Super God: kick Thornton at the speed of light at the beginning

Chapter 10 Reina's personal protection, Morgana's strategy!

Chapter 10 Reina's personal protection, Morgana's strategy!
Ye Yang directly used the high-speed movement tricks in the sixth naval style.

Before Reina could react.

Appeared at the entrance and exit on the first floor of the mall.

Walked out among the crowd.

"This guy's speed is so fast. It doesn't look like micro-wormhole transportation technology. It should be a low-level physical strength. It's a bit interesting."

"But I remember that there seems to be no record of this number among the earth's super gene carriers that were activated. Could it be that it was missed?"

Lei Na has a strong interest in Ye Yang.

She came to Earth this time.

The purpose is to help the Earth Super Seminary resist the invasion of gluttonous civilization.

So she was as early as Lie Yangxing.

He used the ability of the sun's light to activate a batch of super genes on the earth.

These super genes.

It was when Ducao came to Earth many years ago with the fire of the Deno civilization and part of the inheritance of the Super Seminary.

spread out.

At that time, the Lieyang civilization, which was cut down by the Deno civilization, was only half left, and also took a fancy to the earth.

But Lie Yang's domineering behavior provoked Monkey King, who was finally beaten away by Monkey King.

The Deno survivors represented by Ducao and the Super Seminary are rooted in the earth and silently leading the development of the world.

So Lieyang and De Nuo are enemies.

Also a cooperative ally.

All for the purpose of occupying the earth one day.

on the street.

Night falls.

Ye Yang went to the nearest subway station and returned to Huangcun.

Due to the martial law in the whole city.

At this time, there were very few pedestrians near the supposedly bustling subway station.

"Ye Yang, join the Super Seminary, I can make you stronger, and together we can resist the alien fleet that is about to invade the earth. You probably don't want to see this beautiful and fashionable world destroyed."

Reina appeared on the steps of the entrance.

Still proudly.

Ye Yang stopped in his tracks.

looked at her and said:

"I'm not interested in studying, I'm not interested in fighting aliens, don't follow me."

Just finished.

on the street behind.

A military jeep drove by.

The commander's intercom in the car rang.

"Report, the demon queen Morgana, who is being tried, made a scene in the court and disappeared suddenly. Tianhe City has entered a state of first-level combat readiness."

This information was clearly heard by Ye Yang and Leina.

"I heard that you brought Morgana to obediently obey the law. Now that she has run away, will the next one come to deal with you?" Reina asked.

"Aliens just don't keep their promises, but I've handed her over to the police, and the next thing has nothing to do with me."

Ye Yang finished speaking.

Rubbing shoulders with Reina.

Take the escalator to the subway station.

"You really don't like oil and salt, kid. If the goddess doesn't show off her tricks, you won't be obedient."

Lena, with a bold personality, turned around and stretched out her arms to grab Ye Yang's back neck.

Very fast action.

However, Ye Yang's body made a strange dodge movement.

The body floats away like a piece of paper.

"You have eyes behind your back?"

Reina doesn't believe in evil.

With both arms stretched out, the speed of probing and grasping gradually increased.

The two descended slowly along the escalator.

But Ye Yang always kept his head down and played with his mobile phone, without turning his head.

The body is flexible and strange, dodging like a ghost.

When Ye Yang got off the escalator.

Walk in the subway corridor.

Reina stood there with an angry expression.

Look at your arms and hands.

He looked at Ye Yang's back in puzzlement.

She fell into deep self-doubt.

"What the hell? Pan Zhen has trained my physical skills since I was a child, so I can't even touch a corner of this kid's clothes."

"He should have just awakened his genetic ability not long ago."

bell bell~

The phone in Reina's pocket rang.

Ducao: "Hey, Lena, I'm Ducao, Morgana disappeared, have you been in contact with Ye Yang now?"

Di Leina: "The forehead is in contact, but he is a bit strange."

Ducao: "It's quite strange. He has such a strong combat power just after awakening. You should take him back to the Super Seminary to protect him as soon as possible. According to intelligence, Morgana has also developed a strong interest in him."

Di Lena: "I can't take him away, this guy is a bit weird, and he has no interest in joining the Super Seminary."

Ducao: "Listen to you, did the two of you fight?"

Di Leina: "No way, I can't get close to him at all."

Ducao: "That can only trouble you to protect him for the time being. Ajie and Qiangwei have recruited some super fighters back, and the Xiongbing Company will be handed over to you for training soon. I am going to pick up Cheng Yaowen now, hang up first. gone."

Di Leina: "Cheng Yaowen, that prince, all right, I understand."


The phone hangs up.

Lei Na followed Ye Yang's footsteps onto the subway.

In the spacious and bright subway car, the two sat opposite each other.

Leina crossed her legs, revealing a large area of ​​white skin.

Ye Yang was silently playing with his phone.

"Can you tell me, what trick did you use just now? Why didn't you look at me, and I couldn't touch you?" Reina asked.

Ye Yang was silent.

I don't want to talk to this kind of middle school girl with social cattle attributes at all.

Ignore people again?Lena couldn't take it anymore.

Swinging fists with both arms, he exerted all his strength to speed up.

However, Ye Yang just sat on the seat and played with his mobile phone with his head down, his body still dodged every blow of Reina flexibly and gracefully.

At night, the Palace of Devil No. [-].

Morgana, dressed in leather, sits on the throne.

Below, a row of well-equipped demon warriors covered in dark red technological red armor.

The leader is Sword Demon Atuo.

"Ato, this is your heart, put it back."

With a flick of Morgana's finger, a light blue cube popped out of the void, and a big beating blue heart inside was very eye-catching.

A look of emotion appeared on Atona's face that hadn't changed for thousands of years.

It was my heart that was taken away by that earthling!

When the heart floated towards his chest, it went in perfectly.

A feeling of being filled filled the whole body.

"Thank you queen for taking action! Please let me handle the corpse of that earthling!"

A Tuo especially wanted to whip the dead Ye Yang.

In his 8000-year career as a warrior, from the devil soldier to the devil military commander, he has never suffered such humiliation!

"I'm sorry Ato, the queen has taken a fancy to Ye Yang, you are not allowed to take action against him." Morgana said lightly.

Hearing this, A Tuo didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction.

After being stunned for a moment, he dispelled his anger towards Ye Yang.

After all, Atuo has always believed in one sentence in his heart, what the queen loves is my love.

"Where is Nightmare, is it there?"

Morgana asked downwards.

"The last general is here, what is the Queen's order?"

In the queue below, an ugly old man in a black robe came out from an inconspicuous corner.

"Send Ye Yang, Du Qiangwei a good dream, and implant a little more of the beauty of the devil." Morgana said meaningfully with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.



(End of this chapter)

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