Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 1 Thornton, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light!

Chapter 1 Thornton, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light!
Xiajiu Commercial Pedestrian Street, Tianhe City
The sun was shining brightly and the breeze was gentle.

Ye Yang walked out of the Juxia Housing Agency with a cardboard box in his arms.

Her delicate face was covered with a melancholy expression of being disappointed in life.

"Hey~ It's been a month since I traveled to this world, and it's really difficult to be fired from three jobs."

Ye Yang shook his head.

Holding the box in his arms, he walked towards the side of the road where his little electric donkey was parked.

At the beginning.

Ye Yang was terrified when he found out that he was traveling through time.

But after a month, he found that this world was basically the same as his previous life, except for the names of some cities.

I am still a fishing worker who is not good at work.

Each job lasts no more than ten days.

It's not that Ye Yang is really incompetent.

It's his character, he doesn't care about anything, he doesn't care about anything.

It doesn't matter what is explained at work.

So almost no company can tolerate people like Ye Yang.

But Ye Yang didn't intend to change.

After all, outrageous things like time travel happened to me.

As a time traveler, working part-time is already very low.

It is even more impossible for me to work hard.

"Hi sir, we are approaching the science column group, what do you think about the recent increasing number of weird creatures impacting human cities?"


A microphone hit one side of Ye Yang's cheek.

The owner of the microphone is a female outdoor presenter.

Ye Yang frowned subconsciously.

Glanced at the man, and the lens slung over the photographer's shoulder.

Put one hand away from this impolite microphone.

"I don't have any opinions. It won't affect my monthly salary of 2000 yuan at all. Goodbye."

Ye Yang finished speaking.

Just about to leave.

The hostess seemed to find Ye Yang's answer very interesting.

Immediately stopped Ye Yang again, and asked maliciously:

"A salary of 2000 yuan? How did you survive in Tianhe City? Do you know how much a house price is per square meter in the suburbs of Tianhe City? Are you fired? Can you share your story?"

The hostess is a very experienced media person.

She knows that these questions are very poignant for countless young people.

This can also win her a lot of traffic and ratings.

"Hey~ I'm not in the mood to talk about this right now. I just want to have a hot pot meal, and then go home and watch an episode of my favorite anime."

Ye Yang said with a sigh.

Ye Yang, who has insensitivity, didn't hear the meaning of the hostess' words.

This made the hostess feel that Ye Yang was deliberately avoiding the question.

Immediately asked a series of questions and warned:
"You have to work hard, brother, if all young people are as bad as you, how can our society be prosperous and strong? Young people should work hard. You have to talk about a girlfriend, right? You have to prepare a bride price? You have to buy a house and a car, right? Do you have to prepare a childcare fund?"

Ye Yang scratched his head while holding the cardboard box, and said with a look of salted fish:

"Why do I have to prepare all these? What is the woman doing? Don't they need to prepare anything?"

"I'm not interested in getting married or something. I work alone, live alone, eat hot pot and watch anime alone, and no one cares about it. It's quite comfortable."

The hostess was dumbfounded.

It was completely unexpected that this young man would have such views and ideas.

In today's society, there are more men than women.

Countless men's families are willing to empty the wallets of two or three generations just to marry a wife and buy a house.

This young man's mind is too dangerous!

Must be corrected!

"As a man, don't you want to have children and pass on incense? If you don't find a girlfriend, don't your parents urge you?"

The hostess is like a mouse with its tail stepped on.

A blush appeared on the cheeks.

Asked sharply.

But Ye Yang still shook his head with a desperate look.

"I'm not interested. I'm not interested in anything. If possible, I just want to stay at home safely, play games, eat hot pot, and watch dramas."

The voice just fell.

A huge impact sound like an explosion resounded from the sky.

Even pedestrians in the entire commercial street looked up to the sky.

Followed by.

Ye Yang noticed countless pedestrians running and screaming in panic on the bustling commercial street.

"What! What's going on?!"

"what happened?"

The sudden change made the hostess and the cameraman panicked in fright.

Especially when the two saw passers-by running around in a panic, their faces turned pale.

"Sister You! Could it be that the mecha aliens who attacked Airport Road last night!"

The photographer trembled in horror.


The hostess Miss You also panicked.

"Quick! Let's hide first! If we really encounter those aliens, we will be finished!"

Sister You said with a pale face.

He took the cameraman and ran towards the shop on the side of the road, ignoring Ye Yang who was standing there.


Ye Yang also stood there calmly.

As if out of tune with this world.

After all, as a time traveler, and his personality is very idle, so he has no feeling for anything happening in this world at all.

Even the fear that ordinary people should have seems to have disappeared.

Just as Ye Yang turned around and prepared to leave.

A huge black shadow descended from the sky, covering Ye Yang in it.


Ye Yang raised his head and let out a doubt.

next second.


The huge black shadow slammed onto the street floor one meter away from Ye Yang.

Gravel splashes.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

The whole street trembled.

The gravel brought up by the powerful shock wave shot through and exploded the glass of the shop on both sides.

There are also some people left on the street, such as Ye Yang.

It was directly lifted by the air wave and flew more than ten meters away.

It hit a wall like a Tom cat, and then fell to the ground.

In a pure white world.

Ye Yang woke up here.

"Here? Did I cross over again? Did I get smashed to death by that monster?"

look around.

A piece of pure white, boundless, without the slightest flaw.

"Ding! The complete simulation system is binding the host!"

"System binding succeeded!"

A mechanical female voice suddenly echoed in the pure white space.

Ye Yang subconsciously looked around.

"What the hell? System?"

as a traveler.

In his previous life, Ye Yang had often been baptized by Internet culture.

It is natural to know that this system is standard for every traveler.

However, what the hell is this complete simulation system?

"This system allows the host to simulate the form of any virtual character in memory."

"The system is retrieving and classifying the memory of the host's brain: virtualization, tail beastization, viralization, elementalization, god of death, immortal mode, six ways mode, silver super mode, super Sai Shen mode"

"You just need to say [Complete Simulation] in your mouth silently before using it, and select the memory character in your heart."

I rely on? !
After Ye Yang listened to the introduction of the system.

His heart was greatly shaken.

This system is too awesome!
Let yourself have so many shapes in memory!
It seems that life in the future will not be as boring as before.

"The system detects that the host's physical body has been seriously damaged, and the system rewards a resurrection with full blood, and raises the host's overall physical fitness to the top human level."

The last voice accompanied by the sound of the mechanical system ended.

Ye Yang's five senses gradually recovered his perception of the outside world.

"Live? Alive?!"

"Send... send so much food!!!"

"Oh~~~ Take a break, take a break~ Oh, I'm exhausted~"

On the ground in the middle of the commercial street.

A long-tailed sharp-nosed crocodile wearing a battle armor and covered in crimson scales stood unsteadily.

Panting with hands on knees.

The surrounding onlookers and the female reporter hiding in the shops along the street.

They all covered their mouths in fright, their eyes terrified.

However, many people subconsciously stopped and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Damn, it's an alien!"

"Aliens in the form of crocodiles! Family members in Moments, look, they fell from the sky!"

"It's amazing!"

"Call the police! Maybe this guy is here to invade us, just like the big mech alien on Airport Road last night!"

"It's so fragrant hahahaha, let's eat a few for an appetizer!"

After Thornton rested.

A pair of clear and stupid eyes looked at the crowd.


His eyes locked on the nearest.

Ye Yang just stood up from the ground and slapped the dust on his body.

"Hey~ I haven't eaten meat for a long time!"

Tread, step, step!

Thorton's huge body ran towards Ye Yang in the posture of a human running.

The long tail flicked, and the mouth of the elongated crocodile covered with sharp teeth was wide open.

"Little brother! Run!"

A middle-aged police officer with a gun in the crowd shouted.

At this moment, the passers-by on the road all imagined the image of Ye Yang being bitten into a bloody mess.

"Take a photo!"

Sister You in the shop subconsciously ordered the photographers around her to record the footage.

next second.

Ye Yang looked at the monster crocodile killed in front.

He stopped slapping the dust on his body with his hands.

Without hesitation, he put his hands back into his pockets.

Looking directly at Thornton with calm eyes, he asked lightly:

"Have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

(End of this chapter)

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