Chapter 97
Zhang Jiale asked Wei Chen, "Old Wei, you can't reach Yu Wenzhou's skill."

Wei Chen honestly admitted: "In terms of accurate calculations, I am indeed not as good as him. His slow hand speed, although it is a shortcoming, will also allow him to maintain his state for the longest time. Maybe at my age, he is still active. on the field."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "You can just say it straight, Yu Wenzhou's crippled hands can no longer be degenerated, and it also made him not need to use hand speed to fight, so it will only become more and more sophisticated."

Zhang Jiale said: "If his weapon is upgraded to the level of Old Wei's weapon, and his own skills are replaced by traps, wouldn't it be more terrifying?"

Tang Yue said: "What are you afraid of, you don't want to get close, hit him with a grenade, bombard him with a cannon, hit him with a sniper, break his reading bar with bullets, what can he do with you?"

Wei Chen wanted to say shameless, but he held back, this is the truth.

Spears are inherently restrained warlocks who read articles.

Including the ground stab just now, if Tang Yue was stabbed, Tang Yue would be thrown in the air, and she could still shoot to interrupt Yu Wenzhou's follow-up attack, but Wulang, the magic swordsman, could do nothing at all.

Yu Wenzhou's complete victory over Jiang Botao was indeed unexpected. Li Yibo felt bitter, but he couldn't speak anymore, because there was no way to do it, and Wei Chen guessed it right, and he criticized Wei Chen for talking nonsense.

Li Yibo wanted to slap himself in the mouth, he would lose his words if he said too much.

But this commentary position is to ask him to talk more.

Forget it, anyway, it's not the first time I've been slapped in the face. Anyway, I won't resign, but if you insist on breaking the contract, give me the liquidated damages first.

After figuring it out, Li Yibo became active again, as if nothing happened, and continued to explain the next scene.

In the second round of the individual competition, Qigong Song Xiao was indeed the key player. Although he narrowly defeated Wu Qi, the reincarnated assassin, he did not lose the chain and secured a point.

This time Li Yibo played steadily, and both sides explained the routines clearly, he can be regarded as a qualified commentator.

As long as there are no battles with deep routines, Li Yibo can still grasp it. What annoys him the most is that individual matches involve many calculated battles. He didn't think about these when he was a player. Now let him guess the players' minds .

In the third scene, it was Zhou Zekai who saw Samsara standing up, and Zheng Xuan, an ammunition expert, said first: "The pressure is huge."

Then he got up and walked to the battle room.

The two clicked into the game, Zheng Xuan had just refreshed it, and on the public channel, it was displayed again: "There is a lot of pressure."

Zhou Zekai is not good at words, but it doesn't mean he can't communicate. He quickly replied: "There is a lot of pressure!"

Pan Lin asked Li Yibo again: "Director Li, why did Zhou Zekai say that the pressure is so great?"

Li Yibo said: "Samsara didn't bet right. Huang Shaotian didn't appear in the individual competition. Samsara bet heavily on the individual competition. Blue Rain has both the individual competition and the group arena. It's enough to win the individual competition. The group arena must be guaranteed. As a result, Blue Rain has won the previous two rounds, Zhou Zekai won this round, and Samsara still has to win the group arena, looking at the players who have already appeared, Samsara is dead."

The explanation was so reasonable that even Pan Lin nodded frequently.

Is that so?no.

The real reason was that seeing Lan Yu's third entry was Zheng Xuan, the reincarnated Du Ming suddenly thought of a question, and then asked bluntly: "What if Drunk God also helped Zheng Xuan make an assault rifle? "

Before anyone could answer, he added, "Or, what should I do if Lan Yu borrowed Drunk God's assault rifle?"

At that time, Zhou Zekai hadn't walked a few steps, and he was shocked when he heard this hypothesis.

The alliance stipulates that account card transactions can only be made during the transfer period, but there is no restriction on weapon transactions.

Therefore, silver weapons can be bought and sold, and of course leasing is not prohibited. These are all private transactions, and the alliance has no way to restrict them.

Drunken God is a player of Lanxi Pavilion, if he can help Huang Shaotian make a silver weapon, then help Zheng Xuan make another, or lend Zheng Xuan that big gun to use, so what?
Of course Zhou Zekai has also seen the video of Drunken God confronting Huang Shaotian, so of course he knows the horror of that big gun.

When Zheng Xuan played, Zhou Zekai was indeed under more pressure than Zheng Xuan.

The fact that the assault rifle is too sharp, and Zheng Xuan is also a top ammunition expert, combining the two, Zhou Zekai has no confidence.

If he loses, then reincarnation directly loses.

That's why he responded with a great pressure, expressing that he was also very nervous.

It wasn't until Zhou Zekai rushed past the half-court and saw that Zheng Xuan was still holding an automatic pistol that he finally relaxed.

As long as there are no special weapons, the gun king is not afraid of anyone.

Sharpshooters and ammunition experts are both long-range and close-combat. The competition is hand speed and skill.

This commentary is the best, because the two have been shooting at each other, most of Zhou Zekai's bullets hit Zheng Xuan, and most of Zheng Xuan's bullets could hit Zhou Zekai, but Zheng Xuan's grenade was either exploded or killed. If he hides, it will be very difficult to hit Zhou Zekai.

The ammunition expert only relied on one automatic pistol against the two revolvers of the sharpshooter, and the ammunition expert was at a disadvantage. The shooting skills of the ammunition expert were not as sharp as the sharpshooter's skills, so Zhou Zekai won without accident.

In the third round of the individual competition, Li Yibo barely spoke. Pan Lin was the one who yelled and didn't ask questions, because he could understand the game.

Li Yibo had nothing to do, he could only think of Wei Chen again.

Wei Chen guessed everything right, but he guessed wrong.

Does this mean that his commentary is not as qualified as Wei Chen?
But Wei Chen obviously cheated, otherwise, even if he was the old captain of Lan Yu, he wouldn't be able to guess the team members of Lan Yu.

Who could guess what Yu Wenzhou was thinking?

Is it about to lose this well-paid career?
Even if he took the money and left, it would be too embarrassing to lose face.

Just when Li Yibo was in a trance, Pan Lin's voice finally soared to the highest level: "Okay, the gun master is still superior, and finally killed the bullets, and there are still 42% of the blood volume and 46% of the mana volume left. There is no suspense in winning this game, but we also need to see Zheng Xuan's efforts, and his marksmanship cannot be underestimated."

"Through the competition, we saw that if Samsara hadn't arranged Zhou Zekai in the individual competition and replaced it with the other two melee players, the competition might have ended. Since Zhang Jiale retired, Zheng Xuan has been the number one ammunition expert in the league. Lan Yu can be ranked in the top three, it is said that Yu Feng and him have a [-]/[-] chance of winning, and no one in Samsara can beat Zheng Xuan for sure except Zhou Zekai."

Li Yibo was awakened by Pan Lin's high-pitched voice, and he said along the topic: "Zhou Zekai's victory will at least give Samsara more hope of winning the group arena. Lan Yu should be Yu Feng, and Samsara, whether it's Du Ming or Lu Boyuan It's one line worse than Yu Feng, and if Lin Feng goes too far, by the time Huang Shaotian comes out, there will only be half of Samsara."

Pan Lin smiled and said, "Wei Chen's guess is that Huang Shaotian was the first to appear on the stage, and then he broke through the ring."

Li Yibo said: "If Wei Chen can even guess this right, then I can be sure that he participated in the formation of troops, and then he pretended to be sophisticated and performed this show. Hehe, there is no limit, there is no limit."

Heming Xingxin's training room, Wei Chen, who was watching the game, was furious: "What's wrong with this Li Dazui? It hurts me forever, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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