figure.

Just such a small action caused countless players to leave messages.

"I'm going to die. The head of the five beauties in Lanxi Pavilion is really big."

"Our company lacks her."

"Has this beauty entered the Blue Rain? That's the Blue Temple, it's dangerous."


After shouting the slogan, Li Yue tidied up her shirt, wiped off her short skirt and sat down, then asked Wei Chen, "The commentator Li Yibo of the last round mentioned Yu Wenzhou's silver weapon, which is the silver weapon you use to fight against the wind. Interested, do you have anything to tell the players?"

(End of this chapter)

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